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lenguamor 01-01-2012 07:10 PM

Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932

The tax stamp on these fivers tells a story of a cigar made in or before 1932 by the Bobrow Brothers factory at 220 South 5th St, Philadelphia. With the Great Depression in full stride, these were still 25¢ a pack, so they were not scrimping on quality

As the name of the cigar implies, it was manufactured (very likely from Cuban filler, almost certainly with a Sumatra wrapper) to be a stronger cigar than was the norm in those times, when most cigars were advertised as "mild." Even 80 years later, it delivers.

The construction is solid and the cigar holds together remarkably well. Clipping just a quarter-inch from the non-punched head reveals a pre-light draw of sweetness and dried fruit. The narrow foot takes little flame to light.

Right off, the distinct background of dried fruit asserts itself; currant, apricot. The real surprise with these is always the strength; 80 years and this stick still delivers a full, bold, almost peppery flavor. Little nicotine, naturally. But what flavor!

Around the middle and to the end, the flavor of dark berries weaves in and out; the flavor and strength intensifies but the mild pepper mellows and you're left with a little flavor bomb to nub enthusiastically.

A beautiful way to start 2012; I wish I had a thousand or so of these.

Emjaysmash 01-01-2012 08:37 PM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932
Awesome review! Thanks for sharing!

icehog3 01-01-2012 09:53 PM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932
Love your vintage reviews, Joe! Thank you for sharing. :)

Ed21201 01-02-2012 12:45 PM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932
Nice review! Looks delicious!

STEVE S 01-02-2012 01:38 PM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932
Joe, I know you said you had some aged cigars. I had no idea now old. Very nice review!!

icehog3 01-02-2012 01:46 PM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932
Your recent reviews inspired me to fire up a 1940's La Prosa last night, held up pretty darn well for a 70 year old smoke.

lenguamor 01-02-2012 02:50 PM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1518391)
Your recent reviews inspired me to fire up a 1940's La Prosa last night, held up pretty darn well for a 70 year old smoke.

Sweet! Smoking something like that connects you in a small way to a time that most of us can only imagine.

Thanks for the comments, guys. I'm glad to be able to share these ancient sticks with all of you.

Tom, you might recall the 2001 (or so) Añejos I scored in December of '06; despite the presence of some water damage to the bands, I've smoked several of them in the six years since and found them to be marvelous. The next time we get a substantial group together for a local herf I'm going to bring one for a PPP. I'd love to get a group review of an 10-year-old Añejo.

Ameliacha 12-03-2012 07:58 PM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932
Hi there - I just found this site while looking for images of Bobrow Brothers Cigars. I can't tell you how excited I was to read, not only that you had some of these cigars, but that you enjoyed smoking them so much. You see, the Bobrow brothers were my great-grandfather and great-uncles. I grew up in a cloud of Sunday evening cigar smoke, my grandfather a master smoke-ring blower. What a delight to learn that people are still smoking and enjoying my family's legacy all these years later!

If you aren't using those cigar bands for anything else, I would dearly love to have one of my own. Please let me know if that's possible! Thanks for your wonderful review; I'm going to share it with my mother and I know she will love the memories it will evoke for her.


lenguamor 12-04-2012 11:58 PM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932

Originally Posted by Ameliacha (Post 1758993)
Hi there - I just found this site while looking for images of Bobrow Brothers Cigars. I can't tell you how excited I was to read, not only that you had some of these cigars, but that you enjoyed smoking them so much. You see, the Bobrow brothers were my great-grandfather and great-uncles. I grew up in a cloud of Sunday evening cigar smoke, my grandfather a master smoke-ring blower. What a delight to learn that people are still smoking and enjoying my family's legacy all these years later!

If you aren't using those cigar bands for anything else, I would dearly love to have one of my own. Please let me know if that's possible! Thanks for your wonderful review; I'm going to share it with my mother and I know she will love the memories it will evoke for her.


How freakin' cool is this! It makes me very happy that you have that connection to these wonderful smokes, and that you found this thread. When I smoke these or any of the other really old cigars, I always like to imagine being in the store at the time, smoking them fresh. I envy your connection through your family.

PM sent.

whodeeni 12-30-2012 08:01 AM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932

Originally Posted by lenguamor (Post 1759620)
How freakin' cool is this! It makes me very happy that you have that connection to these wonderful smokes, and that you found this thread. When I smoke these or any of the other really old cigars, I always like to imagine being in the store at the time, smoking them fresh. I envy your connection through your family.

PM sent.

Wow! That's awesome!:tu

cjhalbrooks 12-30-2012 08:31 AM

Re: Bobrow Brothers Bold Invincibles, 1932
this is freaking awesome

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