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crazycigar 05-03-2011 11:05 AM

Welding Machine?
I am in search of a new welder hopefully a plasma/tig unit all in one.....i have spoke with some of the bigger companies but they are charging an arm and a leg for one and i cant spend over $1500 at the time so if you know where i could start looking then please be sure to let me know

replicant_argent 05-03-2011 11:08 AM

Re: Welding Machine?
While this is a cigar forum, and we would love to talk to you about welders, perhaps you could go to the new inmate forum and tell us a bit (more)
about yourself and what brings you here.

J0eybb 05-03-2011 11:18 AM

Re: Welding Machine?
Random thread of the day?

shilala 05-03-2011 11:27 AM

Re: Welding Machine?
Check Craigslist. :tu

crazycigar 05-28-2011 12:02 PM

Re: Welding Machine?
I was just looking for some info, my friend tells me to go here because you guys might be able to help me find out some thing about a welder but thanks anyway because i found what i was looking for already from a company named longevity but can u guys at least take a look at it and let me know what you think

shark 05-28-2011 01:05 PM

Re: Welding Machine?
Looks like you found what you needed. I just saw this thread and was going to check and see if we produce anything similar to this device at where I work. Probably not, though. We make weldguns for the automotive manufacturing plants.

sikk50 05-28-2011 01:24 PM

Re: Welding Machine?
Looking for a good tig, you're not going to come out cheap. If you're looking for something you can stick soda cans together with (read: welds that don't need to be decent and are going to be risking bodily injury) then you probably can find one around $1500 range.

Bill86 05-28-2011 01:55 PM

Re: Welding Machine?
Usually TIG machines are quite pricey. Any specific reason you want a TIG? Doing alot of aluminum or very small welds?

For me I like MIG. Also have 2 tanks and a cutting torches here. Comes in handy once in a while.

I usually just end up bending metal rather than cutting it but sometimes both.

icehog3 05-28-2011 02:39 PM

Re: Welding Machine?
I dug Tuesday Weld back in the day, she was hot.

pnoon 05-28-2011 03:00 PM

Re: Welding Machine?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1277884)
I dug Tuesday Weld back in the day, she was hot.

:xxx :xxx :xxx

Bill86 05-28-2011 03:04 PM

Re: Welding Machine?
I was just going to ask for a picture, nicely done Peter!

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