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E.J. 01-19-2012 12:25 PM

Racquetball Anyone?
I use to pay a ton in college and haven't for a LONG time....

The gym I go to has great facilities and I have decided that I am going to start playing again. Actually have been thinking about it for a long time, but ran into a friend there yesterday that has agreed to join me, so having someone to play with has pushed me over the edge, going to buy a racquet ect. Just for fun/exercise.

Anyone use any online retailers that they recommend? What about a GREAT all around racquet?

Anyway..... Figured that I'd ask and see what response I get....

mosesbotbol 01-19-2012 12:50 PM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
I was big into racquetball 15 years ago and miss playing it. My gym has squash courts which is also fun, but takes more practice to have a volley.

Man, I miss playing racquetball, as I bet you do too.

VTDragon 01-19-2012 12:51 PM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
I played for many years in the nineties and then got away from it for lack of time and people to play with when I did have time. Tried to get back into it a couple of years ago and found that my old knees just couldn't handle it any more. Back to the boring eliptical.
Any racquet by Ektelon is generally a good one to go with. Don't forget the eye guards!

E.J. 01-19-2012 12:59 PM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?

Originally Posted by VTDragon (Post 1535032)
I played for many years in the nineties and then got away from it for lack of time and people to play with when I did have time. Tried to get back into it a couple of years ago and found that my old knees just couldn't handle it any more. Back to the boring eliptical.
Any racquet by Ektelon is generally a good one to go with. Don't forget the eye guards!

That makes me laugh. When talking to the friend mentioned above....I was on an eliptical and mentioned it would be much more fun than pounding away on this, as I nodded to the machine....

Figured racquet, eye protection and a couple cans of balls to get me started.

J0eybb 01-19-2012 01:05 PM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
I used to play with my brothers.

dave 01-19-2012 01:27 PM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
Been about ten years, but I miss it, too. Through the old racket in the trunk and been dragging it around, but haven't pulled the trigger. One of these days.....

BigBruce 01-20-2012 01:16 AM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
Funny because my buddy and I just started to play yesterday. We have some Walmart rackets and cheap eye pro. Guess we are not that classy.

schollianmj 01-20-2012 08:07 PM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
you can get a cheap Ektalon racket for about 30 bucks. I also suggest a glove. helps with the grip. I have my old racket from 8 years ago out in my shed. would LOVE to get into playing again, but I just don't have the time...

K Baz 01-22-2012 08:42 AM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
Just started playing.

I use racquetworld.

They have ratings and some info about how to select a raquet.

Enjoy it gives me the best workout I had outside of lacrosse

E.J. 01-24-2012 10:41 AM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?

Originally Posted by K Baz (Post 1537399)
Just started playing.

I use racquetworld.

They have ratings and some info about how to select a raquet.

Enjoy it gives me the best workout I had outside of lacrosse

I used their(RW) ratings system, but actually ordered from racquetballwarehouse, as it is WC and shipping is faster. Racquet, glove, eyewear and 3 cans of balls on their way.

I'm excited to start playing again. I remember the workout being great & it being so fun, not noticing.

E.J. 01-25-2012 07:19 PM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
My guy had to back out last minute today, but still played alone for an hour... Very good sweat going, had to wipe my glasses many times... Looks like I am going to have to get a headband, don't know where I'd put a towel? far, so good. Wonder how I will feel in the AM.... Assume I was using muscles groups that I am not use to using.....

E.J. 03-06-2012 10:49 AM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
Picked up another racquet and a bag today. Also threw in sets of eyewear & gloves for the LM and Michelle/the Little One in case they want to get out there(Michelle and the LO have expressed interest).

Great change of pace workout, though having difficulty finding people to play with regularly. That is relative, we have challenge courts, as well as leagues at my gym.....but my pride has kept me away.......:o

jjirons69 03-06-2012 02:43 PM

Re: Racquetball Anyone?
Use a Slazenger racquet and play with buddies from work. Very competitive for a bunch of mid-40 year olds. I do hate wearing glasses, as they fog or get sweat on the lens. It's hard to clean your lens when your shirt is soaked, too. It is a knee and ankle wrecker!

Good luck and stretch, often.

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