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BigAsh 08-08-2011 03:45 PM

Intertactive US Census map
Pretty cursor over any county for complete demographics, population changes etc.....

jjirons69 08-08-2011 10:21 PM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
Man, that thing is awesome. It's cool looking at all the demographics and how one county is so one-sided while the county right next door is diverse.

lostark374 08-09-2011 12:09 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
anyone notice anything odd about Liberty Montana?

or the whole state of Ohio?

elderboy02 08-09-2011 04:54 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
Thanks for the link! :tu

Blak Smyth 08-09-2011 05:08 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
That is an interesting site although I could be distracted with it for hours.

WittyUserName 08-09-2011 05:16 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
Great link, thanks for sharing.

elderboy02 08-09-2011 06:53 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map

Originally Posted by lostark374 (Post 1367276)
anyone notice anything odd about Liberty Montana?

or the whole state of Ohio?

No. What do you see?

jjirons69 08-09-2011 09:11 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
I like being able to zoom in on a city and actually seeing the demographics for particular sectors. There's lots of info detailed.

Skywalker 08-09-2011 09:26 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
Sweet find!:tu

hscmit 08-09-2011 09:33 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
excellent link

SmokeyJoe 08-09-2011 10:22 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map

Originally Posted by lostark374 (Post 1367276)
anyone notice anything odd about Liberty Montana?

or the whole state of Ohio?

Gotta go with no. Couldn't even find Liberty, Montana. :confused:

Want to throw us a bone, here? :sh

elderboy02 08-09-2011 11:23 AM

Re: Intertactive US Census map

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 1367778)
Gotta go with no. Couldn't even find Liberty, Montana. :confused:

Want to throw us a bone, here? :sh

Yeah, I couldn't find Liberty Montana either. Me thinks someone was :al too much last night.

markem 08-09-2011 12:21 PM

Re: Intertactive US Census map

Originally Posted by lostark374 (Post 1367276)
anyone notice anything odd about Liberty Montana?

No. Liberty County (Chester is the county seat) seems unremarkable. It had a slight population growth instead of a decline like the surrounding counties, but that isn't unusual. It is almost all white, but that isn't unusual for that part of the state.

Did you notice something unusual?

Lived for years in Hill County

lostark374 08-09-2011 12:47 PM

Re: Intertactive US Census map

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1367843)
No. Liberty County (Chester is the county seat) seems unremarkable. It had a slight population growth instead of a decline like the surrounding counties, but that isn't unusual. It is almost all white, but that isn't unusual for that part of the state.

Did you notice something unusual?

Lived for years in Hill County

considering i have lived in several different states and a good chunk of my life in southern California i do see it as odd that the whole county is 98% white and 1% multiracial. in this day and age i would have thought with many people working from home via the internet and moving away from the big cities that there would be a much larger mixture of people all across the US.

ive been to Montana on a fishing trip and thought it was one of the most amazingly beautiful states i have seen. if i worked from home i would live there.

lostark374 08-09-2011 01:20 PM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
maybe i should not have used Liberty Montana as a reference. i find it odd because its not what im used to.

i could spend hours looking into different states i wish the breakdown was a little more detailed. like home owners to renter. and male to female. median home prices. average yearly income. sorry i find this info very interesting.

markem 08-09-2011 02:20 PM

Re: Intertactive US Census map

Originally Posted by lostark374 (Post 1367864)
considering i have lived in several different states and a good chunk of my life in southern California i do see it as odd that the whole county is 98% white and 1% multiracial. in this day and age i would have thought with many people working from home via the internet and moving away from the big cities that there would be a much larger mixture of people all across the US.

The only "internet" in that part of the state is dialup modem. No DSL, no FiOS, no cable. It is wheat country and very little else.

Yes, those places still exist; many of them.

lostark374 08-09-2011 02:38 PM

Re: Intertactive US Census map

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1367935)
The only "internet" in that part of the state is dialup modem. No DSL, no FiOS, no cable. It is wheat country and very little else.

Yes, those places still exist; many of them.

what does this have to do with running an internet based Business? could be done by dial up, wireless, Sattelite. the majority of the business could be anywhere and dropshipped by you via any type of connection. isnt that the great thing about them?

markem 08-09-2011 02:43 PM

Re: Intertactive US Census map

Originally Posted by lostark374 (Post 1367955)
what does this have to do with running an internet based Business? could be done by dial up, wireless, Sattelite. the majority of the business could be anywhere and dropshipped by you via any type of connection. isnt that the great thing about them?

go for it. move to Chester and be a millionaire

lostark374 08-09-2011 02:46 PM

Re: Intertactive US Census map
if i could i would.

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