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LockOut 09-03-2011 09:25 AM

New Pipe
estate pipe from fleabay. Never been smoked. Briar outside with the solid block meerschaum inside. Needs a little clean up. The rubber on the bite piece is dry rotted and needs to be cut off.

I know you guys said you clean new pipes with ever clear. Is it safe to do with this pipe with the wood? Also I'm assuming these don't have to be smoked with the filter. I think i remember you guys saying it was an optional thing. Is it needed?

physiognomy 09-03-2011 09:59 AM

Re: New Pipe

Originally Posted by LockOut (Post 1397203)
... I know you guys said you clean new pipes with ever clear. Is it safe to do with this pipe with the wood?

Run a wet (everclear or high % alcohol) cleaner through the stem (remove from pipe) before you smoke it, but other than that you are good to go. I use a dry cleaner after smoking & only use everclear once a month or so to keep my pipes fresh. Cleaning specifics really depend on how often you smoke a pipe. Hopefully others who have more experience with this type of pipe will chime in.


Originally Posted by LockOut (Post 1397203)
... Also I'm assuming these don't have to be smoked with the filter. I think i remember you guys saying it was an optional thing. Is it needed?

I say try it & see how you like it. There's no right way & all that is important is your preference. No one else is smoking your pipe, but you. That said, you are right, they aren't necessary & a lot of people do chuck them. I found that they will keep your smoke a little cooler & definitely dryer, but don't often use them for simplicity's sake.

Emjaysmash 09-03-2011 10:05 AM

Re: New Pipe
I don't know if you know this, but I figured I;d say it anyway. Keep the alcohol away from the outside of the pipe. It will take off the stain.

Like physio said, run a pipe cleaner through it. You cvould even take a paper towel and wipe out the inside of the bowl with it. Should be good to go.

TheatyHannington 09-03-2011 01:52 PM

Re: New Pipe
Awesome pipe, good sir! Have fun with it! Congratulations!

LockOut 09-03-2011 07:17 PM

Re: New Pipe
got it, thanks guys.

Sherlockholms 09-06-2011 09:32 PM

Re: New Pipe
Very nice score Tom, that is one good looking pipe my friend. Enjoy it!

Mister Moo 09-07-2011 05:20 AM

Re: New Pipe
Alcohol, said to soften meerschaum, isn't advised for soaking a clay bowl. However, wiping out a meer bowl with an alcohol-soggy pipecleaner to sanitize or help destink is a common practice.

Slow Triathlete 09-08-2011 09:09 PM

Re: New Pipe
Get rid of the filter. It will just make your bowl taste horrible.

Vic81 09-08-2011 09:25 PM

Re: New Pipe
Great looking pipe, I need to pick one up and see what it is all about ;)

BnBTobacco 09-08-2011 10:19 PM

Re: New Pipe
Pipes remind me of my grandfather. Congratulations and enjoy it!

TBone 09-08-2011 11:15 PM

Re: New Pipe
Luv the look of the pipe...I got my first mershaum pipe in Incirlik Turkey a long time ago I love how the smoke

LockOut 09-09-2011 06:42 AM

Re: New Pipe
smoked it for the first time last night Christmas cookies from '07 thanks to HotReds. Good desert smoke aft dinner. It smokes great! I'm very happy with it.

cigaman1979 05-28-2012 03:59 PM

Re: New Pipe
I am thinking of purchasing the medusa figured meerschaum pipe here :

what do you guys think ? I have saved enough money up to now,so I think it is the right time to pull the trigger ;)

cigaman1979 05-28-2012 04:19 PM

Re: New Pipe
I have one more option as a new pipe :

Can you guys help to decide between those ?


Mister Moo 05-29-2012 04:44 PM

Re: New Pipe

Originally Posted by cigaman1979 (Post 1644898)
I have one more option as a new pipe :

Can you guys help to decide between those ?


Askwith pipe - no contest. :tu

RevSmoke 05-29-2012 04:49 PM

Re: New Pipe
No alcohol on the outside of the briar. And, you don't really need to wipe out the inside of the meershaum if it is new.

As for the filter, skip it, all it does is gunk up the flow of the draw.

cigaman1979 06-05-2012 02:18 PM

Re: New Pipe
@moo I am %99 sure I will choose this one..

Probably my new pipe will be this one from Storient Meerschaum Pipes.. I am about to pull the trigger

Mister Moo 06-06-2012 07:53 AM

Re: New Pipe

Originally Posted by cigaman1979 (Post 1649843)
@moo I am %99 sure I will choose this one..

Probably my new pipe will be this one from Storient Meerschaum Pipes.. I am about to pull the trigger

Before you pull the trigger!!! What are the pipe dimensions?

cigaman1979 06-06-2012 05:10 PM

Re: New Pipe

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1650243)
Before you pull the trigger!!! What are the pipe dimensions?

@moo here are the sizes in cms :

Mister Moo 06-07-2012 12:46 PM

Re: New Pipe

Originally Posted by cigaman1979 (Post 1650609)
@moo here are the sizes in cms :

Looks great! Always check the airway size on a meer, is my lame advice. You want to hear "4mm" which means a pipecleaner will pass and the draw is open enough to reduce moisture pile-ups.

There are a lot of smaller pipes (4.5" to 5.5") sporting 3mm airways; they are relatively inexpensive pipes (including case) that look great in a picture, are easy on the wallet and they WILL gurgle for all eternity.

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