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forgop 01-19-2011 06:57 PM

Sore throat-what do you turn to?
My throat is on fire...cough drops don't help and Havana Club 7 year old don't touch it either.

Bageland2000 01-19-2011 06:59 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Gargle warm salt water

icehog3 01-19-2011 07:00 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Tea with honey. I don't drink hot tea, except when I have a sore throat.

yakman 01-19-2011 07:02 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
I do hot tea with lots of lemon, sugar and a little bit or vodka in it.

forgop 01-19-2011 07:04 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1139909)
Tea with honey. I don't drink hot tea, except when I have a sore throat.

My anatomy professor gave a recipe last semester for something like heating up 2 cups water with 2 lemon halves in it to a boil and reducing it to 1 cup. Then add honey to taste. I used it a few times, but I thought that was better suited for sinus/cold type stuff than just strictly a sore throat. I'll try that as well.

jmsremax 01-19-2011 07:13 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Tea with honey!

McSmokey 01-19-2011 07:15 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Bourbon lemon and honey

Zeuceone 01-19-2011 07:15 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Honey heated with tequila and add lemon.

kelmac07 01-19-2011 07:58 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Warm tea and honey works magic on a sore throat. A shot of Jack couldn't hurt either. :D

Starscream 01-19-2011 08:04 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Jack, Jim, George, or Evan can help you out.

BlackDog 01-19-2011 08:10 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
I like to gargle with salt water. And bourbon doesn't hurt either. ;)

TheCigarNut 01-19-2011 08:28 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Same as others, warm tea, honey and vodka or tequilla

forgop 01-19-2011 08:55 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
I used my anatomy professor's suggestion of water/lemon/honey (as I don't have any tea in the house at the moment) and that didn't help. Hope I don't have strep, but I sure have the symptoms.

pnoon 01-19-2011 08:57 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
A shot or two of your favorite dark spirit (scotch, rye, bourbon, rum, etc.), a tablespoon or two of honey, a pat of butter. Put them in a pint glass. Fill with hot water from a tea kettle. Stir to melt the butter and dissolve the honey. Drink hot (or at least warm).

Whipper Snapper 01-19-2011 09:02 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?

woops 01-19-2011 09:19 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
I'll add my 2 cents:

For years I use to be a big proponent of the honey/lemon tea until I discovered the drink that always seems to work, for me (and my family/friends).

Peppermint Tea.

No sugar, milk, lemon, or honey. It's different if you're not use to it, but ....

There is no better drink for a sore throat! IMO. :)

Peppermint Tea.

Ranger_B 01-19-2011 09:26 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Hot tea with honey as others have said. Then cloroseptic.

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-19-2011 09:26 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1140138)
A shot or two of your favorite dark spirit (scotch, rye, bourbon, rum, etc.), a tablespoon or two of honey, a pat of butter. Put them in a pint glass. Fill with hot water from a tea kettle. Stir to melt the butter and dissolve the honey. Drink hot (or at least warm).

Hmm. What's the reason behind the butter? I've heard of this before.

pnoon 01-19-2011 09:32 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1140185)
Hmm. What's the reason behind the butter? I've heard of this before.


LostAbbott 01-19-2011 09:32 PM

Re: Sore throat-what do you turn to?
Get some cheap scotch with a high alcohol content and gargle and swallow that, should kill most anything that is bothering you...

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