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Parshooter 09-21-2010 06:24 AM

The Event
A new show on NBC, Monday at 9:00. Watched the premire last night and I'm totally confused (yeah, so what else is new).
I don't get the young couple on the cruise, why the girl went missing and why their room was re-occupied and all their info was gone. I know that she is the daughter of the pilot that took over the plane, but what did they have to do with any of that? I'm sure that will probably be explained in future episodes, but I want to know NOW!!!

Eleven 09-21-2010 06:31 AM

Re: The Event
I thought maybe the Dad/Pilot was one of the escaped prisoners? Gonna have to watch it again, the whole 'Pulp Fiction' timeline was a little confusing. The agent had told the 'Leader' in Alaska that they had found someone 'hiding in plain sight' but I didn't pay attention to the timeline of it.

Parshooter 09-21-2010 06:40 AM

Re: The Event
Yes, the time-line thing was really confusing. Gotta stay sober to watch this one :r

SvilleKid 09-21-2010 12:33 PM

Re: The Event
I'm thinking this is another "Lost" type of show. Watched the pilot last night. I'm not up for another confusion show like Lost. I'll give it one more show to answer questions, but if each show creates more questions than answers, I'll have to remove it from the dvr queue.

mosesbotbol 09-21-2010 12:34 PM

Re: The Event
I just want to know what the Event is and save me the hassle.

VTDragon 09-21-2010 01:06 PM

Re: The Event
I thought it showed lots of potential. It is refreshing for me to watch a network show that I have to pay attention to instead of the usual crap they produce that you can watch while doing somthing else and not miss a beat. I just hope that it does not go the way of last season's Fast Forward that got canceled before tying up its' plot lines.

Eleven 09-22-2010 12:05 PM

Re: The Event
Flash Forward started out great, too bad they didn't make better use of it. Part of its problem was the hiatus. It was too long and there were too few episodes before the break.

As for The Event, I'm cool with shows that keep me guessing. Beats the overload of 'reality' shows that are taking over TV. Or how about just moving a TV show to another town and calling it completely different show? What's next? ER: New York? or Cougar Town: Denver!

Network TV in general just plain sucks. I just hope The Event doesn't end up sucking, or worse, its a great show and gets canceled anyway. But that is usually Fox that does that.

Kreth 09-26-2010 05:32 PM

Re: The Event
I caught the repeat on Saturday, looks interesting. I may check out the second ep tomorrow night. Sheen phoned it in last week for 2 1/2 Men, and Mike & Molly is one of my picks for quickest cancellation this season.
Posted via Mobile Device

Eleven 09-28-2010 06:55 AM

Re: The Event

After watching the 1st episode again, I was pretty sure the pilot/dad is not one of them, and the second episode confirmed that.

So its still up in the air as to who the prisoners are, but I am leaning towards future-humans who have evolved or had their DNA modified.

As for who blackmailed the pilot into flying the plane into the Prez, I am still clueless, and if Sophia's people on the outside saved the Prez and transported the plane to the desert, was it the assassin group who came in helicopters to kill the passengers? Or Sophia's ppl?

I shouldn't have deleted episode 2 after only 1 viewing :)

Parshooter 09-28-2010 10:36 AM

Re: The Event

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1003280)
After watching the 1st episode again, I was pretty sure the pilot/dad is not one of them, and the second episode confirmed that.

So its still up in the air as to who the prisoners are, but I am leaning towards future-humans who have evolved or had their DNA modified.

As for who blackmailed the pilot into flying the plane into the Prez, I am still clueless, and if Sophia's people on the outside saved the Prez and transported the plane to the desert, was it the assassin group who came in helicopters to kill the passengers? Or Sophia's ppl?

I shouldn't have deleted episode 2 after only 1 viewing :)

I'm sure the pilot is not one of them, he had to fly the plane to save his daughters. I think the prisoners are some sort of aliens. Also not sure who wanted the president dead, can't be the prisoners cause he was gonna set them free (I believe this was said in epi 1). The assassin group will remain a mystery for a couple more episodes.
Before the 2nd episode I said that I would give the show some more time before I give up on it, I'm definitly sticking with it for the end of the season, then probably more.

Mr B 09-28-2010 12:20 PM

Re: The Event

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 997187)
Flash Forward started out great, too bad they didn't make better use of it. Part of its problem was the hiatus. It was too long and there were too few episodes before the break.

As for The Event, I'm cool with shows that keep me guessing. Beats the overload of 'reality' shows that are taking over TV. Or how about just moving a TV show to another town and calling it completely different show? What's next? ER: New York? or Cougar Town: Denver!

Network TV in general just plain sucks. I just hope The Event doesn't end up sucking, or worse, its a great show and gets canceled anyway. But that is usually Fox that does that.

:tpd: on all 3 points.

Kreth 09-28-2010 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Parshooter (Post 1003535)
Also not sure who wanted the president dead, can't be the prisoners cause he was gonna set them free (I believe this was said in epi 1). The assassin group will remain a mystery for a couple more episodes.

My guess at this point is that the assassins are extremists among Sophia's people. She did say that some of them have run out of patience...
Posted via Mobile Device

stevefrench 09-28-2010 03:48 PM

Re: The Event

'The Event' sucks! ;s

OLS 09-29-2010 06:36 AM

Re: The Event

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 996014)
I'm thinking this is another "Lost" type of show. but if each show
creates more questions than answers, I'll have to remove it from the dvr queue.

You know that's right. I will never again get hooked up on a show that wastes
that much of my life for no payoff whatsoever.

VTDragon 09-29-2010 09:36 AM

Re: The Event

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 1003796)
My guess at this point is that the assassins are extremists among Sophia's people. She did say that some of them have run out of patience...
Posted via Mobile Device

Or, a goverment group bent on having the "aliens" take the fall for the assasination of the President. Remember, the President only found out about them because he insisted that he NEEDED to know.

Kreth 09-29-2010 03:07 PM

Re: The Event
Interesting link.
Posted via Mobile Device

Bill86 10-12-2010 01:26 AM

Re: The Event

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 1003796)
My guess at this point is that the assassins are extremists among Sophia's people. She did say that some of them have run out of patience...
Posted via Mobile Device

This is what I gather. So far I'm hooked! As long as it keeps going the way it is I'll keep watching...very addictive.

BluesGuy 10-12-2010 04:35 AM

Re: The Event

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1004437)
You know that's right. I will never again get hooked up on a show that wastes
that much of my life for no payoff whatsoever. Lost was enough for me

longknocker 10-12-2010 04:50 AM

Re: The Event

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1019300)
This is what I gather. So far I'm hooked! As long as it keeps going the way it is I'll keep watching...very addictive.

:tu I Watch It Every Week!:noon

BeerAdvocate 10-12-2010 09:11 AM

Re: The Event
Lost clone!

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