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floydpink 03-03-2011 08:47 AM

Possibly going from Iphone to Android
Never thought I'd say it, but after messing around with an Atrix yesterday, my initial impressions are that this thing may be worth switching to.

My biggest dillemma is whether the learning will be manageable going to Android after being on Iphone so long.

I'm very used to things the way they are on Iphone, especially the contacts and Itunes.

It has come down to a decision of jumping into the Atrix or waiting for the Iphone5, which a salesperson at ATT has confirmed will be out this Summer with a larger screen and dual processor.

I really like the phone dock for the Atrix for the laptop although it costs an extra 20 bucks a month for tethering.

Eleven 03-03-2011 10:29 AM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
I was always a BB user before I went Droid.

The learning curve was short, and painless. My wife is techno-deficient and she picked up on the Android OS with relative ease.

I still have to help her here and there with shortcuts, etc etc but she went from a texting phone to Android and it was almost as seamless as me going from BB to Android.

Blueface 03-03-2011 10:38 AM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1191571)
Never thought I'd say it, but after messing around with an Atrix yesterday, my initial impressions are that this thing may be worth switching to.

My biggest dillemma is whether the learning will be manageable going to Android after being on Iphone so long.

I'm very used to things the way they are on Iphone, especially the contacts and Itunes.

It has come down to a decision of jumping into the Atrix or waiting for the Iphone5, which a salesperson at ATT has confirmed will be out this Summer with a larger screen and dual processor.

I really like the phone dock for the Atrix for the laptop although it costs an extra 20 bucks a month for tethering.

4" screen to be exact.

Can't believe you are deserting.

AD720 03-03-2011 10:51 AM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
The contacts are easy if all you use is goggle to sync them. If you use an exchange server and google (like me) you need to be on top of it as things can get confusing. The contacts system is the weakest link as it doesn't deal well with duplicates.

The notification system for Android is FAR superior to the iPhones, at least for me. That is the number one reason I would not want an iPhone. I do have an iPod touch I play on so I am familiar with the system. The issues is that with the iPhone you have 2 choices with any notifications - do what it wants or don't - this is an issue especially when there are multiple notifications stacked up (I like to call it iPuke), so I do the first thing and then it wants me to the next thing so it stops the first thing, then it wants the third thing and stops the second thing, etc. With android I can look at it and decided if I want to do what it wants or if I don't. I just slide down the notifications bar and look at it, or however many there are and decided which one I want to do first. If I want to come back alter and accept it or not I can.

The real dealbreaker is the complete and total inability to be reminded more than once of a missed call. I am on call 24/7, 365 days a year. If I miss a call I can set up my Droid to nag me every minute until I acknowledge it. This is just not an option with the iPhone. Due to the iPhones restrictions on "background" apps developers can't even write apps to do that. There are a couple programs that do this but you have to start the app and have it running in the foreground for it to work, which means every time I put down my phone, put it in my pocket, go to the restroom, go to bed, I have to remember to start this app. That is a non-starter for me.

Bruzee 03-03-2011 10:51 AM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
I have had several other types and styles of phones before my DroidX. It was very simple to learn and navigate. I couldn't be happier with my Droid. Good luck. :tu

emopunker2004 03-03-2011 11:29 AM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
I love my HTC evo. Welcome to the dark side brother.

CRIMPS 03-03-2011 11:50 AM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
You can get tethering for free if you root your phone. It takes just a little technical savvy, but there are a ton of tutorials on how to do this. Then, you install the google released tether app.

CRIMPS 03-03-2011 11:53 AM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
Check out for more info on this.

kickerb 03-03-2011 11:55 AM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
well, you really don't need to get used to 'Android' more so MotoBlur, that is the UI on the Atrix.

floydpink 03-03-2011 12:25 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1191747)
4" screen to be exact.

Can't believe you are deserting.

Not deserting yet Carlos. Exploring.

Doing some comparing and finding the familiarity, coolness factor and intrigue about Iphone5 are still keeping me

Blueface 03-03-2011 12:38 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1191849)
Not deserting yet Carlos. Exploring.

Doing some comparing and finding the familiarity, coolness factor and intrigue about Iphone5 are still keeping me

Luke...........come back.:r

357 03-03-2011 01:17 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
If you only knew the POWER of the dark side.....


MrsSledn 03-03-2011 01:30 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
After having a BB for a while, I switched to DROID. I have an HTC EVO from Sprint. Love my phone. It's not a phone everyone likes. But I do.

Mr.Erskine 03-03-2011 02:45 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
I'm going to a DROID 2 Global

MikeyC 03-03-2011 03:21 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
I have an iPhone. I'm waiting for either the HTC Thunderbolt or the Droid Bionic to come out before making the switch.

floydpink 03-03-2011 04:12 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
After playing around for 1/2 hour on the Atrix, I felt like I was learning to use a smartphone all over again.

Personally, I find the Iphone's interface much more user friendly, although that may be due to familiarity.

After talking with the salespeople who wouldn't admit the Iphone5 is coming out and weren't overly helpful, it's getting hard to jump ship when Apple now has a few more months to come up with a game changer.

I am hard pressed to find enough solid evidence that this phone is the "Iphone killer" that I have been hearing.

CigarNut 03-03-2011 04:21 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
I drank the coolaid. I like my iPhone and am awaiting the 5 :D

Blueface 03-03-2011 04:23 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 1192121)
After playing around for 1/2 hour on the Atrix, I felt like I was learning to use a smartphone all over again.

Personally, I find the Iphone's interface much more user friendly, although that may be due to familiarity.

After talking with the salespeople who wouldn't admit the Iphone5 is coming out and weren't overly helpful, it's getting hard to jump ship when Apple now has a few more months to come up with a game changer.

I am hard pressed to find enough solid evidence that this phone is the "Iphone killer" that I have been hearing.





The force is strong Luke. Use the force.

CigarNut 03-03-2011 05:48 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1192134)




The force is strong Luke. Use the force.

I want the purple lightsaber :D

floydpink 03-03-2011 06:02 PM

Re: Possibly going from Iphone to Android
It's nice to be able to be in the position to have any phone I want after 2 years of watching the phones improve leaps and bounds but stuck in a contract with the Iphone3.

Right now it seems like the 'roid is really pushing to be the best and might be for all I know.

I'm stubborn when I like something, and keep hearing the new liquid cooled Suzukis are nice, but would rather overheat on a Harley any day. Seems like the Iphone has won a spot in my heart for the time being.

This is good because Steve Jobs has a huge ego and a few more months to come up with something big and will want to erase the "dropped call antennae" issue from 4.

Still flip flopping, but right now Iphone is winning.

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