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Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
I know this is way off topic, but I have had problems with one of my prof's all quarter, and I got my final grade today and it is significantly lower than what I typically get.
I don't want to come off as petty or like I'm being a whiney baby, but I got a C, and I carry a 3.6 GPA. So I want to file a grade grievance since I have had concerns that I have been graded unfairly all quarter. I brought my concerns to the attention of the head of the dept. as well as the chair and felt like they brushed me off. I requested a meeting two weeks ago with the chair and the prof, and was just told yesterday that the meeting won't be able to happen until the start of the fall quarter. Which sort of defeats the purpose, because I have the same prof for next quarter as well. What do I need to have to make this is successful or productive grievance? I've never done this before, so any advice from anyone who has gone through the process would be appreciated. Thanks, Drew Cliff's notes: What do I need to file a grade grievance for a college course, and what information do I need to make it a successful grievance. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
You have the same professor next semester? I would let it go, one C isn't going to bring down a 3.6 by much. But that's me.
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
It depends where most of your grade was pulled down. If he purposefully marked you down in subjective tests (essays, participation, whatever); you're pretty much screwed. If he was marking stuff incorrectly on something objective (anything that has an answer key) you may stand a chance. If he accused you (or a group of you) of cheating, you have to provide the information saying that you weren't.
Most of the time these end up being professor versus student, with an extreme advantage to the professor. Unless you're an athlete, child of someone who gives a lot of money to the school, or famous alumni; you're kinda SOL. One C would bring down a 120 credit degree from a 3.6 down to a 3.57, hardly enough to make a big deal. If you're doing a 45 credit Master's it obviously would be a bigger but still not as big deal. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
I did once at the JC I went to. But my scenario was different. I had broncitis (sp?) and spent a night/day hanging out in the emergency room getting breathing treatment (asthma + broncial infections = death). I missed the final and she gave me an F. I gave her my discharge papers and she said no. Eventualy I worked my way up the chain got to take my final and got a B
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
I hear you saying a C is lower than what you typically get, but is it lower than what you deserve? Most college professors are very transparent about how they calculate grades. When you calculate your grade yourself, what do you end up with?
If there is a significant difference, I'd bring that to the professor's attention, indicating the formula you used and the scores you plugged in. Ask about why there is a difference, but be polite. If you don't get anything back, then take it one step up the ladder. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Coming from a grad student who works closely with a couple professors...
You're 95% SOL. Especially if you have him again this semester, just bite the bullet. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Most grievances are a waste of time unless it is a harrassment or some sort of medical issue at hand. I hate to say it, but you are pretty much SOL. My dad is a college professor and he's seen it happen with his colleagues numerous times to no avail. Since you have him next semester, just drop it so he won't get pissed off at you and grade even more unfairly toward you. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
This actually does happen. A buddy of mine had a friend who filed with his families lawyer against his school. The teacher admitted that he had a stick up his butt from day 1 about the kid for smoking outside a designated smoking area or something. He graded him unfairly and with friends, family, and lawyer he was able to prove it. I don't know what happened to the teacher, but he ended up getting the credit and the class score was made to not affect his high GPA. The teacher gave him a D which was failing for his major which required C or higher.
So, if you have a lawyer, go for it, you can probably prove it if you do your homework. However, if you don't already have a lawyer, it will probably hurt more to get one than to just take the bullet and move on. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
And I guess as far as just sucking it up, I know that I should, but I feel like that is what has put me in this position already. I didn't speak up all quarter, and just let things roll off my back, because I know I have another 10 weeks with this douche. But the reason I feel I was graded improperly is because I compared my work with other students who had nearly identical answers and they would lose one point, or none, where I lost all credit for the answer. On one assignment, he deducted points because he thought I typed the answers to the questions sloppily. It just feels like he is being petty about my grading, and I don't really feel like I should stand for it. It just pisses me off. Do I deserve an A in that class, not really, but a solid B is what I expected to get. I just averaged all of the average grades for the assignments and it came to a 73% which is a D. The average grade is a D! He grades too hard, and his tests are above our knowledge level. This is an ASL class, so we are learning this language, and he grades like we already know it. Anyway, I think I will go back and look at all of my homework and see if I can really make a valid argument. It sounds really like I am **** out of luck, which is fine. I always take the diplomatic route and bite my tongue because I know it will benefit me in the long run, but this guy has just pushed me too far and now I feel like being the biggest dick I can be. I guess we'll see. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
And like others said you gotta pick your fights wisely. You have him again and you don't want more of a challenge with him. I'd say you meet with him and say you are very serious about doing well in the class. That you would like to work with him in achieving that goal. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
If youi've got him again next semester, it may be more beneficial to sit down with him now and find out where your "shortcomings" are, so you can "improve" them for next semester.
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Just don't bother if he will make you pay up front. It's very hard to prove these kind of things. I don't know why anyone would go through the trouble, but I suppose if I ever felt I was graded unfairly, I would want to fight it too.
It's pretty sad in this world how much impact a piece of paper can have on any business/association. It seems that when a customer has an issue places like to brush it off, when the customer comes back they get brushed off again, but when a letter headed paper comes thru the mailbox, suddenly its a big enough deal to be taken seriously. It's morally wrong in my opinion. Good luck to you. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
They have egos too, and like it if you're presenting yourself as someone who is looking for help. |
Re: Anyone ever filed a grade grievance for a college course?
I've found that saying ANYTHING to the teachers puts you closer and closer to the firing squad. Teachers aren't very nice people and love to make your life a living hell. Especially if you have him/her next semester.....just suck it up or try to switch teachers.
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