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Tyler 07-21-2011 01:34 AM

Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
My girlfriend asked me today why I smoke cigars in the summer and pipes in the winter. I never really thought of what I smoke when but subconsciously I have switched from pipes to cigars for the summer. This past winter I basically had a pipe in my hand all day but now its a cigar.

I suppose it has to do with pipes keeping my hands warm in the winter and how cigars can crack if the temperatures are too low maybe I am over-thinking again haha. I am pretty sure the only reason she asked me was because at-least with pipes it was super cheap haha.

I was just wondering, am I the only one that does this?

icehog3 07-21-2011 01:37 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
I do cigars in the summer, cigars in the winter, and cigars in between.

Tyler 07-21-2011 01:47 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1344776)
I do cigars in the summer, cigars in the winter, and cigars in between.

:r Sounds great to me lol. I still smoke cigars occasionally in the winter but for some reason it's about 80% pipes.

icehog3 07-21-2011 01:49 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?

Originally Posted by Wallbright (Post 1344791)
:r Sounds great to me lol. I still smoke cigars occasionally in the winter but for some reason it's about 80% pipes.

Yeah, during the winter I do tone it down to about 100% cigars. :D

Tyler 07-21-2011 01:57 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1344796)
Yeah, during the winter I do tone it down to about 100% cigars. :D

Haha might want to up that a bit. Maybe 200% or more. Don't want your health to get bad.

Bill86 07-21-2011 02:01 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
:r :r :r

I'm with Tom, always cigars. Never thought about getting into pipes. Too complicated IMHO.

Dunkel 07-21-2011 02:54 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
I tend to only smoke a nice briar in the fall and winter. Not sure why, but it just seems right. Maybe it's the warmth of the briar in my hand on a chilly day.

Ferrari5180 07-21-2011 08:47 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
I smoke cigars in both the summer and winter. However, I prefer the summer because I can enjoy them outside. In the winter I need to smoke them indoors because it is too cold, making it somewhat less enjoyable in my own opinion.

Emjaysmash 07-21-2011 08:55 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
I smoke a lot in the summer and a lot less in the winter. That's the only seasonal habit I have.

So far this summer has been 50% pipes, 50% cigars.

pektel 07-21-2011 09:03 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?

Originally Posted by Ferrari5180 (Post 1345014)
I smoke cigars in both the summer and winter. However, I prefer the summer because I can enjoy them outside. In the winter I need to smoke them indoors because it is too cold, making it somewhat less enjoyable in my own opinion.

Same here. And since I have little ones around, if I do smoke inside, it's always under the kitchen ventilation hood. WAY less enjoyable than sitting on my deck looking at the lake.

alfredo_buscatti 08-08-2011 01:39 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
Over 9 years I smoked the pipe almost exclusively, maybe a half-dozen cigars during this span. Then last September I switched unaccountably to cigars. I still smoke a pipe occasionally, and there are periods when I smoke them a bowl a day.

dccraft 08-15-2011 07:00 PM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?

Originally Posted by Dunkel (Post 1344835)
I tend to only smoke a nice briar in the fall and winter. Not sure why, but it just seems right. Maybe it's the warmth of the briar in my hand on a chilly day.

I tend to smoke my briars in the fall & winter as well. I have to agree with Doug (me?) that I like the feel and the different aromas that pipe tobacco has during a crisp fall evening. I'm still about 80% cigars & 20% pipes though.

Hippiebrian 08-15-2011 07:15 PM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
I smoke cigars year round. Of course, I live in southern Ca., so can go outside and smoke year round. I used to smoke a pipe, back in the 70's. Never owned a briar, but used to make a lot of them out of plumbing supplies and little screens. Still, I never have bought pipe tobacco...

DaBear 08-15-2011 08:01 PM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
Since I'm allowed to smoke my pipes inside and its too cold to go out for a cigar in the winter, I smoke almost exclusively pipes in the winter. Cigar scent sticks around way too long indoors so I seldom can get away with it. Haven't smoked a pipe since my cruise in June

Brad2064 08-15-2011 10:20 PM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
I smoke cigars year round, but in the winter I tend to bring my pipe into mix a bit. Not sure why I do this but the change is nice.

Blak Smyth 08-16-2011 06:06 AM

Re: Cigars in the Summer and Pipes in the Winter?
Why did you change your name?
I might get into smoking pipe, kinda nice to be able to take 10 minutes and enjoy a quick smoke.

Apoco 08-16-2011 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1376628)
...kinda nice to be able to take 10 minutes and enjoy a quick smoke.

This is why I smoke my pipe the majority of the time. It is a nice change of pace, sure...but if I have an hour or 2 to smoke I'm reaching for a cigar.

I also like to have my pipe in the car. Less air out time is needed.
Posted via Mobile Device

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