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skullnrose 09-26-2011 10:37 AM

I just discovered Coffee
First things first until a week ago I never drank a cup of coffee in my life. My fiance drinks coffee and we have a drip machine and a Keurig. I've always loved the smell of coffee for whatever reason I just never drank it.

Because I'm not the type to just leave well enough alone I start reading everything I can about coffee and decide since she seems to really enjoy coffee she deserves to enjoy "Better" Coffee.

Enter the Aeropress, Capresso Infinity Grinder and Unclebeanz Negrita coffee. The stars align and this stuff all arrives on the same day. I'm like a kid on Christmas morning and can't wait to do a trial run so I can show her how easy it is to brew a "Better" cup of coffee.

I do drink tea and love gadgets so we already own a Zojirushi CV-DSC40 water dispencer which I use to fill the Aeropress using the inverted method.This whole process is reminding me not only how much I enjoy a good cigar but also the art and ritual that goes into lighting it.

I'm starring down into the mug of my fresh brew and figure I should really taste this stuff. Flashing back again to how I discovered cigars by first loving the smell this is all seemingly to familiar to me. I have visions of the cliff ahead but still continue on topping off with hot water a touch of half/half and a sugar in the raw. I give it a quick stir and take my first sip.

By now you can see where this is going. It's been a week I haven't tried it pure black yet but I can tell this is the direction I'm heading. I'm now leaving out the sugar and using less half/half and enjoying 2-3 cups a day.

My fiance you wonder ? Well I set her up with a little unscientific blind taste test. A cup from the keurig, a cup of some ground kona blend from the drip and a cup from my newly discoverd Aunt Aero and Unclebeanz. She knows me well and that when I get into something I go into it full tilt so I'm sure shes trying to pick any other than the aeropressed cup but her honesty and tastebuds lead her to choose just that.

All of this leaves me with many thoughts. I already know I'll only purchase whole beans but what about roasting my own? I'm sure well keep the keurig for that quick cup on the run. I would like to find someone local( I'm in NJ) that owns a roaster and experience the process first hand.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, tips tricks ect... French Press, Moka pot, Expresso machine,Roaster, The rule of 15's and such.

Thanks for taking the time to read this !

Blak Smyth 09-26-2011 10:42 AM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
It's another slippery slope! Enjoy!

Mr B 09-26-2011 10:53 AM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
Check out Sweet Marias for green beans and lots of tutorials on Home Roasting.
I prefer brewing in a French Press.
I also add Silk Creamer and sugar. Always have and always will.

Drink it how you like it.


cobra03 09-26-2011 11:07 AM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
So many slippery slopes around this place! You cant go wrong with a french press. :2

ghostrider 09-26-2011 12:50 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
On my quest for the perfect cup of coffee, I stumbled upon (read shoved down the slope my Mr Moo) the joys of home roasting. I now have about a dozen different ways to brew my coffee. I was amazed what a difference fresh roasted beans make, and the incredible variety of flavors available depending on the country of origin.

Welcome to the slope ;)

phicks85 09-26-2011 02:59 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
I have to agree that the french press is the way to go. You get so many more of those nice oils into your mug instead of them being stuck in a filter.

Skywalker 09-27-2011 03:40 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
Congrats Scott!!!:noon

Welcome to yet another slope!!!

BTW, coffee is soooo good with cigars!:dr

WittyUserName 09-27-2011 07:12 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
I have been holding off on the coffee stuff for quite some time now. I almost pulled the trigger on a syphon system a year ago but decided not to go down that slope. Since seeing the OP I have been searching Amazon and adding grinders, electric kettles, hario dripper and filters to my wish list. That is the first step to purchase for me. Just have to hold out a little while longer.

ashtonlady 09-27-2011 08:37 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
What is a Hario Dripper?

forgop 09-27-2011 08:50 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
Keurig < French Press < Cold Brewed

This was my path to drinking coffee anyway.

skullnrose 09-27-2011 09:13 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
I just ordered a French press and look forward to trying it out. I have been using the metal filter with the Aeropress and notice it passes on more of the oils compared to the paper filters. While searching for a french press I stumbled on the Espro press which sounds great other than its 70.00 and only brews 8oz. I'm real close to ordering the Behmor 1600 Roaster unless someone can convince me otherwise.

Mister Moo 09-28-2011 05:47 AM

Re: I just discovered Coffee

Originally Posted by skullnrose (Post 1422893)
...I'm real close to ordering the Behmor 1600 Roaster unless someone can convince me otherwise.


Stop. Rethink. Do not allow your enthusiasm to misdirect you.

Your opening post clearly reveals you need to defer all other expenditures until you have selected and purchased a killer grinder. I suggest you take any money you might spend on anything coffee and immediately divert it to a grinder. You have all the key indicators of needing a Mazzer Mini, Macap or, at the very least, a Rancilio Rocky.

You cannot build a house by starting with shingles. The best possible grinder - one for a lifetime, ideally - is the foundation upon which your world of great coffees are brewed and poured. If you only ever wanted coffee from a press or, maybe, a mokapot, I'd say "You gonna LOVE that Infinity" but, you won't. There is no guesswork here; you can take that to the bank.

Enjoy whatever. :tu

WittyUserName 09-28-2011 06:02 AM

Re: I just discovered Coffee

Originally Posted by ashtonlady (Post 1422875)
What is a Hario Dripper?


