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OLS 05-10-2011 07:46 AM

Presbyterian Mixture
Anybody here smoke much Presbyterian Mixture? I got a few tins on sale once, mostly a witty
gesture for next time I am with my sister, who is a Presbyterian Minister, and a damn fine one at that.
I can read reviews and get a good look at a steak, but I find that with cigars or pipe tobacco, I get a
better review here. (I had heard that the Montecristo D EL was a rocket, but here it gets stellar
reviews.) I am trying to avoid opening the tin, I have so much different tobacco open at present.

OnlyDryReds 05-10-2011 09:34 AM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
Dont know yet... It is in my sample from Andrew and I havent gotten that far into the bag of them yet, but maybe after work today...... :)

AD720 05-10-2011 02:28 PM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
Two big thumbs up. I am a big fan of English blends and this is a good one, even though I find it fairly mild for an English (light on the Latakia) it is still complex, due to what I think is some perique.

MarkinAZ 05-10-2011 02:43 PM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1258034)
Anybody here smoke much Presbyterian Mixture?

Hello Brad,

I haven't tried it myself, but you could probably shoot Dan (Mr.Moo) a PM on that, or, you can go here for a ton of reviews on this blend:

They always have a bunch of good reviews for a reference point...

OLS 05-10-2011 03:45 PM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
Ah ha, but if you read my original post, I know there are a ton of reviews at that site, but they ring hollow to me in
a lot of cases. A bunch of lip-flapping and parrots in trees. There are some good reviews there, but I like to
read them and temper them with what people say here. Even though this sub-forum moves like molasses in winter,
haha. Plainly and simply, I like what I read here better than what I read there. Some of it is even the same, lol.
Thanks, obviously, but I was thinking more about people here. But NOW, as is clear, that site is going to be my only
shot, hehe.

OLS 05-10-2011 04:01 PM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on that review site. They are usually taken for granted until they disappear.
I have used it extensively, and in the main it has been pretty relevant and helpful.

OnlyDryReds 05-16-2011 10:38 AM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 1258489)
Two big thumbs up. I am a big fan of English blends and this is a good one, even though I find it fairly mild for an English (light on the Latakia) it is still complex, due to what I think is some perique.

Tried Andrews sample yesterday - I agree mild but very nice smoke - even for a noob like me it was very pleasant to smoke - didnt have a real problem with packing or relighting as I have had issue with others. This would def be one I would get again. :tu

Mister Moo 05-23-2011 04:47 AM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
Often a bit wet from the tin it is long deep dark and rich - one of the all time greats. You might want to give a wad of it 30-min dry time before filling a bowl. It can smoke beautifully and be very enjoyable for the latakia lover as it offends everyone else within 100 yards. Something like Squadron Leader on steroids, PM is original -I cannot think of its equal. Seriously consider PM for an english-only pipe or a PM-dedicated pipe if you are fond of it.

Slow Triathlete 12-20-2011 02:01 PM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
I really, really like it. It has a sweet side to it in my opinion.

RevSmoke 12-20-2011 03:56 PM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture

Originally Posted by Slow Triathlete (Post 1508405)
I really, really like it. It has a sweet side to it in my opinion.

Latakia is lighter hear than in many English blends, but it does have a sweetness to it that is pleasant. Also, I do enjoy the complexity. If there is a drawback, it is minor - I find it needs to dry out a bit after opening the tin and before smoking. Of course, there are some who might disagree with me.

fatdog 12-22-2011 11:42 AM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
I find Presby. to be a good morning blend. Not as much latakia as my normal evening blends so it tends to smoke lighter for me. I like it in a meer quite a bit, the flavors tend to come out a bit more.

OLS 04-03-2012 01:28 PM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
Thanks to all who responded. I am gonna bust the tin tonight.

lilninjabuddy 04-03-2012 02:29 PM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1607216)
Thanks to all who responded. I am gonna bust the tin tonight.

...but then deeop down inside, you already knew that before you asked, didn't ya! :D

I always ask questions like "should I...", and realize later there was no way I wasn't gonna anyway!

OLS 04-10-2012 07:35 AM

Re: Presbyterian Mixture
For ME, no actually. I can hold onto things for some time and just forget about them.
It is entirely possible that I would have NEVER smoked it. I bought it on a supposed
overstock sale and thought it was kind of funny as my sister is a Presbyterian Minister
in the PCUSA. I wanted to smoke it up and give her the tin. But I was in no hurry.
I have far too much to smoke to open a tin of something. I smoke a pipe infrequently.

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