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alexa071 03-02-2011 05:21 AM

My humidor has betrayed me!!
I bought this humidor less than 6 months ago...

It was a Devil's site purchase... the Treasure Dome Humidor. I treated this thing like my baby... and it betrayed me. I took it out of it's normal resting place to do an official inventory. I put it on the table and opened the lid. When I took my hand away from the lid it continued backwards and fell off! What the hell?! :mad: :bh

Upon closer inspection it isn't really made of any kind of wood at all. When you look under the hinges you can see it is made of some cheap particle board crap and it is lined with cedar. Where the screws were installed the particle board just split so there was nothing holding the majority of the screws in place.

I've got a customer service request in with the Devil's site so we'll see what they say. Otherwise I might have to go over to that waxing moon thread... might be saving my money for awhile by the looks of it!


thecatch83 03-02-2011 05:44 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
Reason #148 to just get a coolidor, and scrap the idea of owning anything nice in terms of a desktop humidor. That wood looks like it was a soup kitchen for termites. Sorry about your loss Randy, but I would contact cigar auction and see what they have to say....i'm curious is to how this will turn out! You might want to take some high resolution pics and include them in an email to their customer support team.

chand 03-02-2011 07:33 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
That is crazy! Good luck with CS. Can't wait to see what happens.

BloodSpite 03-02-2011 07:45 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
Time to talk to Waxing Moon! :) :banger

Hoping to do the same thing myself once they ol Income tax comes in. Fortunately I haven't had this kind of problem with my 'dor yet. yesh! Thats a nightmare, good luck with the Devil!

md4958 03-02-2011 08:01 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!

Originally Posted by thecatch83 (Post 1190056)
Reason #148 to just get a coolidor, and scrap the idea of owning anything nice in terms of a desktop humidor. .

I dont really think you have to scrap the idea of owning "anything nice in terms of a desktop" just because of one situation. I would say this is the exception, not the rule.

Many guys here have beautiful desktops that they have owned for years.

jesseboston81 03-02-2011 08:04 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
It's unfortunate that the hinges fell off like that, but just get your favorite super glue of choice and you should be able to patch things up quickly.

T.G 03-02-2011 09:11 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!

Originally Posted by alexa071 (Post 1190045)
Upon closer inspection it isn't really made of any kind of wood at all. When you look under the hinges you can see it is made of some cheap particle board crap and it is lined with cedar.

Pretty much all of the inexpensive humidors are built out of veneered pressboard, you can basically count on it. Doesn't mean it's bad per se, just inexpensive.

As for your issue, the lid tearing loose from the hinges on the Treasure Dome humidors is not unheard of. Over the years, I've seen posts from others who have experienced the same problem. A good part of it has to do with the excessive weight of the lid pulling on the screws and being a scattered problem it might be an intermitant manufacturing issue.

kaisersozei 03-02-2011 09:17 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!

Originally Posted by jesseboston81 (Post 1190177)
It's unfortunate that the hinges fell off like that, but just get your favorite super glue of choice and you should be able to patch things up quickly.

And jam some toothpicks into the old holes so there's something for the screws to bite on when you put it back together.

It also looks like you need some more sticks. :hm :D

Kreth 03-02-2011 09:22 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
Gorilla glue and some toothpicks will fix it right up. :2
Posted via Mobile Device

Average Joe 03-02-2011 09:42 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
Fix the cracks then glue some tight fitting dowels in the holes. Re-drill holes and re-screw the lid on.

Cheaper than a new humi, but might not solve hte problem for good.

HollywoodQue 03-02-2011 09:46 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
Good luck with a refund

OLS 03-02-2011 10:02 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
That is a toughie, but one you saw coming, I am sure. Humidor search always goes like this: $1500 for a humidor,
are they crazy!!! Let's see, I'll do a search for the word humidor and the word cheap. Ah yes, there
we go." $45 bucks, now that's more like it. You get the humidor, it looks like quite a fine piece of cabinetry,
you fill it, you forget the pricetag, and one day it all comes rushing back to you.

