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shilala 10-24-2011 12:44 PM

New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
I finally started reworking my big old display humi.
I got this thing a few years ago from Quaker Steak and Lube in Cranberry, PA. That's a Pittsburgh suburb. I brought it home, added fans, four of those little oasis humidifiers, and tons of cold cathode light tubes. Everything was controlled by an awesome control center that looked like a stack of cigar boxes. Lift the lid and there were all the control switches for everything.
The cold cathodes sucked. They were flaky and didn't like to work, or half the tube lit, or they didn't work at all. The humidifiers needed filling constantly cause it leaked like a sieve.
So I picked up an Avallo Accumonitor system and a big bunch of t5 flourescents, a plug bar and tons of silicone. So far I just tore her apart and sealed her up. Today I'm going to stain the fan bar so it matches the humi and mount the plug bar and try to figure out where I'll hide the computer power supply that powers the fans.

Here's a pic of the old girl before the tear down...

and here's a pic as she sits now...

I'll post updates as she goes. If you guys want detailed pics on the fans and lights and stuff, I'll show you how I did that stuff, too. :tu

deadrise 10-24-2011 12:53 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
very cool good luck with the leaks

irratebass 10-24-2011 01:12 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
This looks nice Scott, looking forward to the updates.

Remo 10-24-2011 01:13 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Very cool Scott, good luck.

shilala 10-24-2011 01:19 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
I'm excited about seeing her all slap full up of cigars. I'm going to try to do some sort of inventory when I fill her up, just so I can guage how insane I am.

Blak Smyth 10-24-2011 01:20 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
That will be one badass cabinet!
Good luck, keep us posted with pics!

kelmac07 10-24-2011 01:58 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Here we go. :tu

Apoco 10-24-2011 02:58 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Gonna go ahead and subscribe to this one. Best of luck! :tu
Posted via Mobile Device

N2 GOLD 10-24-2011 03:16 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
& It begins... :tu

Lanks85 10-24-2011 03:30 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Stoked to see how this project comes along. She's a beaut! :tu

Boz 10-24-2011 04:17 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Wow very cool Scott. I cant wait to see it all filled up. :tu

MrClean 10-24-2011 07:06 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Nice project Scott, can't wait to see the progress!

SteelCityBoy 10-25-2011 05:40 AM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Scott, I had no idea you could pick up a humi from a Quaker Steak and Lube! First of all, I love that place and there are none out here neary Philly, second of all I didn't think they even sold cigars! Either way that is a awesome pick up and I would love to see how it progresses! I am in the market for a nice sized humi myself so PLEASE keep me posted if you see anything more out that way.

Even though you are having to put some work into that thing it should be well worth it in the end! :tu

longknocker 10-25-2011 05:46 AM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Looking Good, Brother!:tu Thanks For The Pics! :)

shilala 10-25-2011 07:26 AM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi

Originally Posted by SteelCityBoy (Post 1452314)
Scott, I had no idea you could pick up a humi from a Quaker Steak and Lube! First of all, I love that place and there are none out here neary Philly, second of all I didn't think they even sold cigars! Either way that is a awesome pick up and I would love to see how it progresses! I am in the market for a nice sized humi myself so PLEASE keep me posted if you see anything more out that way.

Even though you are having to put some work into that thing it should be well worth it in the end! :tu

I found this thing on Craigslist a few years ago, Ken. It had been in the Quaker Steak and Lube when they opened, along with a great big cigar locker. They moved away from that idea and had the humi and locker in storage. I went and took a look and dragged the humi home. I lived about an hour and a half northeast of Pittsburgh at that time.
You should keep an eye on Craigslist. Stuff like this shows up on there a lot. :tu

Lonely Raven 10-25-2011 08:01 AM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
Very cool project! I'm looking forward to what you do with it!

Smokin Gator 10-25-2011 08:07 AM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
I loved her before and look forward to the updates on the update!

NeuRon 10-25-2011 08:13 AM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
nice work scott!

hscmit 10-25-2011 12:06 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi
nice project

irratebass 10-25-2011 01:27 PM

Re: New Project : Resurrecting The Display Humi

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1452381)
You should keep an eye on Craigslist. Stuff like this shows up on there a lot. :tu

Not in my area :confused:

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