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Shamansmith 12-12-2010 05:21 PM

cigars and health
Hello, My name is Shaman Smith (yes actual name) and I have just recently turned 18 and when I raise the appropriate funds me and my friend were going to drive down to this place called Tinderbox to get some cigars. But I have some questions.

Up until now I really haven't done any potentially hazards things to my health (unless you count being fat), never smoked anything, drank, I’ve even managed to evade being sick much of my life so I have never really taken any medications either. And this whole while I have seen read and heard many things about the dangers of such things I have stated above. And believe you me, I am as skeptical of this fear mongering as the next guy with aluminum foil as a hat. Yet despite this I do find even the prospect of developing tongue and throat cancer a bit...unsavory.

So without relying upon some faceless company's research I would rather ask the people of this forum-

Does anyone have, or knows someone who has, any health problems due to smoking (specifically cigars)? And if I plan smoking no more than roughly 2 cigars a week am I in any real danger?


Ogre 12-12-2010 05:25 PM

Re: cigars and health
I dont see any problems with my health. I guess if you dont inhale the cigar, there is vary little risk. Mouth cancer is found more in dip that anything else. All I can suggest is brush your teeth and rinse with a good mouth wash after, the greatest risk is from kissing a girlfriend or wife who doesnt care for it.

quantim0 12-12-2010 05:30 PM

Re: cigars and health
You're a big boy now. You can decide whether or not a risk is acceptable to you. I smoke cigars because I enjoy it. There is a potential health hazard, albeit small. However, I as a grown man have made the decision that the enjoyment I get out of cigars is worth the risk.

Shamansmith 12-12-2010 05:35 PM

Re: cigars and health

Originally Posted by quantim0 (Post 1091688)
You're a big boy now. You can decide whether or not a risk is acceptable to you. I smoke cigars because I enjoy it. There is a potential health hazard, albeit small. However, I as a grown man have made the decision that the enjoyment I get out of cigars is worth the risk.

yes, well me being a "big boy" now has no bearing weather or not smoking is actually harmful..which was the entirety of my post.

markem 12-12-2010 05:41 PM

Re: cigars and health
As with any smoking, risks do go up with imbibing. The stats show the risk to be minimal, in a statistical sense. In order for it to be zero for some, it must be above average for others. You may or may not be in a group at the extremes of the averages. Caveat Emptor and all that.

Bill86 12-12-2010 05:41 PM

Re: cigars and health
Yes it is harmful to you. So are cigarettes and booze but you know what....they taste GREAT! You only live once, don't miss out on anything you want to do. You don't get a second chance to do it all over again. IMHO 2 a week isn't a problem, although if you do get cancer there isn't too much proof that cigars did it. Theres always stories of that 95 year old 4 pack a day smoker in perfect health. You really need to decide this one for yourself, all of us can only give you the "go for it" because we do. It's enjoyable and if I do get mouth cancer so be it.

EDIT frankly having sex has it's own set of risks, you take that risk....because does anyone really want to be a virgin forever. I don't think so. Just sayin'. Life is a risk.

quantim0 12-12-2010 05:42 PM

Re: cigars and health

Originally Posted by Shamansmith (Post 1091694)
yes, well me being a "big boy" now has no bearing weather or not smoking is actually harmful..which was the entirety of my post.

Of course its harmful, most things worth doing are. You will increase your risk of certain cancers by smoking.

Gary 12-12-2010 06:13 PM

Re: cigars and health
That's the truth.

I had a neighbor once who was 95, smoked cigarettes around the clock, drank beer, and was in great health. He would even walk down the hill to the grocery store and lug all his groceries back up the hill. I'm sure we can all cite examples like this. Even George Burns who had like 15 cigars everyday, and smoked for 70 years.

The other side of the coin, I had a coworker, who was in perfect health, ate only healthy foods, went to the gym, then tragically died of brain cancer. Also had another coworker who was also in perfect health, went to the gym, ate healthy, then tragically died in a skiing accident. :sh

Being really careful in life is no guarantee of any sort. You just never know.

To answer your question, no, I don't know anybody who had/has health problems related to cigar smoking.


Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1091707)
Theres always stories of that 95 year old 4 pack a day smoker in perfect health.

kelmac07 12-12-2010 06:19 PM

Re: cigars and health
I know of noone that has had a significant health problems SOLELY due to smoking cigars. But as others have stated above, there is a risk in it. I, like the others, am willing to take that risk because of the pleasure this great hobby provides me. :2

jsd 12-12-2010 06:24 PM

Re: cigars and health
Smoking cigars obviously won't make you healthier, but neither will eating fast food, drinking caffeine, breathing smoggy air, or a number of other things we all do.

I don't personally know anyone with any cigar-related illnesses, but I imagine if you do it long enough you might end up with something.

