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BigAsh 02-05-2011 04:07 PM

Weird cigar dinner last nite...
Went to a cigar dinner in NJ last nite at a nice country club with a good friend and my 3 brothers...had a nice prime rib dinner, good booze, great company and 9 decent sticks including La aroma de Cuba, la Aurora 107, RP edge among others...Weird part was trying to couldn't smoke inside the dining room due to smoking ban...they had an outside covered patio with 3 mushroom heaters but with open sides on the patio and VERY COLD temps, you had to huddle underneath the heaters to be comfortable, tough to do with 3 heaters and 120 guests...not sure what the organizers were thinking....never been to a cigar dinner where I really couldn't smoke (or at least enjoy) a stick....good times in the end due to the company I was with....but weird...:sh

kelmac07 02-05-2011 04:08 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
Cigar dinner where you cou'dn't smoke inside??? Who put this wing-ding together?? :r :r

shilala 02-05-2011 04:09 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...

Emjaysmash 02-05-2011 04:11 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
very Odd.

Zeuceone 02-05-2011 04:13 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...

hscmit 02-05-2011 04:14 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
piss poor planning

jesseboston81 02-05-2011 04:17 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
I'm not even going to comment about the current state of anti-smoking laws.... :td

Powers 02-05-2011 04:17 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
That is strange. It's like going to a gun range and ya can't shoot

G G 02-05-2011 04:21 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
Very strange indeed.

thebayratt 02-05-2011 05:11 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
Thats pretty stupid you ask me!

They should have waited til the spring to do that if they knew you can't smoke indoors there... That or put up a tarp or visqueen around the patio to make it outdoors, but sheltered somewhat from the wind and cold. Thats how I do it on my patio. Works pretty good.

Devanmc 02-05-2011 05:16 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
hi where is my card...can i get it pounched...

sounds like a strange night

Bill86 02-05-2011 05:22 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
Let me guess they didn't have food either? Or did you have to eat in the parking lot?

Ranger_B 02-05-2011 05:25 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
9 cigars for a dinner where you couldnt smoke inside. I smoke the average of 1-2 hours per cigar so that is almost a whole day affair. I would have been frozen. Sounds like some real poor planning. Maybe write an letter to the editor in the local paper about it. Was if for a charity?

Krish the Fish 02-05-2011 05:26 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
this is quite strange... logistical issue I imagine.

guitar4001 02-05-2011 05:43 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
a good night dampened by a dumb law. yuck.

swh127 02-05-2011 05:45 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
That sucks, sounds like very poor planning on the organizers of the event.

Chingas 02-05-2011 10:51 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
Thats Karma for not calling me...:fu:fu2:c:rlz:tg

Neens 02-05-2011 10:59 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
Thats just odd. Maybe it was organized by a company based out of state who didn't know about the smoking ban? I can understand in the summer to have all thoes people outside smoking but not now.

whodeeni 02-05-2011 11:00 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 1163300)
Thats Karma for not calling me...:fu:fu2:c

Tell 'em Chingas!:sl :r

icehog3 02-05-2011 11:06 PM

Re: Weird cigar dinner last nite...
Stupid is as stupid does.

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