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Newbie_nick 09-23-2011 05:11 PM

My coolider project
Hey all!

I just put together my first coolidor, and I thought that I'd share my experience. Feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions on how I could improve my setup. I'm here to learn!

I started by buying a full pound of RH beads and a Xikar digital hygrometer, and according to their website, that quantity of beads should be able to supply a 150 quart cooler or 5.0 cu ft. Originally, I wanted to build a ~75 quart coolidor, but I also wanted to use the beads in my standard humidor as well. I thought that a little overkill would be good here!

After getting my beads and hygrometer, I visited my local Wally World and found a 45 quart cooler. I wanted a bigger one, but at this late in the season, they were sold out of bigger ones. After getting the cooler home, I washed the inside with a mild detergent, rinsed it thoroughly, and set it outside to dry in the sunlight.

Moving inside, I opened the beads and dug out the mesh bag inside. Using a kitchen funnel, I CAREFULLY poured about 3/4 of the beads into the bag, and per the directions, I added about 3 tbls of distilled water to the beads. I could actually hear the beads crackle as they soaked up some of the water, and the beads turned clear as they soaked up the water. After the soaking process, I hung the bag using the plastic strap in the cooler that keeps the lid from flying wide open. It was perfect to keep the bag of beads hanging in the cooler to give maximum surface area to absorb/emit moisture as needed.

***Although I didn't show it here, I also calibrated my hygrometer using using the salt and water calibration method.***

After I got the cooler washed and ready with the beads, I loaded the cooler with a few empty boxes that I picked up from my local B&M shop. They sell empty boxes for $2/$3 each, and I thought that they would be perfect to keep my extra sticks in. Finally, I added the hygrometer on top and shut the lid. Since I have a regular humidor for my daily smoking needs, I'm going to use the coolidor for my long term storage, so I'm not going to be opening it very often. The beads are nice to load it there and forget all of your humidification worries.

Honestly, this was a pretty easy project. I figure that it cost about $75, including the coolier, hygrometer, and the full pound of beads. I'm glad that I have plenty of space....for now!

kelmac07 09-23-2011 05:25 PM

Re: My coolider project
That space won't be empty for long. :D

Newbie_nick 09-23-2011 05:29 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1418821)
That space won't be empty for long. :D

I know... I was hoping that the coolidor size limitations would curb me from spending more $$$ on cigars! Fat chance of that... -(P

N2 GOLD 09-23-2011 05:39 PM

Re: My coolider project
Very kool Nick... :tu I'm getting ready to start my kooler some time next week.

Bax 09-23-2011 05:43 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by Newbie_nick (Post 1418822)
I know... I was hoping that the coolidor size limitations would curb me from spending more $$$ on cigars! Fat chance of that... -(P

:r You should hit the comedy circuit with jokes like that!!!!

N2 GOLD 09-23-2011 05:46 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by Newbie_nick (Post 1418822)
I know... I was hoping that the coolidor size limitations would curb me from spending more $$$ on cigars! Fat chance of that... -(P

Funny guy... :r :r :r

Drez 09-23-2011 05:55 PM

Re: My coolider project
looking good so far.............. just alot of empty space...........

EricF 09-23-2011 06:02 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by Drez (Post 1418843)
looking good so far.............. just alot of empty space...........

:tpd:....................................Just sayin'!!!!

Newbie_nick 09-23-2011 06:03 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by Drez (Post 1418843)
looking good so far.............. just alot of empty space...........

Yeah, I know. I'm a noob, remember? I've blown my budget for this month and maybe for next, so the empty space will have to wait! :D

Ogre 09-23-2011 06:04 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by Newbie_nick (Post 1418822)
I know... I was hoping that the coolidor size limitations would curb me from spending more $$$ on cigars! Fat chance of that... -(P

This should be posted in the jokes thread!!!!:r:r

Drez 09-23-2011 06:11 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by Newbie_nick (Post 1418852)
Yeah, I know. I'm a noob, remember? I've blown my budget for this month and maybe for next, so the empty space will have to wait! :D

slim chance..............

Blak Smyth 09-23-2011 06:12 PM

Re: My coolider project
I am doing the same setup! Looking good brother!

irratebass 09-23-2011 09:41 PM

Re: My coolider project
I will have a cooler soon. Looks great Nick :tu

TBone 09-23-2011 10:00 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by Newbie_nick (Post 1418852)
Yeah, I know. I'm a noob, remember? I've blown my budget for this month and maybe for next, so the empty space will have to wait! :D

Newb statement

CigarSquid 09-23-2011 10:04 PM

Re: My coolider project
Looks like mine!

Remo 09-23-2011 11:29 PM

Re: My coolider project
Between you and Garry posting empty cooler pics, I can see alot of carnage flying around soon :gary

CigarSquid 09-23-2011 11:43 PM

Re: My coolider project
I got some sticks added.. 20 to be exact... Hardly a dent in the cooler though.

Remo 09-23-2011 11:44 PM

Re: My coolider project

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1419305)
I got some sticks added.. 20 to be exact... Hardly a dent in the cooler though.


deadrise 09-24-2011 01:22 AM

Re: My coolider project
nice set up right there

Skywalker 09-24-2011 01:28 AM

Re: My coolider project
Good job!!!:tu

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