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CoreyD 10-28-2010 05:07 PM

A New beginning
Well as most of you know I am a new member with the love for tobacco for about 5 years now. I have a good taste pallet and am not picky to picky I loved mixing pipe blends to get that extra flavor, friends joking that some day i could be a fine blender and loving my blends and in them years have had some great tasting cigars of the few I tried. Well just recently I decided to get into full blown the cigar hobby purchased a humidor and some cigars did lots of reading and even future plans of my own blends.
Do you remember that first day when you fully jumped into the cigar hobby. your first Humidor , your first babies that you committed to smoke and take care of. With that being said you know the great feeling I am feeling right now, Its like the time I was sitting in the hospital room watching my son being born. I am a happy father and decided to share my happiness with pics. Please do not confuse this with the mystery box for I have yet to receive it. This is my first humidor,first cigars, the start of my beautiful relationship with cigars.
And nor for the pics..
My first 3 cigars. A bandito from a bundle from CI, A mini Krush classic by acid-drew estate from a bundle of mini tins, and a Thompson Explorer Java Dbl Corona from a deal of day Box.
same cigars different take.
The top half of my humi
And now the whole caboodle. The humidor is a Glass top Milano Imperfect 75-100 ct.

LasciviousXXX 10-28-2010 05:15 PM

Re: A New beginning
Congratulations on your recent purchases! :tu

The cigar hobby is such a great obsession and its great to see you jumping in feet first. Here's to more enjoyment and hopefully a long and involved love affair with cigars!

EricF 10-28-2010 05:16 PM

Re: A New beginning
Congrats Corey! Welcome to the slippery slope we all slide down. Watch out for he rocks and trees on your way down!!!

If you really are jumping in with both feet remember this "Coolador"

pektel 10-28-2010 05:17 PM

Re: A New beginning
They ain't kiddin about a slippery slope! Right now o feel as if my humi is severely diminished, because I'm down to under 3 boxes lol.
Posted via Mobile Device

Eleven 10-28-2010 07:10 PM

Re: A New beginning
I was really hoping this was going to be a Star Wars thread! Oh wait, that is A New Hope!


Emjaysmash 10-28-2010 07:32 PM

Re: A New beginning
Is your humi domed? because if it is, we have the same humidor!

Nice cigars!

CoreyD 10-28-2010 10:29 PM

Re: A New beginning
Nope its flat wooded and glassed.

JD11 10-30-2010 07:22 AM

Re: A New beginning
I jumped in about 2 yrs ago and after all my reading here , decided I "HAD" to get 1 or 2 of every cigar so I can find the 1 for me. Well after almost a year I was more confused about what I like and don't about this cigar or that cigar that I backed off cigars. Personal and $$ issues along with that confused palate reduced me to a mere lurker , which is definately the reason I am TIP TOEING , not jumping back in. The people here are amazing , generous and happy to help any newb that comes here. So the plan is to reseason my 100 ct humi and start again . Good luck CoreyD with the new blends..

sorry for the long post

BnBTobacco 10-30-2010 09:21 AM

Re: A New beginning

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1040609)
The cigar hobby is such a great obsession...Here's to more enjoyment and hopefully a long and involved love affair with cigars!

Definitely one of the greatest obsessions any man could ever have. Happy collecting! Keep your treasure box filled :tu

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