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WaxingMoon 01-19-2011 12:46 PM

Bring on the Coolers
Just finished up these requests..... Good stuff!

Don't have the coolers for these.... but, here they are.... The BOTL is putting humidification under the crumb catchers....

hscmit 01-19-2011 12:55 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
nice cooler setups

MarioF 01-19-2011 12:57 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
That would be a great way to set up a cooler. Awesome work.

OLS 01-19-2011 12:57 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
Oh how the mighty have fallen, roflmao

G G 01-19-2011 01:10 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
Very nice.:tu

Volusianator 01-19-2011 01:22 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
Man, with all that Spanish Cedar sawdust around I hope you have a good respirator!

Subvet642 01-19-2011 01:27 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
Genius! :tu

WaxingMoon 01-19-2011 01:32 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1139443)
Man, with all that Spanish Cedar sawdust around I hope you have a good respirator!

Yep.... got it on line.... Today it was a Man of War - Armada :D

jmsremax 01-19-2011 01:49 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
Oh man that is a nice setup for a cooler.

Skywalker 01-19-2011 02:05 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers

Zeuceone 01-19-2011 02:08 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
That's some nice set ups.

OLS 01-19-2011 02:17 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1139443)
Man, with all that Spanish Cedar sawdust around I hope you have a good respirator!

That was the first thing I thought when I saw it. The second was the smart-a$$ quip.
I just thought it was funny that waxy was making these museum pieces and now I see him making coolers.
It caught me as funny, lol. That is a severely sweet setup for a lowly cooler.

swh127 01-19-2011 02:20 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
Very nice.

WaxingMoon 01-19-2011 02:21 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1139519)
That was the first thing I thought when I saw it. The second was the smart-a$$ quip.
I just thought it was funny that waxy was making these museum pieces and now I see him making coolers.
It caught me as funny, lol. That is a severely sweet setup for a lowly cooler.

I finally got some help in my shop.... We'll do it all, my friend! Nothin' better than sawdust 'n gars....

ajacobs 01-19-2011 02:30 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
The one with the green cooler Ed made for me. I can't wait for it to arrive. He was a pleasure to work with.

The price was extremely reasonable.

I know there are plenty who think it is crazy to put that much effort into a cooler but I have my reason.

I have several of those party stacker coolers and in fact may not end up using all 3 trays in the same cooler. I prefer them to the larger 100 qt coolers (these are 33 qt) for several reasons. The dimensions are great for fitting boxes and the like. I only open the cooler I need and don't change out the air for all my cigars by having them in one cooler. They come in different colors (I have Anejo and opus cooler, this green one will be for padrons).

I have a desktop humi, although I am about to order one from ED. I keep a 30 or 40 smokes in it and that is enough. Bulk storage capacity is provided by the coolers.

I think they would be a great system for someone starting out also. The coolers come in 2 depths (one should fits 2 trays fine) and this size. You could start with one cooler and one tray. Add coolers that will all stack as you need them and add trays as you need them.

I had Ed make 3 compartments 6.5 inches high. For toro's which is what I mainly smoke and 5.5 inches wide for the outside 2. This will allow me to fill it with Robustos in one directions or toros the other. The drawers are about 3 inches deep so a whole box would fit in some of the compartments.

The top two Churchill size compartments are over 7 inches long.

Ranger_B 01-19-2011 02:31 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
Fanciest cooler I have ever seen. Nice work

thebayratt 01-19-2011 05:11 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers

Aaron, I bet you are going to love those! Very nice and functional!

kelmac07 01-19-2011 05:31 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
They look AWESOME Ed!! :tu

longknocker 01-19-2011 05:34 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers

Drez 01-19-2011 11:54 PM

Re: Bring on the Coolers
ed can you post or pm me a price for this. thinking of getting a new cooler soon and maybe i can have it shipped to you so you can make some of these.

either gonna get this one

or this one

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