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First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Ha, I didn't even make it into the woods this morning. I was on my way and about 5:35 AM I rounded the bend in the road and hit a 7 point buck with my mom's truck! :eek: The brand new GMC killed that deer dead. Since it was a buck and I hit it in the rear I kindly got a highway deer kill permit to take the meat and horns. Boys, there's gonna be chili, sausage, and burgers soon! Sad news for mom's truck though. Glad she wasn't upset about it but it did take out the passenger front headlamp, blinker and bumper. Who knows how much it will cost to repair but thank goodness for full coverage insurance! Just thought I'd share my "hunting" experiance without ever pulling the trigger. :r
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Highway deer kill permit? Do all states have that?
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Congrats on the kill. Too bad on the GMC.
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Not sure on this one. I know Michigan does though :D |
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Roadkilled Deer/Possessing Wildlife: It is unlawful at any time topossess live wildlife, except foxes for which a permit has been issued,or animals, or parts of animals, killed on highways. Pennsylvaniaresidents may possess deer killed by a motor vehicle for personalconsumption only if they secure a permit number from the GameCommission within 24 hours after taking the deer; call the appropri-ate region office. It is not legal to kill “put it out of its misery” anyinjured wildlife; again, call the region office. It is unlawful to give thewhole or edible part of a deer killed on a highway to another person.Holders of a valid furtakers license may possess a furbearer killed ona highway, except for bobcats, fishers or river otters. Persons takingpossession of any furbearer killed on a highway during the closedseason for taking that furbearer shall within 24 hours contact any GameCommission region office to make notification of said possession. :ss |
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
The only deer I've ever killed was with a truck.. ! hope it's good eatin!
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Bomb me some of that venison, Andrew. Just kidding. Sorry bout the truck bro.:D
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Hate to hear about the truck, but you do get some good meat :tu
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Thanks. I've heard of people getting in trouble for taking the deer, but didn't know there was a way to make it legal. |
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
I hope that deer had insurance...:r
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
we will be expecting some nice venison next time we meet up bro
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
That's funny! |
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
You're one deadly sumbtch, Andrew. :D
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
I had to work all day. Called my brother ( the deer slayer) about five times
Did you see anything yet, How about now, Now? .caught him a little while ago three bucks taken four tags , One more tomorrow. Then I will go next week.Its a family thing. Not uncommon to have ten hangin at once. Mulies and white tails in the same fields. Gotta love corn fed Nebraska venison. Pat:ss |
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
The best thing is that you didnt get hurt. We have had that to happen to someone in our party a couple times. In Texas you used to be able to pick it up and take the meat - not sure what the law is nowadays though.
Re: First deer of Firearm deer season '08
Those running deer are a pain in the ass, my dad hit one with his beemer and it was 3g worth of damage.
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