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GolfNut 12-06-2010 07:14 PM

Jerky Poll
I'm curious as to what the preferred type of Beef Jerky is here?

I'm partial to different ones, but my standards are Beer Jerky & Teriyaki. The beer jerky is basically a little spicy and a little salty with good beef flavor. Goes awesome with an ice cold brew!

Superbad 12-06-2010 07:15 PM

Re: Jerky Poll
Sounds yummy, I like almost all kinds of jerky.

DonAustin 12-06-2010 07:19 PM

Re: Jerky Poll
I had to vote for teriyaki, but it has to be a very sweet teriyaki beef jerky with a slight spice. Do you make beef jerky yourself?

Smokin Gator 12-06-2010 07:23 PM

Re: Jerky Poll
I voted other as I like the concoction I make up. Pretty spicy, but oh so good!!!

GolfNut 12-06-2010 07:30 PM

Re: Jerky Poll

Originally Posted by DonAustin (Post 1084513)
I had to vote for teriyaki, but it has to be a very sweet teriyaki beef jerky with a slight spice. Do you make beef jerky yourself?

Jerky, cheese, belly bacon, back bacon, buckboard bacon, Lox, etc. If it can be smoked, I'm messin around with it! -(P

I use a 24" Smoke Vault inside a small shed so I can hot and cold smoke as needed. Finally was able to replace the propane line, so I'm back at it again.

Here's 20 lbs of "Beer Jerky" hanging with room for another 15 or so. :) I wait for really good meat sales.

DonAustin 12-06-2010 07:39 PM

Re: Jerky Poll
Thats awesome, cool set-up! Do you make it to sell?

GolfNut 12-06-2010 07:44 PM

Re: Jerky Poll

Originally Posted by DonAustin (Post 1084541)
Thats awesome, cool set-up! Do you make it to sell?

I Don't sell, but have been known to trade. :D

thebayratt 12-06-2010 07:53 PM

Re: Jerky Poll
As far as Beef jerky goes, I prefer Teriyaki.

But my favorite jerky is Teriyaki Deer jerky.

How long does it usually take for you to hot smoke beef jerky?? And at what temp?

I'd love to try this out. I was wanting a dehyrdator for Christmas, but can always do it on my smoker.

DonAustin 12-06-2010 07:57 PM

Re: Jerky Poll

Originally Posted by GolfNut (Post 1084547)
I Don't sell, but have been known to trade. :D

Hmmm :D We must talk, I'll PM you later.

GolfNut 12-06-2010 08:13 PM

Re: Jerky Poll

Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 1084556)
As far as Beef jerky goes, I prefer Teriyaki.

But my favorite jerky is Teriyaki Deer jerky. Me too, but not as easy to come by for me.

How long does it usually take for you to hot smoke beef jerky?? And at what temp? Usually about 140. Much hotter and you're cooking it not drying it. I give smoke for 45 minutes or so then let it dry for a bunch of hours until it will bend but not break. You can tell by the look after a few batches when it's ready.

I'd love to try this out. I was wanting a dehyrdator for Christmas, but can always do it on my smoker.

I had 2 dehydrators with about 10 trays each I used all the time for jerky and other stuff, but lost them both and all trays in the fire. Dehydrators will work just fine!

MoTheMan 12-06-2010 08:20 PM

Re: Jerky Poll

Originally Posted by GolfNut (Post 1084530)
Jerky, cheese, belly bacon, back bacon, buckboard bacon, Lox, etc. If it can be smoked, I'm messin around with it! -(P

I use a 24" Smoke Vault inside a small shed so I can hot and cold smoke as needed. Finally was able to replace the propane line, so I'm back at it again.

Here's 20 lbs of "Beer Jerky" hanging with room for another 15 or so. :) I wait for really good meat sales.

AWESOME set up!
A lot a' commercial beef jerky (even well established brands) use sugars in the curing of the beef, that's why I prefer the hot pepper variety.

Do you use anything special when smoking?

GolfNut 12-06-2010 08:24 PM

Re: Jerky Poll

Originally Posted by MoTheMan (Post 1084594)
AWESOME set up!
A lot a' commercial beef jerky (even well established brands) use sugars in the curing of the beef, that's why I prefer the hot pepper variety.

Do you use anything special when smoking?

I cure with Morton's tenderquick. I don't like Botulism! Once cured, then the sky's the limit on flavors! I made jerky for years and years without any cure at all and never had a problem, but it's an easy thing to do, adds a nice color to the product, makes it a safer product and if I'm thinking of giving it away to friends, then it's gonna get cured.

Bill86 12-06-2010 08:36 PM

Re: Jerky Poll
I usually just eat store bought jerky, I really need to learn how to make my own the way I like it. Teriyaki is definitely my favorite, but I'll eat any of flavor of jerky. Turkey jerky's all good. That is an awesome setup Forrest!

Chainsaw13 12-06-2010 08:49 PM

Re: Jerky Poll
There's a place here in Michigan, The Dublin Generale Store, that makes some of the best jerky. Their BBQ beef and chicken by far are my favorites. Sweet with a bit of spice.

Golfnut, I'd be interested in your cure recipe. I have a bag of Morton TQ I haven't been using.

Obscura 12-07-2010 02:34 AM

Re: Jerky Poll
I love all sorts of Jerky, I go through phases, right now it's Teriyaki, before that it was a spicy sweet wasabi mix.

longknocker 12-07-2010 05:17 AM

Re: Jerky Poll
WalMart Pepper Jerky Is Pretty Good, But Homemade Is Awesome!:dr

hscmit 12-07-2010 05:53 AM

Re: Jerky Poll
love homemade deer jerky
black and red pepper and a little bit of salt

jmsremax 12-07-2010 06:01 AM

Re: Jerky Poll
I love teriyaki but the beer jerky sounds awesome.

ucla695 12-07-2010 06:39 AM

Re: Jerky Poll
I'm a fan of hot pepper jerky. :tu

Subvet642 12-07-2010 07:00 AM

Re: Jerky Poll
I love ALL jerky!

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