I do have a suggestion for you. Don't smoke cigars just for the sake of smoking. Smoke good cigars that you enjoy. And by smoking good cigars your mouth won't taste like an ashtray when you wake up the next morning.

bobarian 12-12-2010 06:59 PM

Re: cigars and health
If you are concerned with the health implications of smoking cigars I would suggest you speak to your physician. Anecdotal information is of little use. Your doctor will be able to advise you of the impact on your personal health better than anyone else.

Please take the time to introduce and tell us a bit about yourself here:

Superbad 12-12-2010 07:59 PM

Re: cigars and health
I explained to my doctor, that cigars are the thing that keeps stress from killing me, at this point in my life. It is my chance to relax from the stresses of work, going through a divorce, etc.

loki 12-12-2010 08:13 PM

Re: cigars and health
i'd say i'm in better health since i can now relax.

floydpink 12-12-2010 08:16 PM

Re: cigars and health
Probably painting with a broad brush, but I tend to look at people who enjoy fine cigars, fine wine, great coffee, hot women, fast cars, exotic travel and the McRib sandwich to have a commonality;

they take calculated risks, weigh the good and bad, work as hard as they play, generally keep their vices to a ceratin level of moderation and are normally in the upper level of intellectuality.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule.

Plenty of athletes lighting up a cigar after a title, guys celebrating monumental moments with a cigar, and guys in their golden years enjoying cigars. Same applies to our sisters of the leaf; all around funner to be around.

You probably could find a healthier hobby and at 18, still can save yourself.

Ol' Times Cigars 12-12-2010 08:17 PM

Re: cigars and health
My mom had cancer about 2 years ago. It was throat cancer and all of her doctors ruled out smoking as the cause, even though she she had a cigar here and there, smoked cigarettes over 15 years ago, and works in our shop where customers smoke all day long inside. I have had customers tell their cardiologist that they smoke cigars and the doctor said to them oh then you don't really smoke. I have had countless people tell me that their doctors tell them not to even worry about cigar smoking.

The way I look at it is that you are going to get something or your not. Smoking may increase those odds but probably not significantly enough to worry about.

There is a study out there that actually shows there are no really risks when smoking cigars. I forget who did it but basically they found that 1 to 2 a day you have the same health risks as a non-smoker and they only found a very slight increase when you step up to 5 or more a day, but it still wasn't enough to worry about.

Everything in moderation. Go get a cigar and enjoy it!

Don Fernando 12-12-2010 10:33 PM

Re: cigars and health
Being overweight is a bigger health issue than a cgar every now and then

icehog3 12-13-2010 12:16 AM

Re: cigars and health

Originally Posted by Superbad (Post 1091893)
I explained to my doctor, that cigars are the thing that keeps stress from killing me, at this point in my life. It is my chance to relax from the stresses of work, going through a divorce, etc.

Yup....I smoke an average of 7-10 cigars a week. I have, in my eyes, increased my risk of cancer slightly...and decreased the risk of having a stress related stroke immensely. :2

Whee 12-13-2010 09:25 AM

Re: cigars and health

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 1092003)
Being overweight is a bigger health issue than a cgar every now and then


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1092034)
Yup....I smoke an average of 7-10 cigars a week. I have, in my eyes, increased my risk of cancer slightly...and decreased the risk of having a stress related stroke immensely. :2

Had these very conversations with my doctor a couple of years ago.

I started smoking a cigar every night after work, dinner and kids to bed and reduced my blood pressure significantly. While the doctor didn't want to necessarily "endorse" the smoking, he agreed that it was better than stroking out in the driveway from stress.

BloodSpite 12-13-2010 09:29 AM

Re: cigars and health

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1091790)
If you are concerned with the health implications of smoking cigars I would suggest you speak to your physician. Anecdotal information is of little use. Your doctor will be able to advise you of the impact on your personal health better than anyone else.

Please take the time to introduce and tell us a bit about yourself here:

Best Advice thus far.

Nathan King 12-13-2010 11:38 AM

Re: cigars and health
I am fairly health conscious and did quite a bit of research before entering into the hobby. Is cigar smoking a healthy activity without risk? Absolutely not. I have simply made the informed decision that cigars pose an acceptable amount of risk when used in moderation. For me, moderation means between zero and two cigars a week. I probably average about 1.5 cigars per week. The enjoyment and relaxation outweighs the relatively mild statistical risk. I hedge my bets by eating very well, getting proper amounts of sleep, and scheduling moderate physical activity on a regular basis.

Almost no hobby or task is without risk. I enjoy flying airplanes. Sometimes the weather is bad. Do I swear never to fly because there is a possibility of injury or death? Heck no, it brings far too much enjoyment! I get all the information I can (weather breifings, etc) and make a prudent choice based on my idea of an acceptable amount of risk.

My father has smoked 5 cigars daily for as long as I can remember. Two years ago he almost died......from being struck by a speeding car while crossing the street. You never know when your number is up. Don't trash your body, but enjoy the time you have.

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