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Mikhail 03-12-2011 12:51 PM

Mold removal methods need advice.
Ok SC got hit with a very hard winter and my humidor dried out. So I filled a small cup with distilled water and I thought I was set. Well I was until temps went back up to mid 65 to 73.

As I was going to check up on the RH today the mold monster struck. I now have a 4 inch round spot of mold on the lid. It's the fuzzy type on the out side and yellow in the middle. I have been told of two ways to take care of mold in humi's.

One is to take DW and wipe down the spot and let dry.

The other was to take isopropyl alcohol wipe down let dry and then wipe with DW.

What is the better course of action or is there a better one? None of my cigars where touched by mold.

Edit: Im my haist to post I forgot to put this in the Accessory Discussion forum. Mods please move it. Thank you.

Cornrow_Wallis 03-12-2011 01:16 PM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.
I'd go the isopropyl alcohol route, but I'm not basing that off anything in particular. Can you scrape most of the mold off first then wipe it down lightly with the alcohol? Seems like most of the alcohol would evaporate anyways.

OLS 03-14-2011 10:38 AM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.
I would also gently and throroughly remove the mold with a razor blade or something flat and sharp, maybe a
credit card. Once that was gone, I would wipe along the grain of the wood with a paper towel soaked in Vodka.
But I would also hold a paper towel close to the mold as I was scraping it off, to prevent any spores or whatever
from escaping the scraping. I am no biologist, so who knows if this matters, but I'd make sure that the
scrape job allowed for as little matter escaping as possible, lol. Follow up with vodka before I'd go isopropyl,
but if you have no vodka, you gotta do what you gotta do. Every pass with the vodka cloth I would make
with a fresh side so you aren't just rubbing it all back in. In fact, I would go so far as to say that a complete
wipedown with vodk on every surface might be in order. Others may disagree.

md4958 03-14-2011 10:42 AM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.
Brian, not sure who would have suggested you use water to combat mold, but I would go with what the fellas above have said.

I however would try to kill the mold with the vodka, or isopropyl first, and then try to scrape it off, so if any spores do float around, they are the dead kind.

good luck!

Christiel49 03-14-2011 11:11 AM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1204984)
I would also gently and throroughly remove the mold with a razor blade or something flat and sharp, maybe a
credit card. Once that was gone, I would wipe along the grain of the wood with a paper towel soaked in Vodka.
But I would also hold a paper towel close to the mold as I was scraping it off, to prevent any spores or whatever
from escaping the scraping. I am no biologist, so who knows if this matters, but I'd make sure that the
scrape job allowed for as little matter escaping as possible, lol. Follow up with vodka before I'd go isopropyl,
but if you have no vodka, you gotta do what you gotta do. Every pass with the vodka cloth I would make
with a fresh side so you aren't just rubbing it all back in. In fact, I would go so far as to say that a complete
wipedown with vodk on every surface might be in order. Others may disagree.

:r:r I agree. Just reading this makes me giggle a little. I would never waste GOOD vodka, so maybe by that $5 gallon stuff!!

Also, I have had this issue. My round gel thingy that sticks on the lid developed a spot of mold. I removed it and just replace with a jar. Will soom switch to beads. Is there a way to clean it or just throw away?

JaKaacH 03-14-2011 12:02 PM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.
How about Everclear grain alcohol? It works great to sterilize, refurbish pipes.
A gentle sanding with steel wool then Everclear should get rid of it..

OLS 03-14-2011 06:04 PM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.
If you have a disc or puck humidifier that has been once contaminated, just toss it. It will never again
be of any use, except for contaminating things. Beads are good, gel is fine til then. But mostly I am
glad to be of entertainment value.

Mikhail 03-14-2011 11:46 PM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.
The tip about the razor blade is exactly what I needed. However, I only have isopropyl right now. If I don't get the results I want I'll use steel wool or fine sandpaper(500g).

Thank you and will update soon.

Mikhail 03-15-2011 01:57 AM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.
Ok the operation is complete. To make it easier to work on I took off the lid. First I scraped of the "chunks". Then I wiped it down twice with alcohol. I put a flashlight to it and knew there was more. Out came the 500 grit sandpaper once over then twice wipe x2. I put the lid back on and wouldn't you know the seal is better...go figure.



Time will tell if this is a thing of the past. Thank you guys very much.

longknocker 03-15-2011 03:43 AM

Re: Mold removal methods need advice.
Looking Good!:tu Hope Your Problem Is Solved, Brother!:)

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