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fencefixer 03-02-2012 04:38 AM

I'm going crazy!!!
Yesterday around midnight I got really sick with food poisoning.. throwing up on and off, sitting in the bathroom etc. and I haven't had a cigarette.

So I figured why not take the chance to quit smoking cigarettes, well now it's 30 hours later and I think I'm going to kill someone!! ARGH!!!!! I hope these cravings stop soon but my biggest worry is that I'll light up a cigar and get hooked on cigarettes again. I really enjoy cigars for their flavor etc. but only smoke cigarettes cause I'm addicted.

sevans105 03-02-2012 04:40 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
To quote that immortal film "The Waterboy",.....You can do it!

emopunker2004 03-02-2012 04:41 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
smoke a cigar instead :r

sevans105 03-02-2012 04:51 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Go get Vitamin C tabs....500 mg if you can find them. Start taking 1000 mg twice a day. You can't overdose on Vitamin C. The vitamin pulls the nicotine out of your system much faster than will power alone.....3 or 4 days instead of weeks. That will help with the physical. The mental, the habit, is tougher. I'll post some techniques for that when I'm on a computer.

You can do it.

fencefixer 03-02-2012 05:03 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Thanks Scott really appreciate your offer to help. For what it's worth, I've been smoking since the age of about 14 I believe, when smoking was 'cool'. Generally I smoke half a pack a day..

The cigarette calculator says I must have smoked over 65 000 cigarettes and 3300 packs..... what the **** :td

Fordman4ever 03-02-2012 05:17 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Wow, that's a lot of cigarettes. Good luck quitting.

Ed M 03-02-2012 05:23 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
I quit smoking (cigarettes) about 10 years ago. I had the same fear when I started smoking cigars, that I would get hooked on cigs again, but I didn't. It's totally different Bro. Cigarettes are a habit, cigars are a hobby.

emopunker2004 03-02-2012 05:25 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
think of it this way, it'll give u more $ for cigars :D

Blak Smyth 03-02-2012 05:25 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!

Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 1578329)
To quote that immortal film "The Waterboy",.....You can do it!

And to continue that quote: "Cut his F@#*ing head off!"

It doesn't seem to apply as much now, but it sounds more awesomer!
Unless of course the addiction represents an evil dragon and removing said dragons head would represent a successful defeat of said addiction, then I guess it does apply to the situation effectively.

Push through the cravings brother, quiting cigarretts can be the best descision you ever made! If you gotta take some time off cigars it will be worth it. Quitting cigs will also make your cigars taste better. Good luck!!!

tengel78 03-02-2012 05:27 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Good luck DC. The first 3-4 days were the worst for me. Cranberry juice helped me in the beginning. Be prepared for an 8 hour day to seem like 40.

jledou 03-02-2012 05:29 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Mammmammmamma Mama Said the cigarettes are the DEVIL!

Sorry couldn't resist. Good luck DC!

irratebass 03-02-2012 10:03 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Good luck can do it!!! Remember to keep something in your moking hand as well, that will help the craving (mind control) also def smoke a cigar it will take your mind off the cigs, never heard of the vitamin C thing that Steve was talking about, but he's old and wise, so go for it.

fencefixer 03-02-2012 10:10 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Mickey.. at the same time a friend of mine from work sent me this message:

"You can do it. When you want a cig. Just fap instead! I hear it is good for the prostate. Fight lung cancer and prostate cancer!" :r

Thanks guys for the motivation, I am now 36 hours smoke free and cravings are horrible. The more I wanna smoke, the more I snack but usually after I eat I have a smoke, it's a vicious cycle!

Remo 03-02-2012 10:17 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Sucks DC, feel better :tu

sevans105 03-02-2012 10:34 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Ok...On a computer.

Go get the Vitamin C. Serious. Clinical trials say this a great thing. And you won't get scurvy.

While at the store, get CINNAMON mouth wash and if you can find it, CINNAMON toothpaste. Think of when you smoke. When you get up, after eating, while driving etc. The cinnamon is because it is a different flavor. Shock the system. Change the taste in your mouth. Buy the cinnamon candies.

