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Silound 02-26-2011 08:37 PM

I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
/rant on

I always knew the job market was suffering a lot because of the sagging economy, and I knew my profession area (BS in Computer Science) was a rough one to start with but I apparently was under-estimating things in a grand way. I graduated last fall, and so far I haven't found crap for a job. Originally I was going to teach HS CompSci, but that fell out as the requirements to be a teacher here in Louisiana didn't measure up to the available jobs (and I'm not keen on teaching in the New Orleans Recovery District).

So now I sit here, venting to a few thousand complete strangers on an internet forum, wondering to myself. What the hell am I going to do now? Grad school is out of the question, I can't pay my bills and be in school full time. Certifications like MCSE, MCITP, and Cisco are also out of the question until I can afford them. I'd work for peanuts if I made enough to live and pay my bills.

Does anyone have any good advice they'd share? Seems like I'm either missing something or another statistic.

/rant off

Remo 02-26-2011 08:43 PM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
Man I wish I had something to tell you, I worked construction for 5 years out of high school and then went into law enforcement, not getting rich but for a high school diploma I can't complain about my pay or benefits, funny thing is my wife is also in law enforcement, has a masters and makes as much as me. I keep telling her she needs a new job!!! WTF!!

AD720 02-27-2011 09:57 AM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
Hit craigslist, your local market, stores, etc and put up ads for computer repair, that will keep some cash coming in. I have a friend of friend who does very well doing it just part time.

Superbad 02-27-2011 10:10 AM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
Sending a PM... I need your resume.

kgoings 02-27-2011 10:51 AM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
Pming you send me your resume. Are you interested in moving to Arizona?

hscmit 02-27-2011 10:55 AM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
it is tough all over right now. good luck and hope some leads pan out for you

JDTexan 02-27-2011 11:13 AM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 1186744)
Pming you send me your resume. Are you interested in moving to Arizona?

You hit the nail on the head. In this market you have to be prepared to move anywhere your profession requires. If you are willing to move you can find work. You can not stay in a "comfortable" location where jobs are not available and expect to find the job you want.

CigarNut 02-27-2011 11:13 AM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
Your are the second person I know in this field to recently lose a job... I sincerely hope everything works out for you!

What part of the US are you in?

markem 02-27-2011 11:21 AM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
The market may be stalled in your area, but it is rapidly growing in many areas of the country. The benefit for you is that many places are not hiring overqualified persons since they don't want someone who is likely to jump at a better opportunity quickly. They want someone who aligns with the companies needs and growth opportunities.

If you can afford to relocate yourself, I'd put on your resume something like "willing to self relocate" and start hitting the markets that are growing. Atlanta is growing as is Phoenix, San Jose, Chicago, Portland (somewhat, mostly security related), at least for my former students (undergrads and grads in CS with relatively freshly minted degrees). If you are friendly with any former profs, take them to coffee to brainstorm about opportunities - in my experience, profs keep in touch with their top former students and those students often pass along job opportunities. Milk whatever contacts you have since many jobs won't get to the advertising stage in this economy.

best of luck!

p.s. Be sure to hit the library locally or at your college to keep up on what is happening in the areas you want to work in. Plus, check your local unemployment office to see if you qualify for state paid certification programs like microsoft or cisco. New grads can qualify here if they can show that they are required even for NCGs (new college grads).

Superbad 02-27-2011 02:19 PM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...

Originally Posted by Superbad (Post 1186711)
Sending a PM... I need your resume.

The Navy base I work on has hired a bunch of engineers in the past 2 years, the only fields we are still hiring in are Computer Science and Computer Engineering. The Air Force is also hiring in these fields. The jobs are DOD civilian, the starting salary for a BS degree is around the $53K range, at least at my base. They also pay relocation costs to get you here. It is not a bad way to go in the current job climate. I sent a PM, but if others on the Asylum fall into the same category, PM me, and I can try to help. I can also help with DOD jobs in general.

HollywoodQue 02-27-2011 02:38 PM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
Good luck with your job search!!

Silound 02-27-2011 09:28 PM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
Man, I do appreciate you guys for the offers! Relocation is no big deal to me, as long as the cost of living isn't extreme.

Getting busy with some emails right now. :)

I may have to go relax on the patio after this one!

Eleven 02-27-2011 09:37 PM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...

Originally Posted by Silound (Post 1187219)
Man, I do appreciate you guys for the offers! Relocation is no big deal to me, as long as the cost of living isn't extreme.

Getting busy with some emails right now. :)

I may have to go relax on the patio after this one!

Do the people here still seem like strangers?


loki 02-27-2011 09:39 PM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...
glad you were able to get some help, I maybe posting a similar thread here soon depending on where my wife laws degree takes us

Silound 02-27-2011 09:42 PM

Re: I knew the economy was in rough shape, but dang...

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1187230)
Do the people here still seem like strangers?


More like extended family :)

To be fair, if more of you lived near here, I'd be hosting crawfish boil herfs every other week for the next two months!

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