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robj153 05-15-2011 03:57 AM

Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
I am posting quickly before work and can give much more details and photos to anyone with more knowledge of this.

I cleaned out my wife's grandfathers house after his death and recovered a Montecristo Humidor type box with numerous size compartments for each different size cigar. The box has the montecristo logo inlayed on the top and inside has her grandfathers name and the montecristo logo branded into the underside lid. They are pre-embargo and the tax stamps are taped to the inside lid. There are numerous size cigars in the box and her grandfather smoked up until he passed so he did keep them fairly well. They were not in the best condition when I found them but did still have a slight spongyness to them.
The odd thing is under the regular montecristo band is an additional smaller rectangle band, yellowish in color with "habana" and other writings ( I dont have it in front of me right now) and this secondary band is stamped with a red stamp that says "AMISTAD 1939" seems like this is some type of anniversary issued large sampler type set or something. I don't know for sure that they are from 1939 but her grandfather did pass at age 98 .
I began researching these a couple years ago and got as far as talking to an old man at a cigar factory in florida that used to work at montecristo in cuba many years ago. He believed that somewhere in Cuba would be records of the purchase of this box since it was branded inside with her grandfathers name.
Again, I have pics and can send more info once I find someone that has extensive knowledge of montecristo cigars.

emopunker2004 05-15-2011 03:59 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
posting here first will help you out with getting answers from people and the like

emopunker2004 05-15-2011 04:03 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box


robj153 05-15-2011 05:03 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
thats me when i first got them... I had them longer than i thought

robj153 05-15-2011 05:19 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
I just went back to read the replies I received back in 2003... at that point I got frustrated and hit a dead end with them and finding out more. I am hoping to get some exposure on these again to see what it all may be worth. I am not sure the cigars are worth much because even though they were not crumbling dry sticks and they did have some spongyness to them, some of them (not all) have had their wrappers crack and since they were not kept in ideal conditions and I dont know exactly when he last cared for them , they may have lost their "essential oils"? ( only got that from other posts i have read about old cigars) I do smoke cigars but am far from an expert so to smoke one of these myself to see if they are any good wouldnt do me much good as I dont know what to look for.

RHNewfie 05-15-2011 06:58 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

icehog3 05-15-2011 08:11 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
The box may be worth something to a collector. The cigars, as described, are pretty much worthless. :2

OLS 05-15-2011 08:24 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

Originally Posted by robj153 (Post 1263171)
I am not sure the cigars are worth much because even though they were not crumbling dry sticks
and they did have some spongyness to them, some of them (not all) have had their wrappers crack.

Must have been all that sponginess testing.

icehog3 05-15-2011 08:35 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
What have you done with them in the 8+ years that you have had them?

Stinky 05-15-2011 09:28 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

Originally Posted by robj153 (Post 1263167)
thats me when i first got them... I had them longer than i thought


Originally Posted by robj153 (Post 1263171)
I just went back to read the replies I received back in 2003... at that point I got frustrated and hit a dead end with them and finding out more. I am hoping to get some exposure on these again to see what it all may be worth. I am not sure the cigars are worth much because even though they were not crumbling dry sticks and they did have some spongyness to them, some of them (not all) have had their wrappers crack and since they were not kept in ideal conditions and I dont know exactly when he last cared for them , they may have lost their "essential oils"? ( only got that from other posts i have read about old cigars) I do smoke cigars but am far from an expert so to smoke one of these myself to see if they are any good wouldnt do me much good as I dont know what to look for.

Sounds VERY fishy to me! ! !

You got some great answers and information at cA back in 2006. I cannot understand why You don't post photos if you are legit.

There's something very fishy with your story!

Stinky 05-15-2011 09:32 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
ooops. Forgot to say . . .

Send your secret photos to Tony Hyman for his expert advice.

Go See the National Cigar Museum

fid 05-15-2011 10:05 AM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
Still can't post a pic? It sounds to me like you drag these out every now and then, post the same question, and are just looking for someone to tell you that they are very valuable or that they want to buy them. You got frustrated "when you hit a dead end"? Sounds like the guy who responded in that other forum just about gave you the entire history of the cigars you have...short of a value, which I think is all you want. Go pay an appraiser and have it done right.

robj153 05-15-2011 12:52 PM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
Nothing fishy and sorry for not responding back right away.... I am a police officer and work rotating crazy shifts. I had just gotten home this morning when i posted my last. I just woke up. I will take some pics now and post shortly.

pnoon 05-15-2011 12:57 PM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

Originally Posted by robj153 (Post 1263419)
Nothing fishy and sorry for not responding back right away.... I am a police officer and work rotating crazy shifts. I had just gotten home this morning when i posted my last. I just woke up. I will take some pics now and post shortly.

Don't forget to post an intro in the New Inmate forum.

robj153 05-15-2011 01:31 PM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
Ok... So the pictures are on my computer but when i try to " insert image" in this message box it is asking me for the url address. It doesnt let me browse my files and just attach the pic files. Can anyone give me advice how to show you all these pictures?

robj153 05-15-2011 01:34 PM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
1 Attachment(s)
I think i need to send 1 pic per post...says to large...
Attachment 9491

T.G 05-15-2011 01:41 PM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

Originally Posted by robj153 (Post 1263435)
Ok... So the pictures are on my computer but when i try to " insert image" in this message box it is asking me for the url address. It doesnt let me browse my files and just attach the pic files. Can anyone give me advice how to show you all these pictures?

For that method, you need to upload them to a free image host, like imagur, imageshack, photobucket, etc then insert the "direct link" code for each photo into that url popup box.

You can also upload them to your photo album here, although the image dimensions and file size are restricted (97KB and 640x480 IIRC). I believe that the system will resize the photos for you on the upload. Then you can just copy the BB link code from under each photo and paste it directly into the message body. You can access your photo albums by clicking on your user name in the upper right hand corner of the screen, directly under the CA banner. Look on the right side of page that it lands you on for "Albums"

Or, you can use the attachment function under "additional options" in the advanced reply (to post) to attach images. File size is restricted to 97KB, but dimensions are not restricted. You can attach a maximum of 5 photos per message.

robj153 05-15-2011 01:54 PM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box
K i will try photo bucket i guess

robj153 05-15-2011 02:07 PM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

robj153 05-15-2011 02:09 PM

Re: Very Old Montecristo cigars and Box

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