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OLS 10-06-2010 02:35 PM

You might want these....
OK thread police. Anyone who knows me knows I do not post in the NC forums, so even though
this really should go in another forum, I am placing it here because I like all you guys and I do not
know those other guys, lol. I think there are 500 of these available, so maybe you should get
em while they are hot??

neoflex 10-06-2010 02:45 PM

Re: You might want these....
Not to come off like a complete douche, but really? You won't post in the NC forums? I'll refrain from sharing how I really feel and just leave it at "WOW!":td

OLS 10-06-2010 02:58 PM

Re: You might want these....
Don't worry Neo, you were successful. Maybe I should have said, "since I don't smoke any of the cigars
that are talked about in the NC forum, I would find it douchey to post in that forum, where people could rag me
for talking about things I don't know anything about."? It's dry humor Neo, look into it.

croatan 10-06-2010 03:01 PM

Re: You might want these....
Moved to All Cigar Discussion.

Uh-oh, Brad, you better leave the thread now or else you might lose your rep ;)

neoflex 10-06-2010 03:02 PM

Re: You might want these....
No one would have said anything of the sort for posting what you had found in the NC forums. Most probably would have appreciated the link.

OLS 10-06-2010 03:11 PM

Re: You might want these....
What you commented on was not where it was posted at all. That's apples and oranges.
Your comment was that I was __________ for not posting in the NC forums, as if I was a
snob and you had an opinion on it. Of course you ahve the right to that opinion.

But the root of MY error was in the choice of forums to post it in. Looks like
Croatan fixed that. If I had it to do over, I would delete the thread and keep my ideas in
PMs or to myself. Ain't no biggie to me, though, it's under the bridge now.

dwoodward 10-06-2010 03:30 PM

Re: You might want these....
Those are sold all over I think... My B&M even has a few and they have nothing lol.


Here are the same ones at CI if anyone wants one.

neoflex 10-06-2010 03:39 PM

Re: You might want these....
I figured since you said you wouldn't post this thread in the NC forum that it would be implied that I was talking about the fact that you wouldn't post this in the NC forums but whatever man. Not about to get into a petty message board argument. No good will come of that either way. Was just kind of amazed at your original post is all. I guess my wife is right and I should learn to keep my thoughts to myself. Hard for me not to come across as a douche when deep down I am. :D

OLS 10-07-2010 11:11 AM

Re: You might want these....
Haha, I think I am looking in a mirror or something. Except I am not married. It ain't no prob, man.

I AM sort of surprised though that this is not something people want, but I checked the net after
the fact and sure enough, they are here and there at the same price. Some places they are 80
and up. But I always wanted a few to keep my blunt operation more consistent, and there they

Subvet642 10-07-2010 11:31 AM

Re: You might want these....
I got a couple with 2 units of 10 Gispert Toros. They're pretty cool, but I haven't figured out how I want to display them yet.

OLS 10-07-2010 02:59 PM

Re: You might want these....
What I actually want them for is to roll up some cigars one day. But then I remeberbered some
threads I had seen where people struggled to grow the $hit, then hung it, fermented it,
stemmed it, sorted it and rolled it. I figured maybe it'd be better to wait for sales. :r
But I might actually.....nah.

Well, actually there is a function, and that is for re-rolling tobacco on cigars that won't draw
properly, you know, Carlos cigars. Re-bunch em, slap em in a mold, let em sit, and then re-wrap
them somehow, lol. I'll make sure and photograph that cigar for you. But maybe you have some
junk and you want to take the tobacco and make another vitola with it. WHo knows.

Ashcan Bill 10-07-2010 03:05 PM

Re: You might want these....
It takes all the coordination I can muster just to clip 'em, light 'em & smoke 'em.

The thought of trying to roll my own makes my head spin. :r

shilala 10-07-2010 03:08 PM

Re: You might want these....
Brad, you can pick all the tobacco you want in my back yard. I'm not gonna do anything with it.
There's three different kinds. All cuban seed.
Growing is cake. All the rest of the stuff has been too much trouble for me, so far.
If you check our 2010 gardens thread you can see video of my tobacco. :tu

dwoodward 10-07-2010 03:20 PM

Re: You might want these....

Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill (Post 1015197)
It takes all the coordination I can muster just to clip 'em, light 'em & smoke 'em.

The thought of trying to roll my own makes my head spin. :r


s15driftking 10-07-2010 03:25 PM

Re: You might want these....

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1014878)
I AM sort of surprised though that this is not something people want.

I think people want them, maybe as decor. I think they would look great opened up an separate as patterned wall decor (thats the art student in me)...

....but my "better half" would say "Child Please"....

smelvis 10-07-2010 03:29 PM

Re: You might want these....

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1013716)
OK thread police. Anyone who knows me knows I do not post in the NC forums, so even though
this really should go in another forum, I am placing it here because I like all you guys and I do not
know those other guys, lol. I think there are 500 of these available, so maybe you should get
em while they are hot??

I dislike JR but always wanted the rolling thingy s :) I also wanted the monte cutter.


brigey57 10-07-2010 03:32 PM

Re: You might want these....
Brad -

"ahve" is that one of them CC words that should not be heard by our virgin ears??

No one will pick on you for your post. Your a good man and we relish your postings in any forum.


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1013756)
What you commented on was not where it was posted at all. That's apples and oranges.
Your comment was that I was __________ for not posting in the NC forums, as if I was a
snob and you had an opinion on it. Of course you ahve the right to that opinion.

But the root of MY error was in the choice of forums to post it in. Looks like
Croatan fixed that. If I had it to do over, I would delete the thread and keep my ideas in
PMs or to myself. Ain't no biggie to me, though, it's under the bridge now.

68TriShield 10-07-2010 03:33 PM

Re: You might want these....

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1015188)
Well, actually there is a function, and that is for re-rolling tobacco on cigars that won't draw
properly, you know,Carlos cigars.

LOL :lr ,yep...poor Carlos.

Skywalker 10-07-2010 05:33 PM

Re: You might want these....
Anyone who knows me knows...
I usually don't read threads made by Brad (OLS), but I gave this one a try!!!

Sorry I already have enough cigar mold!!!:D

688sonarmen 10-07-2010 05:41 PM

Re: You might want these....
I like grass.

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