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How do you feel?
We live in interesting times. Seems that every day another "something" happens to destabilize the economic and social world around us. In our consumer driven economy how we all "feel" has much to do with how tomorrow and the next day looks.
They say all politics are local, but I think each of us experiences the world economic system "locally" in our own community context as well. Prosperity is a complex concept when applied personally, it can be but a fleeting perception consisting mainly of hope, fueled by a goal of a better future, fragile and easily destroyed by doubt and fear. Todays news tells us that tomorrow will not be as good. Not exactly the harbingers of hope the news folks are. However, sometimes individual reality is different then that is promoted to "sell" ads. Many folks are going through tough times. 6% are unemployed. Thinking about it though, that means that 94% are employed. How we feel and the choices those feelings lead us to have a big impact on what the future looks like. So how do you feel? |
Re: How do you feel?
I'm scared. These times are some of the most uncertain that I remember. :2
Re: How do you feel?
I feel like we have been through this before. In late 2001 we were faced with a similar economic crisis stemming from 9/11. The market tanked, and people got laid-off, myself included.
I moved back home, and went to work for the family business. I also met my wife during this time, which I wouldnt have if I were still living in Boston. My life would be competely different if things hadnt gotten so bad for me in those few months, but in retrospect I would never change it. Every cloud has a silver lining. This too shall pass. |
Re: How do you feel?
Got's enough things going on in life to keep me busy; cutting back where need be and making do. Been through enough to know that "Tough times don't last, tough people do" |
Re: How do you feel?
While I am not afraid of jobs in my household (my wife nor I are concerned at this point) it has put things in somewhat of a holding pattern.
My concern is for the well being of many many people that I know who are having some level of difficulty. It seems that many people I know are suffering through bad news right now whether personal, financial or health. It just seems like a down time in humanity. Of course that could just be outlook, I am not normally a glass is half empty guy |
Re: How do you feel?
The wife and I are tightening our belts but havn't really given up anything completly. We also have long term 10 year plans that we look forward to. I guess you can say we are looking twords the future without much trepidation.
If you get to live long enough, you'll get to see many ups and downs I'm sure. |
Re: How do you feel?
Like someone is standing on my chest.
Re: How do you feel?
since i can't seem to find a job no matter what I try, not too good right about now
Re: How do you feel?
I was scared, but then I started thinking, "What's the WORST that could happen?"
Say, if I lost my job. Unemployment would not even cover my monthly bills. So, I guess the first thing would be to back out of my apartment lease and move back in with Mom. :hn I couldn't let my car get repo'd. How would I find another job? With no rent/electricity/phone, I could scrape by with unemployment until I found another job. What would absolutely SUCK would be living with my mom. That answers the question "What's the WORST that could happen?" :r |
Re: How do you feel?
Scared...But I know that GOD is in control.
Re: How do you feel?
Pissed, frustrated and scared.
Working in a retail environment has meant over a 40% reduction in income this year. To make matters worse our company has decided to increase the sales crew from 12 to 16 people. Their attitude is we are free since we are on straight commission. They couldn't care less that they are going to further decrease our incomes causing severe financial stress. With the ever increasing ranks of unemployed it is near impossible to find a new job. I have cut out all discretionary spending and watch every penny spent now. At least I have a job, my health and a good support base to help make it through this rough point. Rant off :) |
Re: How do you feel?
Though times may be tough economically in some areas of the country and for some industries, I still feel confident. Those of us who grew up in the 60's and the times of economic growth, also had the spectre of MAD hanging over our heads. The economy was good, but when you planned for a nuclear attack at elementary school, it kind of puts a damper on things. :2
Re: How do you feel?
"I'm Super! Thanks for asking...."
http://video.google.com/videosearch?...revision&cd=1# In all seriousness, life has an amazing way of working itself out so I'm confident that whatever hardships we may come across will be worked out in relative short order. Hang in there my brothers & sisters! |
Re: How do you feel?
I think times are going to get better. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later.
The only thing that really is scary is that the corporations are looking so much at the books and Wall Street right now that they are losing sight of the big picture and making some bad business decisions. At least here they are. |
Re: How do you feel?
I very nervous.
I feel secure in my job(working in fraud), my wife is a project manager working with mergers, so things are good there. I don't know, my I just have a general overall sense of uneasiness. I attribute it to the unstable economy, weather changing (less sunlight), and feeling like I can't make a proper opinion on current politcal situations due to lack of knowledge (not for lack of trying though). I'd say I am valueing herfs more and more, seeing them less of a social gathering and more of a safe haven filled with extended family members. |
Re: How do you feel?
It is a scary time with living in Detroit and having things related to the car business .My loving wife has more faith then I ever will and I am glad that she can make up the faith in good things considering my doom and gloom out look on things all the time' As others have said this day shall end whether I want it to or not so I need to make the most of it:)
Re: How do you feel?
I try not to think about it, there is nothing I can do. Wife and I both work for the same company and have been there for a while so if they have a lay off we should be okay, But what we did do is pay off all the Crdit Cards and put them is a jar of water and freezed them, going to try the debt free process.
Re: How do you feel?
I'm concerned about my financial health. I've lost about 40K in my retirement funds, my bank accounts are fluctuating in and out of the red and my credit limit had to be raised recently.
I'm trying to have compassion on those who have less than me. If I know of people in need, then I try to help somehow. All in all, things are going well. I'm clinging to my bible and guns, lovin' on my family as much as I can, and enjoying an occasional cigar. I'm not buying any cigars, but I have enough to last about a year, at which time wee will all be paying for 30-yo "kids" health care through our cigar taxes. I wish I could stock up now, but there's just no funding. |
Re: How do you feel?
I feel cautious at the moment having gone through somewhat of a tumultuous time lately but I'm generally hopeful.
As with everything the events of our lives are cyclical. The low end now will eventually lead to a rise in things in the future. I guess it just depends on what your personal reaction is to hard times. I'm trying to keep the optimist view in mind but it definitely is tough. I guess when I start really getting down I just think of how fortunate I am to have what I have and be able to take care of my family. |
Re: How do you feel?
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