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Famous bundles
So I bought two bundles of the Nic 3000 torps back in '06 when my daughter was born, and I still have a bunch left. I was just checking out Famous' website and HOLY CRAP, they've added a bunch more Nic bundles. Anyway, are the 3000's still considered "it" amongst their bundles? I'm tempted to try some of the others, but I don't want to be disappointed. |
Re: Famous bundles
I've heard some good things about the 5000's but have not tried them. I'm pretty sure the 3000's are still the king of the crop.
Re: Famous bundles
Re: Famous bundles
Pick up the Best of Nic K series sampler, it has 3 of each series.
Re: Famous bundles
I smoked a 5000 that Mac gave me and it was awesome
Re: Famous bundles
The Nicaraguan 9K is the bomb.
Re: Famous bundles
Famous Nic 5000s are my favorites!!! :dr :dr 3000s with some age (over a year) are tasty from time to time. :2
Re: Famous bundles
Nicaraguan 3000 = Oliva
Nicaraguan 7000 = Pepin I'll like them both very much. Hold a gun to my head and with quivering hand I'd probably pick the 7000K. Or kick you in the gut, and then pick the N7K.:D |
Re: Famous bundles
Re: Famous bundles
The 5000's with a little age are awesome and you can usually get a great deal on them at cigarauctioneer.
Re: Famous bundles
:tpd: |
Re: Famous bundles
The 3000 was originally Serie X for Espinosa/Ortega. Fuente promptly sh*t their pants and sued them for copyright infringement on the use of "X". POOF! The Famous 3000 was born. http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y19...rnies/TheX.jpg and the result....http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y19...ebeginning.jpg |
Re: Famous bundles
Thats pretty wild... didnt know that.
Where did you come across the info for the 7k? |
Re: Famous bundles
Famous is very cryptic in their product description of the 3K and the 7K. Give customer service a call and they won't divulge the source of production of either cigar. Ostensibly, to hide the makers identity of a "HIGH" end cigar maker that is producing - OMG -- a bundled cigar. Oh the horror!!
I can't say with 100% surety 7K is Pepin. Buy some and come to your own conclusions. Personally I think they are Pepin. All you will get from the product description on the 7K is, "...“Blended by one of the most renown tabaqueros in Esteli, Nicaragua …." In my view I will interpret that as Tabacalara Cubana. Is it a guarantee - not from me. Again, simply an opinion that I picked up from other boards, but tend to agree with. In the end, as I said, I like the 3K and the 7k and like the 7K a little better. I think the flavor profile is typically Pepin. Incidentally Holts does the same "cryptic" marketing of their Little Havana Overruns (LHO's). You can't get Holts to commit they are from Pepin, and product description says, "Here is another award-winning closeout from the #1 cigar-maker in Miami”. I think they use the "mystery" to help marketing and sales. To me they are Pepin. The best were the LHO originals from a few years ago. I still have about 5 bundles. From other boards it was said the original LHO's were overruns of the Troya Classico, a now defunct Pepin brand. Maybe so, but there were so many variations in wrapper color and size of the original LHOs (for example some very small PC's that Troya Classico did not come in) that I think it might be partially overproduction of Troya, but I also think they were using the tobacco for blending and sizing experimentation. However they came to be, the LHO ORs were excellent. LHO II's came in a large Torpedo and are also long gone, but the current production of LHOs are very good (IMO) and you might consider them in addition to, or alternative to, the Famous Nic Series bundles. My understanding is 3K is an Oliva produced cigar, and you will probably get the same opinion on this board. Again, Famous will not divulge on the phone or in it's catalogue description. In the catalog it says, Handmade by one of Nicaragua's top tabacaleras ...". That has always been the description ever since the bru-haha with Fuente over the dispute of the "X" branding of the cigar. After the copyright infringement suit from Fuente on the "X" branding we got the 3000 (OR) -- notice the OR version from Tobii's picture does NOT have the green band. He has all three iterations -- X, OR, and 3K (full bundle of 20 in the picture). Aside from tobii's history lesson and pictorial of the Series X (yea I'm jealous he still has some), my understanding is the 3K is Oliva tobacco and production hence my comment "3K = Oliva". I don't see the HUUUUGE difference between Oliva tobacco and Oliva cigars? Doesn't matter much in the end - 3K is a good cigar. In regard to original post, I guess many still consider the 3K "it" amongst the Nicaraguan K series bundles - it is a very good stick. So I will revise my earlier statement: 7K = Pepin (IMO - no guarantee). Again for original poster's question, to my palate 3K and 7K are best of breed of the Famous Nicaraguan series and I have both on hand consistently. If you pick one, I think 7K takes it (even compared to bundles of 3K from '06). FWIW |
Re: Famous bundles
And that's all you'll get out of me. http://images.paraorkut.com/img/pics...devil-8533.gif |
Re: Famous bundles
Just a FYI, I also talked with Ortega's PR person about the 3K and they were hush hush as well. Although they did leave me more with the impression that it was the same.
I didn't know that about the 7k. I'll have to get some and make some comparisons. I thought I recall reading that someone had confirmed the LHO's to be from Pepin. At least the OR's they confirmed. I missed the boat on the OR LHO's only because I didn't have the funds at the time. I got some later and they tasted like Don Pepin seconds of the JJ line. |
Re: Famous bundles
Come on Man give us the straight skinny --- How did I know you'd be the first to see this!!! Yea, I agree with the Pride (and reputation) issue. In response to it I think Famous helped Oliva turn this into a "lemons into lemonade" situation with the 3K (Notice how I am slyly trying to get you to respond to this). Let's just say 3K is Oliva (wink wink), no one better than you to tell us if your marketing of the 3K while "kind of" letting us know it is Oliva hasn't hurt you (Famous), Oliva, or the cigar smoker. IMO, in the end Oliva gets to sell lots of tobacco (as you reference above with regard to pennies of production), Famous gets to be the retailer of a great product and create some buzz around a bad law suit situation, and in the end the consumer gets a great cigar! WIN-WIN-WIN!!!! But it is a slippery slope for a high end company like Oliva to sell a "cheaper" bundle (aside from their Flor de Oliva) and they could really impact the margins on their high end boxed cigars. but in the case of the 3K I think it has worked well for all involved. Hence, that is why you guys keep supplying this stick - and thanks for doing it. :D I think Holts took your lead in this regard and seized the opportunity when Pepin had extra tobacco. They saw how successful the Famous 3K was and voila we have the same marketing technique with Holt's LHO, except with Pepin not Oliva. But Humberto, you more than anyone here should provide an answer to the OP --- which one do you like the best??? Quote:
Sorry Wayner, still in the process of moving/building a new house and most of my stuff is at old place (1000 miles away). If I get back anytime soon I will try to dig out some LHO originals, LHO II, and Nic 7K for you to compare. No question Pepin in my view. Small LHO I's are just great - I also remember speculation about JJ seconds. As I said, I think LHO came about partially due to overproduction, partially excess tobacco they used for blending/rolling experimentation, and partially marketing/sales opportunity that aped what Famous was doing with the N3K. Again all of my opinion is just that - speculation. |
Re: Famous bundles
billy -
Oliva Tobacco That's Oliva Tobacco. Oliva Cigars That's just the cigars. HUGE difference. :D |
Re: Famous bundles
As far as what my favorite is... I'm actually a big fan of the Nic 6Ks, made by... um... somebody. |
Re: Famous bundles
Page 62 of the Famous Catalog - Quote:
I miss the old days of the Oliva Segundos, Humberto.....And WHY did y'all go and re-blend the Honduran 2000?? |
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