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biersteiner 03-20-2011 01:41 AM

tobacco wanted
Does anyone know if there is any menthol pipe tobacco on the market. Many,many years ago there was some called Green Briar if my memory hasn't gone up in smoke yet. Would love to be able to purchase mentholated pipe tobacco again. Any info will be appreciated.

emopunker2004 03-20-2011 01:49 AM

Re: tobacco wanted
Two things:
1)you should go introduce yourself in the new member forum, it will help you out in the long run.
2)google brought up several brands and sources of the tobacco you are seeking


justonemorestick 03-20-2011 03:37 AM

Re: tobacco wanted
I hadnt seen the let me google that for you. funny

biersteiner 03-21-2011 02:34 AM

Re: tobacco wanted
scuse my ignorance, but would that be under my profile? Couldn't find a new member forum.
PS Thanks for the link for the mentol tobacco

emopunker2004 03-21-2011 02:39 AM

Re: tobacco wanted
which part? the scale?

emopunker2004 03-21-2011 02:40 AM

Re: tobacco wanted

NCRadioMan 03-21-2011 04:40 AM

Re: tobacco wanted

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1211191)
2)google brought up several brands and sources of the tobacco you are seeking

Keep in mind, that is all RYO cigarette tobacco. It is labeled pipe tobacco to get around the cigarette taxes.

It will work though. I suggest mixing it with a straight VA, to taste.

CoreyD 03-21-2011 06:29 AM

Re: tobacco wanted
i made a blend with latakia and some other stuff I can't remember I want to say chocolate mint and the choc mint with latakia and a danish blend mixed together had the menthol taste to it.

Mister Moo 03-23-2011 12:17 PM

Re: tobacco wanted
Advanced search at reveals zero instances of the words "menthol"
or "mentholated." While we must each smoke that what we like, verily I say unto you, it's probably for the best this way.

Commander Quan 03-23-2011 12:33 PM

Re: tobacco wanted
Maybe one of these

macsauce13 03-23-2011 12:44 PM

Re: tobacco wanted

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1214663)
Advanced search at reveals zero instances of the words "menthol"
or "mentholated." While we must each smoke that what we like, verily I say unto you, it's probably for the best this way.


Nick 03-24-2011 12:46 AM

Re: tobacco wanted
TAke a snort of menthol nasal snuff then light up some pipe baccy.

Mister Moo 03-24-2011 05:13 AM

Re: tobacco wanted

Originally Posted by Nick (Post 1215390)
TAke a snort of menthol nasal snuff then light up some pipe baccy.

I was going to suggest a dab of Vick's VapoRub on the upper lip. A little mentho-snuff is more in line. :tu

Once again Kid Pipe nails it down.

By the way, Green Briar it was. My dad used to get those multi-tin packages at Christmas or Father's Day (along with Old Spice soap and after shave) but I don't ever remember a large tin of Green Briar around the house.

biersteiner 03-26-2011 01:25 AM

Re: tobacco wanted
the pictures of the tins.....clearing out some of my dad's stuff after he passed away......found the exact ones you posted
by the way thanks to all for the links
vapo rub? !!

Mister Moo 03-26-2011 07:12 AM

Re: tobacco wanted

Memories count for a lot - even the mentholated ones.

alfredo_buscatti 03-28-2011 04:08 AM

Re: tobacco wanted
I've never heard of a menthol pipe tobacco blend.

WaRevo 09-17-2014 12:31 PM

Re: tobacco wanted

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 1215437)
I was going to suggest a dab of Vick's VapoRub on the upper lip. A little mentho-snuff is more in line. :tu

Once again Kid Pipe nails it down.

By the way, Green Briar it was. My dad used to get those multi-tin packages at Christmas or Father's Day (along with Old Spice soap and after shave) but I don't ever remember a large tin of Green Briar around the house.

I have one of them :) And I thought it was a rare sight. WTG. sadly what is trying to take away from our Pipe Tobacco is the people that are trying to get the RYO kick from Pipe Tobacco. Sad trying to Tax our Hobby over a different habbit


IBQTEE1 09-17-2014 02:36 PM

Re: tobacco wanted

Menthol is also known as Mint.

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