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Confederado 10-17-2010 09:33 AM

Player's Club by Don Diego
I've had one of these for about six years; been saving it for a special occasion. Can anybody tell me anything about them? Do they even make them anymore? I've never seen them in a cigar store; I found mine at a Total Wine store. I'd looked for them everywhere because I'm a Sopranos fan and saw an ad for them with Vincent Pastore. I wasn't even looking for them at Total Wine (didn't know they even sold cigars at the time), so I bought one. One of the reasons I've never smoked it is I'm afraid if I really like it, I won't be able to find anymore.

dwoodward 10-17-2010 11:21 AM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
6 years is lots of age. Would be a shame if you just let it sit forever.

Smoke it and enjoy it for what it is. If you can't find another one, no big deal, there are a lot of great cigars to choose from.

Confederado 10-17-2010 11:41 AM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego

If you can't find another one, no big deal, there are a lot of great cigars to choose from.
Good point, and so true! To coin a cliché, I never thought of it that way.

BTcigars 10-17-2010 01:17 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
Smoke it! There are plenty of Playboy cigars left. You can just do a google search for +"playboy cigars by don diego" and you will find what you are looking for.

There is also another blend of playboy cigars. This one is made at tabacalera de garcia in the DR. Here is a link to a 3pk sampler: Now go do some smokin!

Emjaysmash 10-17-2010 02:09 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
I don't think Playboy and Players Club are the same cigar...

BTcigars 10-17-2010 02:25 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
Well I am a real dumbass, sorry about that. I suppose I should not jump on here right after waking up.

Emjaysmash 10-17-2010 03:02 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego

Originally Posted by BTcigars (Post 1026306)
Well I am a real dumbass, sorry about that. I suppose I should not jump on here right after waking up.

Haha, no worries!

T.G 10-17-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego

Originally Posted by Confederado (Post 1026083)
I've had one of these for about six years; been saving it for a special occasion. Can anybody tell me anything about them? Do they even make them anymore? I've never seen them in a cigar store; I found mine at a Total Wine store. I'd looked for them everywhere because I'm a Sopranos fan and saw an ad for them with Vincent Pastore. I wasn't even looking for them at Total Wine (didn't know they even sold cigars at the time), so I bought one. One of the reasons I've never smoked it is I'm afraid if I really like it, I won't be able to find anymore.

I believe the Don Diego Players Club was discontinued about two years ago. I recall either JR or Cigars International (or both) having some major blowout sales on them last year also.

I remember them as being medium body, but not much else about them that I can say with any certainty at this point. Maybe a bit woodsy in the flavors, possibly creamy, little bit of pepper, but I'm not 100% sure if I'm thinking of the right cigar or not as it's been so long since I've had one.


Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1026155)
6 years is lots of age. Would be a shame if you just let it sit forever.

I read somewhere a "rule of 3's" and that all cigars are fully aged at 3 years and it'll all downhill from there. :hy


Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1026288)
I don't think Playboy and Players Club are the same cigar...

You are correct, they are not the same cigar.


Originally Posted by BTcigars (Post 1026306)
Well I am a real dumbass, sorry about that. I suppose I should not jump on here right after waking up.

LOL. I wouldn't sweat it Brandon, most everyone is probably guilty of mistaking identity of something at some point or another.

BTcigars 10-17-2010 04:54 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
Oh well, like I said I was still waking up and I saw Don diego so I guess it was a Freudian slip....mmmm a sexy Freudian slip :dr

Confederado 10-17-2010 05:23 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
Thanks for the input, guys. My birthday is in 10 days. I think I'll enjoy it (hopefully) then.

Confederado 10-31-2010 07:56 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
Didn't try this on my birthday; was going to today. When I took it out of the cellophane I noticed some small spots of what I supposed was mold, so I tossed it. It was at least six years old, so no big loss I guess.

jkstewart1 11-01-2010 11:34 AM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
Are you sure it was mold and not bloom? You could have wiped it down and smoked it anyway? Sorry to see you toss something that you had looked forward to for so long.

Bax 11-01-2010 12:05 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego

Originally Posted by jkstewart1 (Post 1044832)
Are you sure it was mold and not bloom? You could have wiped it down and smoked it anyway? Sorry to see you toss something that you had looked forward to for so long.

With only 6 years on it about 99% chance it wasn't plume... factor in the "spots" part and you can go ahead and add the other 1%.

El Culo Sexy 11-10-2013 06:35 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
Sir, I was going through a cigar chest of mine and at the very bottom, surrounded by walls of cedar, I found half a box of Player's Club torpedos. I forgot I had them and they've been there for about 7-8 years. I Googled them and found your 3-year-old forum topic. I was wondering if you smoked yours and liked it. I'm planning on burning one of mine tonight, but I still have 10 left. They were aged outside the cellophane, and as I said completely surrounded by walls of cedar at the bottom of my chest. I have placed them in their own cigar box and moved it to my cigar box humidor. I looked them up and Don Diego stopped making them around 2008. I think they were a boutique cigar that failed because boutiques were not popular then, but they are now. Cheers.:td

Damn, I just read up a few responses and saw you tossed it. Damn,

pnoon 11-10-2013 07:08 PM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego

Originally Posted by El Culo Sexy (Post 1898059)
Sir, I was going through a cigar chest of mine and at the very bottom, surrounded by walls of cedar, I found half a box of Player's Club torpedos. I forgot I had them and they've been there for about 7-8 years. I Googled them and found your 3-year-old forum topic. I was wondering if you smoked yours and liked it. I'm planning on burning one of mine tonight, but I still have 10 left. They were aged outside the cellophane, and as I said completely surrounded by walls of cedar at the bottom of my chest. I have placed them in their own cigar box and moved it to my cigar box humidor. I looked them up and Don Diego stopped making them around 2008. I think they were a boutique cigar that failed because boutiques were not popular then, but they are now. Cheers.:td

Damn, I just read up a few responses and saw you tossed it. Damn,

Welcome to Cigar Asylum.
Head on over to the New Inmate forum and post an intro

El Culo Sexy 11-11-2013 12:43 AM

Re: Player's Club by Don Diego
Well, I've just smoked my Player's Club torpedo and find it was marvelous. Granted, as I stated earlier it has been locked away at the bottom of my cigar chest out of the cellophane for about 8 years, maybe more, so they aren't going to taste anything like something you take out of a box brand new and torch up. I vaguely remember now that I bought them as a close out, maybe from JR's, as a failed boutique cigar for an actor who played in the TV show The Sopranos. Not, Tony, he has his own brand, but one of the other guys. Bravo. I've got like ten more that will probably age another few years before I smoke another one because they are maduros and I prefer milder Connecticut cigars, but still very nice and top even the nicest maduros I've tested recently, like Nubs and Pinar Del Rios'. I smoked mine with a La LLave coffee, but they will probably be good with a nice single malt.:banger

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