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benedic08 02-14-2011 09:51 PM

Newbie Piper!
Hey guys!

Cigar smoker here but i just got a pipe and did the first break-in smoke today and i like it!

Been lurking in the pipe forum for a few weeks learning all i can and went through a few sites posted at the website resources thread.

I got a Bjarne Viking Classic pipe and a tin of Dunhill Royal Yacht. I'm trying to quit smoking cigarettes right now and trying to convert into just cigars and pipes and it looks like the Dunhill Royal Yacht can curb my cravings without inhaling! :D

Oh and a question, I know a pipe needs rest, but while i still have one pipe right now im gonna smoke it multiple times a day everyday, do you guys think it will be okay smoking it like that till i get another pipe or two next month?

Thanks :D

Emjaysmash 02-14-2011 09:54 PM

Re: Newbie Piper!
First off, welcome to the wide world of piping!

I would try to get another pipe soon. Smoking it multiple times a day, every day, can lead to your pipe souring (which is not a good thing!)

Buying a corn cob pipe is fairly cheap.

JaKaacH 02-14-2011 09:57 PM

Re: Newbie Piper!
I would recommend getting a few cobs. See them at a lot of smoke shops for under $5.00, they smoke great and you can rest that Bjarne. Once a day should not hurt the Bjarne.

benedic08 02-14-2011 10:53 PM

Re: Newbie Piper!
Oh yeah corncobs!! Will be grabbing a few corncobs till i expand my number of pipes! :D

Thanks guys! :D

FunkyD 02-15-2011 05:27 AM

Re: Newbie Piper!
I love my bjarne vikings, great value imo. If you think smoking a pipe is awesome now, just wait 'til your pipe is fully broken it. It'll feel like a best friend.

Mister Moo 02-15-2011 05:39 AM

Re: Newbie Piper!
+3 on Missouri Meerschaum cobs. Oversmoking briar will make it wet - then comes hot, sour smoking, gurgling and so on and so on.

Glad to hear you like Royal Yacht; one of my faves. Many anti-Yachtites think it cures pipe smoking. :D

freestoke 02-16-2011 06:47 AM

Re: Newbie Piper!
When you pick up those cobs, you might want to grab something a bit more neutral than the Royal Yacht. RY is a "challenging" smoke, although a great one. A simple burley, like Prince Albert or Carter Hall, smokes drier and is more forgiving to pack and easier to keep lit. Not the flavor or nicotine kick of RY, but an easy straight up smoke and good for breaking in a pipe.

Oh -- DO grab a few cobs. I ditch the filters, personally.

benedic08 02-16-2011 08:46 PM

Re: Newbie Piper!

Originally Posted by freestoke (Post 1174445)
When you pick up those cobs, you might want to grab something a bit more neutral than the Royal Yacht. RY is a "challenging" smoke, although a great one. A simple burley, like Prince Albert or Carter Hall, smokes drier and is more forgiving to pack and easier to keep lit. Not the flavor or nicotine kick of RY, but an easy straight up smoke and good for breaking in a pipe.

Oh -- DO grab a few cobs. I ditch the filters, personally.

Yeah i ordered three of the Missouri Meerschaum cobs they're like $4 each!! :D

The royal yacht is a challenge to smoke. My first time with it i had to relight repeatedly... I figured it was too moist so next smoke i let it dry out for an hour and the relights were at a minimal.

I think i'll try and grab some Cater Hall next... :D

Thanks guys!

mariogolbee 02-17-2011 01:18 AM

Re: Newbie Piper!

Originally Posted by benedic08 (Post 1175458)
Yeah i ordered three of the Missouri Meerschaum cobs they're like $4 each!! :D

The royal yacht is a challenge to smoke. My first time with it i had to relight repeatedly... I figured it was too moist so next smoke i let it dry out for an hour and the relights were at a minimal.

I think i'll try and grab some Cater Hall next... :D

Thanks guys!

Where did you find them for that price?

Mister Moo 02-17-2011 05:37 AM

Re: Newbie Piper!

Originally Posted by mariogolbee (Post 1175650)
Where did you find them for that price?

Under $4.00 before postage:


Under $5.00:

I get mine at the JRCigar store, cash/carry. I think they're $4.00 - can't recall. Whatever - they were $3.95 a year or two back. I live in the past tense. :D

Missouri Meerschaum brand pipes still show at convenience stores, tobacconists and the weirdest places now and then for less than $4.00 (take the whole card when you see 'em). I just finished up the last of a card of $1.00 Legends I found at a store in Virginia.

benedic08 02-17-2011 11:50 AM

Re: Newbie Piper!
From the Missouri Meerschaum site itself

alfredo_buscatti 04-01-2011 04:50 AM

Re: Newbie Piper!
Royal Yacht has a following as well as its detractors, some of whom have renamed it as "Royal Yuck." It's a love it or hate it tobacco.

Yes, while you build your rotation with more costly pipes, cobs are certainly the choice.

I agree with the comments on over-smoking a pipe and the sourness that eventuates. 3-7 days of rest between smokes is a good guideline. I rest my pipes a minimum of 3 days and have never had a pipe go sour after 3 days rest.

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