It truly works. It really is a two pronged approach. Gotta get the nicotine out...Vitamin C will help that. And you have to attack the emotional/habitual. The cinnamon will be a good start. It's such a dramatic flavor change that it helps you get past the emotional urge.

Carrot sticks...pretzels....cinnamon disks....keep a bunch of healthy snack-y things on hand.

You CAN do it. What do you do every day? Kick A$$. Every day. Do this too.

Oh, and Mickey? You are a jerk.

I'm not that old. Although I did just start using a cane...... Crap, I am old. Mickey is still a jerk though.

ArgusP2 03-02-2012 11:24 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
You can do it DC. I started smoking cigarettes also at 14 and after 21 years I quit cold turkey. I did the Vitamin C detox and it really works! Though, unfortunately, instead of cinnamon sticks I used hamburgers.
Did not quit them cold turkey but slowly replacing them with ... uh... cold turkey...

Good luck and keep it up!!

irratebass 03-02-2012 11:42 AM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!

Originally Posted by fencefixer (Post 1578747)
Mickey.. at the same time a friend of mine from work sent me this message:

"You can do it. When you want a cig. Just fap instead! I hear it is good for the prostate. Fight lung cancer and prostate cancer!" :r

Thanks guys for the motivation, I am now 36 hours smoke free and cravings are horrible. The more I wanna smoke, the more I snack but usually after I eat I have a smoke, it's a vicious cycle!

That's funny.......much more fun, or just go poke the wife :xxx


Originally Posted by sevans105 (Post 1578793)
Ok...On a computer.

Go get the Vitamin C. Serious. Clinical trials say this a great thing. And you won't get scurvy.

While at the store, get CINNAMON mouth wash and if you can find it, CINNAMON toothpaste. Think of when you smoke. When you get up, after eating, while driving etc. The cinnamon is because it is a different flavor. Shock the system. Change the taste in your mouth. Buy the cinnamon candies.

It truly works. It really is a two pronged approach. Gotta get the nicotine out...Vitamin C will help that. And you have to attack the emotional/habitual. The cinnamon will be a good start. It's such a dramatic flavor change that it helps you get past the emotional urge.

Carrot sticks...pretzels....cinnamon disks....keep a bunch of healthy snack-y things on hand.

You CAN do it. What do you do every day? Kick A$$. Every day. Do this too.

Oh, and Mickey? You are a jerk.

I'm not that old. Although I did just start using a cane...... Crap, I am old. Mickey is still a jerk though.

Hey, what'd I do? I called ya're just bitter coz I call ya Steve, but ya did call me Mickey instead of Mikey and it's a new year/month so I'll call ya by ya birthname Scott. There, feel better now?-(P

Ashcan Bill 03-02-2012 12:11 PM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Hang in there. Every day that goes by, the desire diminishes a bit. The first couple weeks are the worse.

I quit cold half a dozen years ago. Like you, I had roughly a half pack a day habit when I quit. I'd been smoking around 35 years.

The first week or so it's a real physical battle, fighting the urge for nicotine. After that, it starts to become more mental and a matter of breaking habits.

It ain't easy, but it's a battle you can win. And one worth winning. :tu

jjirons69 03-02-2012 02:18 PM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Eat sunflower seeds, keep them handy at all times. They keep you busy, both hands and mouth. Don't ever buy another pack and it's hard to cheat when you're alone. Around other smokers, don't give in. Think of a long life with your family, being healthy and a role model for the tots. Believe me, your cravings go from insatiable to pure disgust (at least mine did). You have to really want to quit, though. You need to be ready for a long life of clean air. It's worth it!!!

BTW, don't count the hours or days, it'll drive you crazy!!

shark 03-02-2012 05:26 PM

Re: I'm going crazy!!!
Hey man, now's a good time to quit! Don't be afraid to use the gum, patches, or whatever to help if you think you need it. Don't go the Chantix route; from what I've heard from people firsthand is those pills make you even crazier, and NOT in a good way. Everyone's different, but IMO that's too big of a risk. And, unfortunately, it may be a good idea to temporarily take a break from cigars until you have the cigarette habit under control. Good luck!

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