This paired with fresh roasted beans, a grinder and an electric kettle will make you a fresh cup every time.

floydpink 09-28-2011 09:21 AM

Re: I just discovered Coffee

Originally Posted by skullnrose (Post 1422893)
I just ordered a French press and look forward to trying it out. I have been using the metal filter with the Aeropress and notice it passes on more of the oils compared to the paper filters. While searching for a french press I stumbled on the Espro press which sounds great other than its 70.00 and only brews 8oz. I'm real close to ordering the Behmor 1600 Roaster unless someone can convince me otherwise.

I have a Behmor 1600 and love it. It's served me well for 2 years now.

I came close to going the popcorn popper route, but am glad I got the Behmor.

I'm not going to say to get the grinder first because it would be too sensible. I learned that the hard way and it wouldn't be fair to let someone benefit off my experience.

If you decide to go the correct route, Moo is correct about Mazzers and Macaps. (I'm a Macap owner, and he's a Mazzer owner)

Skywalker 09-28-2011 04:05 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee

Originally Posted by skullnrose (Post 1422893)
I. While searching for a french press I stumbled on the Espro press which sounds great other than its 70.00 and only brews 8oz.

Same principle as a French Press... but you can find a nice French Press for much cheaper.

germantown rob 09-28-2011 04:43 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1423540)
Same principle as a French Press... but you can find a nice French Press for much cheaper.

Cleaner cup then FP. $70 is a lot of money but it is a small company just starting out.

germantown rob 09-28-2011 05:02 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee

Originally Posted by skullnrose (Post 1422893)
I just ordered a French press and look forward to trying it out. I have been using the metal filter with the Aeropress and notice it passes on more of the oils compared to the paper filters. While searching for a french press I stumbled on the Espro press which sounds great other than its 70.00 and only brews 8oz. I'm real close to ordering the Behmor 1600 Roaster unless someone can convince me otherwise.

I have to agree with Mister Moo, run while you still can. It all starts with a few brew devices, a good burr grinder, fresh roasted coffee, then you find yourself thinking roasting would be nice and it will bring the cost of buying that already roasted fresh roast, it leads to harder stuff. Next thing you know you have 2 6'x4'x3' shelves covered with brew devices, roasters, green coffee beans, then there is the commercial roaster in the garage, the multiple grinders and espresso machines and now talking with Atlas importers discussing whole and 1/2 bags of green beans, picking up 5lbs of Don Pachi Geisha beans from Panama, and finding yourself crying like a baby when a container of Ethiopia Nekisse bound for the USA is stolen. Is this what you want?

SteelCityBoy 09-28-2011 05:23 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee
Can't wait to try a Liga Privada with a great cup of coffee...SOUNDS DELECIOUS!

Savor the Stick 09-28-2011 07:51 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1421137)
It's another slippery slope! Enjoy!

I was going to post that!


Originally Posted by skullnrose (Post 1422893)
I just ordered a French press and look forward to trying it out. I have been using the metal filter with the Aeropress and notice it passes on more of the oils compared to the paper filters. While searching for a french press I stumbled on the Espro press which sounds great other than its 70.00 and only brews 8oz. I'm real close to ordering the Behmor 1600 Roaster unless someone can convince me otherwise.

Where did you get the metal filter from? Thanks.


Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1423023)

Stop. Rethink. Do not allow your enthusiasm to misdirect you.

Your opening post clearly reveals you need to defer all other expenditures until you have selected and purchased a killer grinder. I suggest you take any money you might spend on anything coffee and immediately divert it to a grinder. You have all the key indicators of needing a Mazzer Mini, Macap or, at the very least, a Rancilio Rocky.

You cannot build a house by starting with shingles. The best possible grinder - one for a lifetime, ideally - is the foundation upon which your world of great coffees are brewed and poured. If you only ever wanted coffee from a press or, maybe, a mokapot, I'd say "You gonna LOVE that Infinity" but, you won't. There is no guesswork here; you can take that to the bank.

Enjoy whatever. :tu

Well I usually would agree with Moo...he has a great amount of wisdom in the coffee arts. (no offense Dan)

BUT....I have the Capresso Infinity Grinder and a Moka, and a French Press and an Aero Press and don't want to go any further. Oh I also roast my own green beans.

Suffice to say everyone is different and their tastes are therefore different...unless you are wanting to get into espresso coffee and the high priced machines (nothing wrong with that) to make it, think long and hard where your coffee journey is taking you.

God Bless and have a great cup and smoke.

skullnrose 09-28-2011 08:39 PM

Re: I just discovered Coffee

Originally Posted by Savor the Stick (Post 1423759)
I was going to post that!

Where did you get the metal filter from? Thanks.

Well I usually would agree with Moo...he has a great amount of wisdom in the coffee arts. (no offense Dan)

BUT....I have the Capresso Infinity Grinder and a Moka, and a French Press and an Aero Press and don't want to go any further. Oh I also roast my own green beans.

Suffice to say everyone is different and their tastes are therefore different...unless you are wanting to get into espresso coffee and the high priced machines (nothing wrong with that) to make it, think long and hard where your coffee journey is taking you.

God Bless and have a great cup and smoke.

The filter I ordered from amazon There are a few different ones but this one seems to work just fine.

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