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sparkboss 01-28-2011 02:46 AM

Broken humidifier in tavidor
The new travidor I got came with the typical plastic hockey puck sponge but the adhesive was faulty and won't stick to the top of the humidor, would any certain bonding agents have a negative effect on my cigars I'd super glue?

CoreyD 01-28-2011 02:51 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor

Originally Posted by sparkboss (Post 1152089)
The new travidor I got came with the typical plastic hockey puck sponge but the adhesive was faulty and won't stick to the top of the humidor, would any certain bonding agents have a negative effect on my cigars I'd super glue?

I'd suggest 1-2 2oz stick of HCM beads or 4oz and toss the puck

sparkboss 01-28-2011 02:54 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor
Hmmm, I think I might just do that! Thanks!!

sparkboss 01-28-2011 04:49 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor
couldn't edit so i'll just add - i've noticed with alot of the humidor prep techniques people often place a sponge on a saucer. i feel this is a stupid question, but it would be face to place this directly in the humidor without over moisturizing where i've placed it?

Bill86 01-28-2011 05:00 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor
I don't know how big your traveldor is but a tube of heartfelt beads would suite it just fine.

aich75013 01-28-2011 08:11 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor

Originally Posted by CoreyD (Post 1152090)
I'd suggest 1-2 2oz stick of HCM beads or 4oz and toss the puck

I put a 2oz Shilala soft bead stick in my cigar caddy when I use it.
I've never used the built in humidifier.

sparkboss 01-28-2011 10:16 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor

Originally Posted by aich75013 (Post 1152274)
I put a 2oz Shilala soft bead stick in my cigar caddy when I use it.
I've never used the built in humidifier.

thats what i was leaning toward doing too, any difference in between the soft bead and the normal?

Brutus2600 01-28-2011 10:38 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor
Depending on how big your traveldor is and how long you're even planning on keeping your sticks in there, you might not want any humidification. The sticks regulate themselves in smaller traveldors for short amounts of time and can actually get over humidified if you're not careful. So unless I'm planning on being gone a week or more and opening my traveldor a lot, I really don't put in any humidification devices.

shvictor 01-28-2011 10:40 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor
I've kept mine in my 15 count cigar caddy for over a week with no humidification and didnt see a difference in my cigars.

neoflex 01-28-2011 10:58 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 1152448)
Depending on how big your traveldor is and how long you're even planning on keeping your sticks in there, you might not want any humidification. The sticks regulate themselves in smaller traveldors for short amounts of time and can actually get over humidified if you're not careful. So unless I'm planning on being gone a week or more and opening my traveldor a lot, I really don't put in any humidification devices.

:tpd: That's my usual practice.:2

CoreyD 01-28-2011 11:33 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 1152448)
Depending on how big your traveldor is and how long you're even planning on keeping your sticks in there, you might not want any humidification. The sticks regulate themselves in smaller traveldors for short amounts of time and can actually get over humidified if you're not careful. So unless I'm planning on being gone a week or more and opening my traveldor a lot, I really don't put in any humidification devices.

from what I have read in his other posts I think he has a wooden traveldor which he's using as his main humidor which should then be seasoned accordingly?

NorcalMark 01-28-2011 11:58 AM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor
69% boveda bag

bobarian 01-28-2011 12:09 PM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor

Originally Posted by NorcalMark (Post 1152533)
69% boveda bag

:tpd: Beads would be a waste of money for anything less than a 100ct humidor. A Boveda pack or a water pillow(I'm sending both) will work fine. Maybe you could take a picture of the humidor, this would help.

OLS 01-28-2011 01:16 PM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor
I drilled a bunch of holes in a tubo and filled it with heartfelt beads and it has to be
a little bit better than the supposed waste of money, but it'd be hard to beat the
convenience and neatness of a boveda pack in that instance.

sparkboss 01-29-2011 12:38 PM

Re: Broken humidifier in tavidor

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1152548)
:tpd: Beads would be a waste of money for anything less than a 100ct humidor. A Boveda pack or a water pillow(I'm sending both) will work fine. Maybe you could take a picture of the humidor, this would help.

this is the one i got

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