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kenstogie 02-17-2012 10:14 AM

Self Driving Car (no joke)
Yup like the title says ...

a self driving car
by who else???


When The Car Is The Driver
by steve henn

This week the state of Nevada finalized new rules that will make it possible for robotic self-driving cars to receive their own special driving permits. It's not quite driver's licenses for robots — but it's close.

The other day I went for a spin in a robotic car. This car has an $80,000 cone-shaped laser mounted on its roof. There are radars on the front, back and sides. Detailed maps help it navigate.

Do people notice it's a self-driving car and gawk?

"We get a lot of thumbs up," says Anthony Levandowski, one of the leaders of Google's self-driving car project. "People drive by and then they wave. I wish they would keep their eyes on the road."

macsauce13 02-17-2012 10:17 AM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
There is actually a whole fleet of them and they have made it out of CA and have been spotted all across the country. Crazy, huh?

shilala 02-17-2012 10:20 AM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
That's cool. :tu

kenstogie 02-17-2012 10:21 AM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
can you say "designated designated driver" LOL

Blak Smyth 02-17-2012 11:36 AM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
Kinda scary but pretty cool!

cjhalbrooks 02-17-2012 11:37 AM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
im scared, next thing you know the terminator will be at our door

kelmac07 02-17-2012 11:41 AM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
Vey cool indeed.

Blak Smyth 02-17-2012 11:43 AM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
It would sure making smoking cigars while driving much easier!

cjhalbrooks 02-17-2012 11:47 AM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1563035)
It would sure making smoking cigars while driving much easier!

only if it can be a humidor too,

Wait i have a question if the car is speeding who gets the ticket, the passenger, or the owner?

T.G 02-17-2012 12:13 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
The Autonomous Self-Driving Car Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 2012. Human decisions are removed from automotive driving operations. Google Car begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug...

cjhalbrooks 02-17-2012 12:23 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
at least it dosent control the worlds nukes

Blak Smyth 02-17-2012 12:40 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)

Originally Posted by cjhalbrooks (Post 1563051)
at least it dosent control the worlds nukes

Or does it?

Robots are fueling cars too.

And the androids are here too:

wayner123 02-17-2012 12:44 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
While I think it's a cool concept. The alarmist in me wonders about legal ramifications when an accident does happen.

Also, am I the only one who thinks this is not too far off from the people in Wall-E?

tengel78 02-17-2012 12:49 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
Pretty cool, but it is a little scary when a minor breakdown or software crash could kill you and others.

Devanmc 02-17-2012 12:58 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
Cars have been working to drive them selves for years, through darpa's challenge.

Urban Challenge: (long 37min)

Grand Challenge: (a few parts)

good stuff

Stephen 02-17-2012 12:59 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
You're in a Johnny Cab...
Hope you enjoy the ride!

jluck 02-17-2012 02:15 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
What a trip! this could make traveling with the wife more fun....;) :noon

EricF 02-17-2012 02:21 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
If I get one can i drink my $160,000.00 scotch while it drives me around???????

ApexAZ 02-17-2012 04:15 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)

Originally Posted by tengel78 (Post 1563068)
Pretty cool, but it is a little scary when a minor breakdown or software crash could kill you and others.

Way less likely than human error.

Consider how a 747 can land itself.

Remo 02-17-2012 04:17 PM

Re: Self Driving Car (no joke)
What's the point? Lazy @ss humans!!! :r

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