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Starscream 03-04-2011 05:22 PM

Who's Your Favorite Actor?
I'm not asking who's the most talented or who's won the most awards, just who you like the best of all time (any era). I don't have a number one, but I do have a top twenty.

1. Buster Keaton (great silent film comedian)
2. Bela Lugosi (got shafted too often in his career b/c he always wanted to make a dollar)
3. Boris Karloff (I like Lugosi better, but Karloff had much better roles)
4. Harrison Ford (Mostly b/c of Han Solo, but I haven't seen him do a bad job in any film)
5. Christopher Lee (The MAN! Hammer films was his forte, but he's been in numerous films. He holds the record for living actor in the most films)
6. Johnny Depp (awesome in any role!)
7. Lon Chaney Sr. (the man of 1,000 faces)
8-9. Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy (the original comedy duo)
10-13. Moe Howard, Larry Fine, Shemp Howard, and Curly Howard (the four stooges!)
14. Clooney (he plays the same person in every role, but he can be badass when he wants to!)
15. Leonardo DiCaprio (I used to hate this little punk, but as I've become older I have come to appreciate him in Romeo and Juliet, Titanic, Basketball Diaries, The Aviator, and many more)
16. Lon Chaney Jr. (a horror classic actor)
17. Liam Neeson (great actor and will be remembered for many different roles)
18. Joseph Fiennes (Shakespeare in Love and Elizabeth did it for me)
19. James Cagney (big mobster films in the 30s and 40s, but he also could play Shakespearean roles)
20. Lucille Ball (I probably should have put her as number one b/c of I Love Lucy, but her films weren't the best)

Once again, these are not picked b/c they are the most talented actors of their time nor have they won the most awards, but simply b/c I love the work they do and the characters they portrayed.

Who do you like?

Bill86 03-04-2011 05:40 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
In no particular order
Bruce Willis
Samuel L Jackson (seriously who wouldn't watch Sam Jackson in ANY role)
Robert De Niro
Edward Norton
Matt Damon
Kevin Spacey
Liam Neeson
Marlon Brando (Godfather, Apocalypse now, haven't seen much else)
Al Pacino
Harrison Ford
Joe Pesci
Mel Gibson (I don't care what he does in his personal life)
Russell Crowe (some hit some miss, but when they are good...awesome movies)
Christian Bale
Morgan Freeman
Sean Connery
Nicolas Cage (same rule applies as Crowe)
Ed Harris
Clint Eastwood
Gary Oldman
Jack Nicholson

Angelina Jolie
Carla Gugino

I'm probably missing a few but there's a LONG list.

pektel 03-04-2011 05:42 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
Favorite? Probably Al Pacino. Tom hanks is up there too.
Posted via Mobile Device

JaKaacH 03-04-2011 05:56 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
Pauly Shore

hscmit 03-04-2011 06:15 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
I would add Daniel Day-Lewis

Starscream 03-04-2011 06:40 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?

Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 1193752)
Pauly Shore


Starscream 03-04-2011 06:40 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?

Originally Posted by hscmit (Post 1193762)
I would add Daniel Day-Lewis

Doesn't take a lot of roles, but he's good at what he does.:tu

timj219 03-04-2011 06:46 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
I like all of Bugs Bunny's work.

JaKaacH 03-04-2011 06:49 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
John Malkovich
Anthony Hopkins
Jack Nicholson
Clint Eastwood

Kevin Bacon

MajorCaptSilly 03-04-2011 06:53 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
Clint Eastwood
Jack Nicholson
De Niro
Denzel Washington
Henry Fonda
Kevin Spacey
Robert Duvall
Michael Caine
Joe Pesci
Chris Walken
Sean Penn
Ray Liotta
Cary Grant
Paul Newman

All-time Favorite:
Jimmy Stewart


markem 03-04-2011 06:58 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
asking who is my fave actor is kinda like asking someone to name one cigar as their favorite across time without regard to anything else. Hard, but not impossible.

The actor whose name will make my ears perk up and tempt me to watch a movie just for that reason is presently Kevin Spacey. Others have occupied that spot at times. The runner up for that spot is most likely Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

pektel 03-04-2011 07:11 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
Johnny depp was amazing in fear and loathing.
Posted via Mobile Device

76GTFan 03-04-2011 07:50 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
Daniel Day Lewis. Incredible actor. And few movies to choose from.

Prospector 03-04-2011 07:55 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
Clint Eastwood
John Wayne

GolfNut 03-04-2011 08:12 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
Charlie Sheen :D
Posted via Mobile Device

Zeuceone 03-04-2011 08:30 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?

Originally Posted by GolfNut (Post 1193867)
Charlie Sheen :D
Posted via Mobile Device

Beat me to it.

CasaDooley 03-05-2011 11:56 AM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
My two grown daughters. Both have picked up Oscars for best acting in a drama category.:r

MajorCaptSilly 03-05-2011 12:02 PM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?

Originally Posted by CasaDooley (Post 1194430)
My two grown daughters. Both have picked up Oscars for best acting in a drama category.:r

That is funny!


MedicCook 03-06-2011 12:54 AM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
I have only 1 on my list.

Mila Kunis.

shilala 03-06-2011 02:32 AM

Re: Who's Your Favorite Actor?
Matt Damon and Brad Pitt, among lots that have already been named.
If i had to pick one, itd be Clint Eastwood, Al Pacino, or Robert DeNiro. Or Johnny Depp.

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