I agree, invest this time in a cooler that seals up tight, get some beads, use your old broken lower half as
a singles drawer IN THE COOLER and move on. Don't buy the cheapest cooler you can find, shop around
for a good one while you get used to opening your old humidor with two hands, lol.
You'll be alright. And like Howard said, good luck with a refund, cheap is cheap and there's a reason for it.

Killian 03-02-2011 11:16 AM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
De-hinge, add weather stripping and use it with fully removable lid. Easy Peasy.

Ashcan Bill 03-02-2011 12:20 PM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
While I think you could fix it with some clamps, wood glue and filler, I don't know if it would be worth it. It might not stay fixed for long.

Humidors tend to be something where you get what you pay for. I still have my first one, which I've had close to twenty years now. It wasn't a cheap one, but it's solid wood, still looks like new and holds humidity perfectly. Lot of cigars have cycled through that little desktop. My cabinet, which I got a few years back, cost an obscene amount but will probably outlast me by a good hundred years. Maybe a couple of hundred. :D

If you really want a humidor, pay the money and get one of quality. If you just want storage, go with a cooler - it's the best bang for your buck.

longknocker 03-02-2011 12:33 PM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!

Originally Posted by alexa071 (Post 1190045)
I bought this humidor less than 6 months ago...

It was a Devil's site purchase... the Treasure Dome Humidor. I treated this thing like my baby... and it betrayed me. I took it out of it's normal resting place to do an official inventory. I put it on the table and opened the lid. When I took my hand away from the lid it continued backwards and fell off! What the hell?! :mad: :bh

Upon closer inspection it isn't really made of any kind of wood at all. When you look under the hinges you can see it is made of some cheap particle board crap and it is lined with cedar. Where the screws were installed the particle board just split so there was nothing holding the majority of the screws in place.

I've got a customer service request in with the Devil's site so we'll see what they say. Otherwise I might have to go over to that waxing moon thread... might be saving my money for awhile by the looks of it!


Same Exact Problem With Same Humidor, Randy. That's When I Bought An Awesome Humidor From Ed (Waxingmoon) & Problem Solved!

Volusianator 03-02-2011 12:35 PM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!

Originally Posted by alexa071 (Post 1190045)
What the hell?! :mad: :bh

All I can say is MDF! You get what you pay for.

OnlyDryReds 03-02-2011 12:41 PM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
Ok - I had SAME issue with a brand new one with same type of ******* wood, mine was a Salerno. It can be saved! Take out screws, and goto your local Harbor Freight, and get there 5 mix epoxy, mix up and use toothpick to push epoxy into holes, ( you only have five min after you mix so only do one hinge at a time, and support the lid! ). after putting epoxy in, put screws back and wipe off excess. Worked for me.

Volusianator 03-02-2011 12:51 PM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 1190294)
And jam some toothpicks into the old holes so there's something for the screws to bite on when you put it back together.

Unless he does that, clamps the effected area together, predrills and keeps the clams in while screwing in the new screws, you'll most likely run into problems again. The MDF that the humidor is made from will simply push apart again once screws are brought back into the equation. What you're doing is putting more mass in a material that is not holding, so when the screws "bite" into the toothpicks, they'll more than likely blow out again.

GolfNut 03-02-2011 01:08 PM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
^^ +1

What you could do if it's worth it, is glue and clamp the affected area, drill out the screw holes and glue in hardwood dowels. Once set, drill screw holes into hardwood dowels and reassemble.

Or start saving up and speak to someone about a custom built desktop

Or, run down and pick up a tupperdore

Or run down and get a coleman cooler for a coolidor


You do have options if the vendor doesn't take care of you. Hopefully they will and this is all for nothing. :tu

emopunker2004 03-02-2011 02:20 PM

Re: My humidor has betrayed me!!
Glad I lost the auction on mine, after seeing this thread. Good Luck.

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