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Gophernut 01-27-2011 01:30 PM

Non alcholic beers
I've recently made the decision to cut way back on my drinking. No big deal, did it for health and weight loss reasons. Now the problem I am having is that I really enjoy the taste of beer. I have had a few O'Doul's Amber, and it's not bad, but I have to think there are better ones out there. Anyone have any suggestions? As far as flavor profiles I like, I like em all. Stouts, IPA's, bocks, wheat, etc. Never had a beer style that didn't have some appeal.

pektel 01-27-2011 01:31 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers
I decided to cut back soda and fast food instead. :D

Sorry I can't help on the NA beer.

mpd340 01-27-2011 02:04 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1151109)
I decided to cut back soda and fast food instead. :D

Sorry I can't help on the NA beer.

Im with him cut out the soda and fast food. I still drink beer and liqour, but I cut back. instead of having a drink four days out of the week I cut it to two. I will say it does make that beer or drink taste a little better.:noon

BeerAdvocate 01-27-2011 02:15 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers
Never heard of such thing. Good Luck!

shilala 01-27-2011 02:16 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers
I usually have Busch NA around here. The O'douls amber is good. I'm thinking there's a Beck's that isn't bad. If we're out to eat and we're having seafood, I'll drink whatever NA they have available. I've tried lots, and it's hit or miss.
The best I can suggest is that you try whatever you see.

icehog3 01-27-2011 03:13 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1151188)
I usually have Busch NA around here. The O'douls amber is good. I'm thinking there's a Beck's that isn't bad. If we're out to eat and we're having seafood, I'll drink whatever NA they have available. I've tried lots, and it's hit or miss.
The best I can suggest is that you try whatever you see.

I had the Becks many years ago, it is the only one I ever had that I even found palatable, Steve.

shilala 01-27-2011 03:29 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers
I was just thinking, there's a Guiness, too. It's horrid, but that's me. I never liked Guinness, either.

IBQTEE1 01-27-2011 05:41 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers
When I have up alcohol for Lent I found St. Pauli N.A too. I believe another one I had was Clausthaler NA.

Gophernut 01-27-2011 05:59 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers

Originally Posted by pektel (Post 1151109)
I decided to cut back soda and fast food instead. :D

Sorry I can't help on the NA beer.

Don't eat fast food and only diet soda. This isn't looking too promising...

Bill86 01-28-2011 02:20 AM

Re: Non alcholic beers
I think if you want to cut back, drink whatever beer you want just do it less often. NA beer isn't beer....don't torture yourself. Drink once a week and enjoy yourself.

shilala 01-28-2011 05:58 AM

Re: Non alcholic beers
Here ya go, Steve. It's a list of reviews.
Kaliber is the Guinness. I tried it at my wife's Christmas party and had to give it back to the bartender. Couldn't gag it down. I never did develop a taste for malts when I drank, and it appears I still don't like them.
I always likes sweet lagers, and enjoyed lots of Canadian lagers. The best beer I ever drank was Grizzly, from Canada, and the company is out of business. That should indicate how my taste runs. :D
Here's some more NA beers.
Here's a little list I stole, but I think it's outdated.
* Beck's (non-alcoholic version, Haake Beck)
Bavaria Malt
Bitburger Drive
* Buckler (brewed by Heineken)
Busch N/A
* Clausthaler (also available in Amber)
Coors Cutter
Duff Zero: fictional non-alcoholic beer on The Simpsons
Erdinger Non-alcoholic Weiss
* Hacke Beck
* Kaliber (brewed by Guinness)
* O'Doul's (also available in Amber)
* St. Pauli Girl N/A
Warsteiner Premium Fresh
White Label (bitter)
Bintang Zero (brewed by PT. Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk)
Labatt Nord

Last, but not least...
While I was looking for that stuff, I saw different microbrew or regional NA's, so there's that, too. I've never run across any, but I guess they're out there?

Gophernut 01-28-2011 08:54 AM

Re: Non alcholic beers
Thanks for the info guys. I found a Paulaner Thomas Brau that isn't too bad, but it's $10 a sixer. This is only a temporary thing until I lose some weight. Down 20, and 30 more to go.

mosesbotbol 01-28-2011 09:22 AM

Re: Non alcholic beers
In Europe, non-alcohol beer has improved big time. Its popularity has really risen over the last few years due to drink/drive laws and lunchtime drinking.

I don't know which brands to recommend, but I would like towards European brands.

Bageland2000 01-28-2011 09:48 AM

Re: Non alcholic beers

Originally Posted by Gophernut (Post 1152323)
Thanks for the info guys. I found a Paulaner Thomas Brau that isn't too bad, but it's $10 a sixer. This is only a temporary thing until I lose some weight. Down 20, and 30 more to go.

The more you exercise, the quicker you can start drinking beer with what it was meant to have in it! My uncle switched when his liver started to go bad:td but I think he just stuck to O'Douls. GL buddy, I don't think I could ever give it up

dave 09-19-2011 11:01 AM

Re: Non alcholic beers
Took a break from drinking a while back (must be 8-9 years now) and about a year ago decided to try non-alcoholic beers (guess I had thought it might be a slippery slope or something.) Anyway, here's what I've found around here (Northern VA) from good to ok to pretty sucky:

Kaliber - not sure why the harsh words above -- this stuff is pretty good
O'Douls Amber (brown label) - surprisingly good, too
Just OK:
Pretty sucky:
St Pauli
O'Douls (green)

CigarSquid 09-19-2011 01:31 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 1151184)
Never heard of such thing. Good Luck!


Don Fernando 09-19-2011 03:29 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers
Buckler sucks, a stand up comedian killed the whole brand here in The Netherlands :D

Maybe you should try this one, Heff approves:

Hot Stuff x 09-20-2011 06:21 AM

Re: Non alcholic beers
I'll second Bitburger Drive.

I think St. Pauli Girl NA is good as well. For domestic NA beers I like Sharps by Miller.

shark 09-30-2011 06:43 PM

Re: Non alcholic beers
Only "near beer" I've had was when I was in Saudi. It was pretty bad, considering at the time I thought Budweiser was really, really good stuff! :r Sorry I couldn't help. :D

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