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TheatyHannington 03-05-2011 11:15 AM

Most Expensive Pipe Tobaccos
Well, most expensive on :)

So I was poking my way through the inner nets and looking around for a really expensive blend to try out. I was surprised to find that most blends were around $10 for a 50oz tin, about 1.75 or 1.76 ounces. They really ranged from $8 to $12. Well that got me wondering, as I lit up my first bowl of McConnell's Scottish Cake, what the most expensive pipe tobaccos in the world are. Couldn't find a list online so I compiled one myself.

1 Dunhill
Deluxe Navy Rolls

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Hall of Fame

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Latham Circle

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Manor Heights

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Mohawk River

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Old Kinderhook

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Patroon Island

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Saratoga Summer

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Stockade

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Sycaway

2 Heath & Home
Landmark Vischer Ferry

12 Davidoff
Flake Medallions

13 McConnell
Latakia Flake

13 McConnell
Scottish Flake

15 McConnell
Pure Caribe
Cigar Leaf

15 McConnell
Pure Latakia

15 McConnell
Pure Perique

18 Vauen
160 Year Anniversary
Va + Cinnamon

19 McConnell
Black & Gold

19 McConnell
Glen Piper

19 McConnell

19 McConnell

19 McConnell
Red Virginia

19 McConnell
Rich, Dark Virginia

19 McConnell
Ripe Honeydew

19 McConnell
Scottish Blend

19 McConnell
Scottish Cake

19 McConnell
Special London Mature

19 McConnell
Special London Mild

30 Davidoff
Danish Mixture

30 Davidoff
English Mixture

30 Davidoff
Royalty Mixture

30 Davidoff
Scottish Mixture

34 Vauen
Exotic # 10
Black Cav + Va

34 Planta
Original Danish

And for those curious:
Aromatics 15
Black Cav 1
Cigar Leaf 1
Danish 2
English 3
Latakia 1
Oriental 1
Perique 1
Scottish 1
Virginia 6
Va/Per 3

Or by Dominant Note:
Aromatic 15
Black Cav 1
Danish 2
Latakia 6
Pure Leaf 4
Va/Per 3


Now, being a newbie pipe smoker, this raised some questions that I will head over to the "Ask an Old Fart" thread and ask now. However, here is my initial observation: The most expensive pipe tobacco in the world costs $14.33 for a 50g tin. A bowl is between 3 and 5 grams. Therefore, each tin will give between 10 and 17 bowls. Each of those bowls cost $.86 to $1.43. Therefore, to smoke the Pipe Equivalent of a Padron Anniversary 1926 80 Years or Opus X would be like smoking those for less than a buck a stick to a buck forty-three a stick. And my friends wonder why one of my New Year's Resolutions was "Smoke more pipe." They wonder this while I share my pipe tobacco with them and they jealously guard their cigars. :pi

yellowgoat 03-06-2011 10:37 AM

Re: Most Expensive Pipe Tobaccos
Reiner Golden Label is $18.84 at P&C even more at other places, But it's oh so good.

GWN 03-06-2011 03:38 PM

Re: Most Expensive Pipe Tobaccos
Head north of the border if you want an expensive blend. Last tin I bought at a B$M here was Dunhill London Mixture and it cost me $26. And that was a few years ago.

Thammy 03-06-2011 04:28 PM

Re: Most Expensive Pipe Tobaccos

Originally Posted by GWN (Post 1195907)
Head north of the border if you want an expensive blend. Last tin I bought at a B$M here was Dunhill London Mixture and it cost me $26. And that was a few years ago.

Quoted for truth. Pipe tobacco is damn expensive here. Actually it has gone up. Last tin I bought was like 30 something bucks I believe, and the owner of the tobacco store said that is a good price for a tin!

NCRadioMan 03-06-2011 06:43 PM

Re: Most Expensive Pipe Tobaccos
Rejoice and purchase while you can. Before long, pipe tobacco will be taxed the same as cigarette tobacco. Then you will see those $26 Dunhill's in the states.

BigFrank 03-06-2011 06:52 PM

Re: Most Expensive Pipe Tobaccos
Taxes ><

Bruce 03-06-2011 07:35 PM

Re: Most Expensive Pipe Tobaccos
Wait until you get into the vintage tobacco market....;)
But, even vintage tins are still a bargin compared to the rare and vintage cigar market.

alfredo_buscatti 03-29-2011 12:25 AM

Re: Most Expensive Pipe Tobaccos
Compton's, available from Maxime Engel, the business owner and blender, is ~$40.00/100 g.

Available @

I've not smoked any, but those who have say it's worth every penny.

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