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:eevis 11-23-2008 03:19 PM

Well, my wife and I just Just ground some fresh horseradish for the Ham for Thanksgiving. Man is it good!!! My wife was pretty sure that her ears popped and her sinuses got singed after she sampled it :fl:fl

Just think of how good it will be after a couple of days to rest :dr

She is thinking about marketing the HOT one as "The fires of Hell will come shooting out your butt the next day" Hot

jcarlton 11-23-2008 03:44 PM

Re: Horseradish!
:dr I love hot horseradish!!

vicvitola 11-23-2008 04:17 PM

Re: Horseradish!
Fresh ground Horseradish has got to be the cat's meow. I have never had it but I'm sure I'd enjoy it.

As far as what you can get in the store, Kelchners is the holy sacrament of Horseradish for me.

hotreds 11-23-2008 05:20 PM

Re: Horseradish!
:dr I DO like hot stuff, but I Do regret it the next day. Your wife has the right idea!

Lumpold 11-23-2008 06:41 PM

Re: Horseradish!
If you like horseradish, growing it and freshly preparing it is the only way! Which means I need to buy a horseradish plant, cos I can't keep blagging from my family.

Also, try tewkesbury mustard - it's got added horseradish!

JE3146 11-23-2008 06:55 PM

Re: Horseradish!
never had it on ham.. but add that stuff to a roast beef sandwich with some melted swiss and au jus.... oh man oh man oh man oh man :D

Ace$nyper 11-25-2008 01:07 AM

Re: Horseradish!

I can just bang out a sleeve of saltines and this stuff as a snack. Love it on London Broil.

I don't think homemade can be beat. But when I buy it Keltchners is the best by far, not sure how far they go though away from the SE PA area.

mosesbotbol 11-25-2008 07:30 AM

Re: Horseradish!
I use to grate fresh Horseradish all the time. For sure the way to go; forget the stuff in the slim jar. A little beat juice will color it if you want to go traditional Jewish.

One great way to enjoy fresh horseradish is the use it grated like fresh garlic. Scent and flavor it releases in olive oil is sublime! Not very strong tasting at all. It'll fool you how light it cooks up, so don't be afraid!

I think to make it like in the bottle, it's just grated with salt and vinegar. Maybe a pinch of ground garlic will add dimension to it...

replicant_argent 11-25-2008 07:49 AM

Re: Horseradish!
looked at a few roots on the way by in the grocery store last night, spongy and droopy, most of them. Pretty sad, but I am keeping my eye on them, because I do enjoy horseradish, and always keep some in the fridge for putting in bean, split pea soup, or borscht. Never made it myself of grated it fresh, which is pretty funny, because when I step back and look at how I cook, it would seem natural that I would.

mrreindeer 11-25-2008 08:00 AM

Re: Horseradish!
Man, :eevis, I've heard some great things about your rub & now you're movin' on to horseradish...sounds awesome. My mom used to make it fresh and my taste for it grew early on. I even had horseradish eating contests with friends as a kid. We were crazy like that. I tend to like creamed horseradish mixed with the fresh so it's hotter. I love tons of the stuff in my cocktail sauce with shrimp and even more in my bloody mary's! :tu

:eevis 11-25-2008 03:28 PM

Re: Horseradish!
We try to do the horseradish challange too. One of my buddies always comes over all macho and tries to eat some. There has yet to be a year that i have failed to make him cry. We try to do two different heat levels since I love it HOT, but most of the family has more delicate tastebuds. I think I fried mine of in my teens. The only thing that got me was once at a local bar, they had Horseradish wings, I could only get through a half dozen!

DMK 11-25-2008 04:30 PM

Re: Horseradish!
(in my best Homer voice) Ummmm... Horesradish:dr:dr:dr:dr:dr:dr:dr:dr:dr

nozero 11-25-2008 04:47 PM

Re: Horseradish!
I'd love to have some homemade horseradish! It would be a first. I may have to have my wife check out Greens Produce to see if she can find me any beginnings.

:eevis 11-25-2008 04:57 PM

Re: Horseradish!
I tis real easy to make. I will post a recipe in that section

fxpose 11-25-2008 07:08 PM

Re: Horseradish!
I love wasabi.

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