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WyoBob 06-16-2011 07:22 AM

In the hopes of saving others from going through what I am right now-----

I slipped on some water on my garage floor while wearing the devil's shoes----Crocs. I shattered my left wrist and $20,000 worth of well jobs flew out the door. That was the only work I had lined up for this year and it was all going to those blood suckers at bc/bs to pay my health insurance for this year, $17,500/yr with $10,000 deductible. (Insurance companies don't like 64 year olds, much.) My wrist has so many little bone fragments floating around that the surgeon didn't think they'd hold screws so I guess we're going to see if some fragments "bond" together and can be fixed at a later date.

The "take away" from the above? If you wear crocs----don't. I'm not the only person this has happened to according to what I've found on the net. There have also been lots of children injured on escalators while wearing crocs. Many nurses have worn crocs and have been injured and some hospitals have banned them. I hope by writing this that I might save someone from going through what I've experienced.

On the bright side, I've found that I can load and light my pipe which will make me less grumpy. The down side? No booze for awhile.

Update: The cast didn't work so, last week, they inserted pins with linkage (on the outside of my arm). They anchor the pins in solid material and then stick sharp probes through the skin and move pieces into position and adjust the clamp to hold them in place.

On my one week appointment yesterday, things weren't lined up 100% so they stuck a couple of fingers into some "Chinese handcuff" like things, suspended my arm and draped some weights over my upper arm to stretch things, loosened the clamps and spread things apart and re-tightened. They'd take a x-ray and made adjustments until the doc was satisfied. This involved the doc grabbing my wrist and twisting a bit. Even after ingesting some pain killer's, the pain was unbearable. Made me long for the days when I had an abscessed tooth. I'll not go through that again without using major pain killer's or being put under.

I've been sleeping in a recliner which has worked out well.

I bought the Crocs for creek crossings while backpacking and found they were handy slip ons for use around the house for walking to my shop (Fortress of Solitude) but they don't work worth a hoot when there's moisture on concrete involved. I hope by posting this that I might be able to save someone from going through the physical and financial pain I've been going through.


hscmit 06-16-2011 07:31 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
sorry for your injury, hoping you have a full and speedy recovery

and thanks for the warning

hotreds 06-16-2011 07:45 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Thanks for the heads up, sorry you had such a hard lesson. Get well soon!

Wanger 06-16-2011 07:50 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Ouch! Makes me hurt just listening to what you've gone through so far!

I've never owned a pair, and never planned to...I think they're ugly as hell, and I have clown feet, anyways (no need to draw more attention there, LOL).

Skywalker 06-16-2011 07:51 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
That sucks!!!

Good thoughts and prayers for your recovery!

mosesbotbol 06-16-2011 07:56 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Man, really sorry to read about your injury. I can feel the pain and I am just reading it! I'd add shower sandals to the list dangerous shoes.

galaga 06-16-2011 10:04 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Hang in there Bob. Get better soon.

bonjing 06-16-2011 10:05 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Sorry to hear about the injury. I have to admit I love my crocs even though I make fun of people that wear them [cough]Mike[/cough], at least mine are black. I just gotta make sure I'm more careful with them on, although I just wear them on cold days, yes I have the fuzzy lined ones :D.

Hope you get better soon! ! ! How long does something like that take to heal?

Guitarman-S.T- 06-16-2011 10:11 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
I work in a kitchen and laugh when I see people with Clog/s Croc's. They offer no protection from falling objects, no true heal support, hot liquids- They offer nothing more then a slip-on sandal would... And I do not see too many chef's running around with their Birks in the kitchen ;)

Skywalker 06-16-2011 10:31 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs

Originally Posted by Guitarman-S.T- (Post 1299417)
I work in a kitchen and laugh when I see people with Clog/s Croc's. They offer no protection from falling objects, no true heal support, hot liquids- They offer nothing more then a slip-on sandal would... And I do not see too many chef's running around with their Birks in the kitchen ;);s


IBQTEE1 06-16-2011 10:32 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Sorry about your injury. Crocs do suck.

longknocker 06-16-2011 10:36 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Sorry To Hear This, Bob.;s Thanks For The Warning & Hope You Heal Soon, Brother!:tu

BC-Axeman 06-16-2011 10:42 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Now I have a valid reason to give for never wearing those hideous things.
Worse than an abscessed tooth!!! I had to double up the strongest painkillers for that.
Heal soon, heal strong Bob.

Ogre 06-16-2011 10:57 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Sorry about your injury. I pray for a quick recovery!!!

Guitarman-S.T- 06-16-2011 10:58 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1299433)

My point exactly =] I have heard people chopping off toes wearing crocs when a cutting board fell on them, Mario is a TV star, he does not do the bulk of his work IN the kitchen, so his mentality is-be comfortable/NOT/professional

Dave128 06-16-2011 11:37 AM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Sorry to hear of you rpain. I hope you heal quickly. I'm going to pass this info on to my mom. She wears the ugly looking things daily.

forgop 06-16-2011 12:10 PM

Re: Danger---Crocs
That sucks...somewhere in this story though, I'm sure a blood-sucking attorney could get you compensated for lost work and pain and suffering though due to the negligence in the materials contributing to injuries for everyone out there. (Sadly, it's probably not too far from the truth if there were enough cases).

76GTFan 06-16-2011 12:17 PM

Re: Danger---Crocs
Water in a garage is never a good thing. My sandals and flip flops don't do well either in a garage. I feel your pain with the pins in your wrist. I had elective foot surgery where they had them sticking out of my first 3 toes. Worst pain I have ever been through. Hang in there. It will pass, but you will never forget the memory of the pain. I still get flashbacks.

WyoBob 06-16-2011 01:10 PM

Re: Danger---Crocs

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 1299412)
How long does something like that take to heal?

6 weeks before the apparatus comes off, don't know how long rehab will be.

At least I'll have some spare parts for my fly tying vise when I'm done:(


replicant_argent 06-16-2011 01:44 PM

Re: Danger---Crocs

Originally Posted by Guitarman-S.T- (Post 1299417)

Kitchen Chucks.... :banger

I would be on those like white on rice, Sammy.

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