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Resipsa 10-27-2010 07:19 AM

Session Beers: Give me your reccs
Seems these days I'm drinking on two ends of the spectrum, either really big beers (GI BCS, SN Bigfoot, etc), or really small beers (Stone Levitation, etc)

I'm looking for some new sessions to try, open to all suggestions but am really looking for beers that meet the true definition (4.5% or so) because I'm looking for stuff I can have a few of and not get hammered.

And stuff that's available fresh year round is nice too, as opposed to seasonals like DFH Festina Peche.

I'm asking here rather than BA because these threads there go south in a hurry, LOL

CA Beerarati, lay your wisdom on me.:noon:noon

Martel 10-27-2010 07:34 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
How 'bout Fuller's London Pride? Sort of an under the radar beer here. Brooklyn Pennant Pale Ale, perhaps?


hammondc 10-27-2010 07:42 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
For session beers, I usually go with something a little less expensive. I typically only drink craft brew, but for a session, they are usually too expensive or too high in ABV. Newcastle is always on hand as well as a Kolsch style beer of some sort. Stella Artois or Busweiser/Michelob are my go to lager styles. Sam Adams is my Ale.

Other options- typically more expensive.
Bells Oarsman
Bells Lager
Bells Pale
DFH Pale Ale

mosesbotbol 10-27-2010 08:07 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
I am big fan of this style of beer, but it's a rare breed in the USA.

Hawkshead Bitter is an awesome session beer.

Resipsa 10-27-2010 08:27 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1038476)
I am big fan of this style of beer, but it's a rare breed in the USA.
Hawkshead Bitter is an awesome session beer.

Ain't that the truth.

I was looking at the site for the Great British Beer Festival this morning, their version of the Great American Beer Fest, and was a little shocked to see that almost ALL of the entries were below 5% ABV !!! I'd like to go to this some year, you could drink all day and not fall down:noon:noon

replicant_argent 10-27-2010 08:29 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
Gotta put a plug in for my local favorite, Summit EPA, very drinkable, slightly higher than 4.5, but quite sessionable, goes well with a very wide range of foods, and has a fantastic finish that is distinct, but isn't like getting punched in the mouth constantly.
It just tagged a silver at the GABF, English style pale ale category.

awsmith4 10-27-2010 08:50 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
My new favorite session beer is Terrapin Golden Ale. Its local for me so therefore easy to find but if Terrapin is available near you its worth trying.

Guinness is another, it has less alcohol and less calories than a Budweiser and as many heavy beers as I drink I find it rather light. Another along those lines would be Victory Donnybrook Stout.

Another would be New Belgium's Fat Tire...yes, yes I know NB makes better beer but this one has a good flavor, lower abv, and I can drink many in a row without becoming smashed or full.

Beklage 10-27-2010 09:18 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
Its Widmer Broken Halo for me, havent been drinking alot of beer lately though :D

BeerAdvocate 10-27-2010 10:17 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
BLVD SingleWide IPA or Sam Adams Oktoberfest(right now)

kaisersozei 10-27-2010 10:43 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
To be true to the style, I'd have to recommend sticking with the English bitters. My preference would be for the ESB style--even though it's a bit higher ABV--but I think you'll find the selection to be more readily available. Fuller's is probably my favorite, but I'll also pick up Redhook ESB from time to time.

This is probably the easiest and least expensive style for homebrew, as well. If it wasn't so expensive to ship, we could work out a deal.... ;)

Lumpold 10-27-2010 11:06 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 1038498)
Ain't that the truth.

I was looking at the site for the Great British Beer Festival this morning, their version of the Great American Beer Fest, and was a little shocked to see that almost ALL of the entries were below 5% ABV !!! I'd like to go to this some year, you could drink all day and not fall down:noon:noon

You should come to the Reading Beer and Cider Festival... we got a hog roast and everything!


Originally Posted by Martel (Post 1038441)
How 'bout Fuller's London Pride? Sort of an under the radar beer here. Brooklyn Pennant Pale Ale, perhaps?


If Fuller's is available, that's a good choice... a lot of our session ales over here are even less, and run 3.7%-4.2%. Brakspear's bitter is a good session ale, runs at the lower end, 3.7% I think, if you can get that go for it. Courage Director's is a bit higher (4.8%) but is good if you can find it too.

BlackDog 10-27-2010 11:47 AM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
Goose Island Honker's Ale. Great beer, great flavor, 4.2% abv.

Jbailey 10-27-2010 12:21 PM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
A few lower ABV I've tried Vic.

Three Floyds Gorch Fock (ABV 4.5)
Three Floyds Gumballhead (ABV 5.5)
New Glarus Moon Man (ABV 5.0)
New Glarus Wisconsin Belgian Red (ABV 4.0)
New Glarus Raspberry Tart (ABV 4.0)

Dogfish Head Pangaea (ABV 7.0 A little more but still tasty)

A few I haven't had but might fit your bill.
Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier (5.4)
Ithaca Beer Company Brute (ABV 6.5)

icehog3 10-27-2010 02:26 PM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs

Originally Posted by BlackDog (Post 1038752)
Goose Island Honker's Ale. Great beer, great flavor, 4.2% abv.


Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1038796)
Three Floyds Gumballhead (ABV 5.5)

Definitely on my list. :tu

Martel 10-27-2010 04:26 PM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs

Originally Posted by Jbailey (Post 1038796)
...Dogfish Head Pangaea (ABV 7.0 A little more but still tasty)

I had quite a bit of this at the Dogfish brewpub in Rehoboth Beach a couple weeks ago... not sure I'd call it a session beer, but it sure is terrific.


Bill86 10-27-2010 04:51 PM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
Three Floyds Robert the Bruce

I LOVE this beer and knocking out 2-3 isn't very hard (6.5%)

That's about all I can say for session beers, most of what I drink is 9%+. I would say Dogfish head 90 minute IPA even though it's 9%. Same with Midas touch. Even Oaked or regular Arrogant Bastard Ale isn't bad at 7.2%.

mosesbotbol 10-27-2010 04:55 PM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 1038523)
Guinness is another, it has less alcohol and less calories than a Budweiser and as many heavy beers as I drink I find it rather light.

My default draft beer. -(P

warren G. 10-27-2010 05:54 PM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
Down here, we drink Abita Amber like water. I think they're great session beers.

Resipsa 10-27-2010 06:35 PM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs
Thanks guys, lots of good stuff to try so far!

ChicagoWhiteSox 10-27-2010 08:08 PM

Re: Session Beers: Give me your reccs

Originally Posted by BlackDog (Post 1038752)
Goose Island Honker's Ale. Great beer, great flavor, 4.2% abv.

Yeah this beer is a staple.

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