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Lonely Raven 10-28-2011 06:50 AM

Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
The big B&M in my area had a Halloween party hosting Drew Estates and a limited release cigar Liga Privada Unicos UF4. It was costumes and smokes. There was a lot of LP9 on hand, tons of My Uzi Weighs a Ton, some LP40, and some of the UF4. There was a raffle for anyone who bought boxes of sticks, an $800 carbon fiber humidor that was just knock down gorgeous, and some LP Ash Trays and a $200 gift card to the best costume. (photos will follow as my fiance downloads them off her camera).

I have to say, Jon was one of the nicest guys I've *ever* met. He treated every single person who came up to see him like they were the most important person in the room. That, on top of the usual signing boxes and taking photos in front of a Drew Estates banner.

There was a little bit of a line, and he was taking his time with everyone...he apologized for the wait when our time came to meet him. He asked what we were smoking, and why we weren't smoking right now, and we explained that we're still beginners, and are working our way through the ACID lineup. I mentioned that I had an UnderCrown for the first time last weekend, and it was just too much for me...that I felt lightheaded and a little woosey (is that how it's spelled?). He said to me "don't be like these guys, smoking 4-6-8 sticks a day, and don't try to rush to the stronger stuff. Take your time, enjoy the mild sticks as long as you can". Then he walked us over to the ACID product (which wasn't part of this event at all) and picked a couple sticks for my fiance and I and said they were on him. Then we talked costumes and Chicago and compared our bellies (mines bigger unfortunately)LOL

This event was completely different than the Tat Wolfman release where I felt like I was swarmed by used car salesmen trying to push boxes on me. Jon was just so very into every single person who took the time to come by, and spent as much time with me and my fiance as anyone else; even though we only bought two sticks (and gave us a few sticks). Great event, and a really great guy. I have a lot more respect for Drew Estates right now, and I hope to run into Jon again.

(more photos to follow)

Blak Smyth 10-28-2011 07:00 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Awesome thanks for sharing!
Can't wait for the rest of the pics.
I can't wait to meet JD!

Lonely Raven 10-28-2011 07:09 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Looks like some photos are up! All shots taken with my fiance's Nikon D700 and 50mm f/1.4. It was not very well lit, so I'm surprised these shots came out as well as they did. It might have something to do with an excellent photographer. :)

My fiance and the guy who won the costume contest. His wife made him that costume, and the cigar band is printed canvas that's velcro'd on so he can swap it it out depending on who's hosting the event! LOL

Jonathan Drew doing his thing:

This sexy box was the big raffle prize. The shop owners had to mention a dozen times how much they spent on this box.

Lonely Raven 10-28-2011 07:11 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Some sticks:

This hoodie/costume cracked us all up. It looked like a white hoodie till you zip up the zipper: Bam! Instant Storm Trooper

My rotund self, Jon, and my fiance Brianne. We did not win the costume contest unfortunately. Everyone who came in costume did get a free Dirty Rat hat. I think Jon was trying to scam my costume idea (And plenty of guys were trying to steal my woman!)

irratebass 10-28-2011 07:19 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Very cool story Eric, glad you had an ejoyable time at the event. Looks like a good time....very awesome of Jonathan to take the time to meet his fans and super awesome of him to give you and your lovely a couple of sticks.

Question, what were the LP's and Uzi going for as singles?

Lonely Raven 10-28-2011 07:21 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1455875)
Very cool story Eric, glad you had an ejoyable time at the event. Looks like a good time....very awesome of Jonathan to take the time to meet his fans and super awesome of him to give you and your lovely a couple of sticks.

Question, what were the LP's and Uzi going for as singles?

The short Uzi were $7.95 or $8.95, and each size up was another dollar.

The LPs didn't have prices on them, except the LP40, which I think was $13 a stick.

I nearly fell over to see the boxes of LP9s at $299+ a box. They were big boxes though.

It didn't look like they had any Dirty Rat, I know those are a favorite here and I was going to score some to share on the forums...but the only dirty rat I saw was the hats they gave out.

danreeve 10-28-2011 07:23 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
nice pics! looks like a great time. I was going to be there but just have done to much traveling in the past few weeks.


Boz 10-28-2011 07:24 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Very cool Eric, thanks for sharing. :tu

Mikess 10-28-2011 07:26 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Good photos, looks like a good time.

irratebass 10-28-2011 07:28 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven (Post 1455877)
The short Uzi were $7.95 or $8.95, and each size up was another dollar.

The LPs didn't have prices on them, except the LP40, which I think was $13 a stick.

I nearly fell over to see the boxes of LP9s at $299+ a box. They were big boxes though.

It didn't look like they had any Dirty Rat, I know those are a favorite here and I was going to score some to share on the forums...but the only dirty rat I saw was the hats they gave out., $13 a stick? Kinda pricey. Can't wait for more pics, especially of your lil lady :xxx :D

Lonely Raven 10-28-2011 07:31 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1455889), $13 a stick? Kinda pricey. Can't wait for more pics, especially of your lil lady :xxx :D

Hey now, no weezin the juice!! :sl

kelmac07 10-28-2011 07:34 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Very cool...thanks for sharing Eric. :tu

irratebass 10-28-2011 07:34 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven (Post 1455892)
Hey now, no weezin the juice!! :sl

No sharing? :td

WittyUserName 10-28-2011 07:49 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Eric, looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing, now post up some pictures of the loot!!

Crownedone 10-28-2011 08:05 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Way cool, thanks for shareing.

CigarNut 10-28-2011 08:11 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Thanks for sharing -- those are some great pics and it sounds like it was a great event.

Just to echo Jon's comments -- because he's right! There is nothing wrong with smoking mild cigars and there is nothing wrong with smoking a few cigars per week/month/etc. It's not a contest. Smoke however many sticks you want, smoke what you like and like what you smoke!

dave 10-28-2011 08:32 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Sounds like a GREAT (and memorable) night.
Thanks for posting.

MrClean 10-28-2011 10:23 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
Nice thread Eric, cool to see the pics. The 50mm lens is awesome no matter which brand you have. Good advice from JD, don't rush anything, enjoy what you like and work your way up when you're comfortable with it. :banger

mariogolbee 10-28-2011 10:37 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
This was a vey enjoyable read and the photos are a nice touch. It's good to know that you had such a warm experience. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about Jonathan Drew. Awesome.

Flynnster 10-28-2011 10:51 AM

Re: Met Jonathan Drew Last Night
What shop was this? because the "Alley" shirt is from down the block from me!

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