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lovenhim 08-24-2010 05:09 PM

I need to vent
Hello everyone. I do not normally do things like this, but feel like I need to just get it out, then I will feel better. I want to say this up front, my wife is a good driver and has never had a car accident in her life....until today. We are both just fine, it was maybe a 2-3MPH bump. We were just given a 16 year old Ford escort. We just bought tags and insurance for it yesterday, then this happens. We were traveling at 35MPH when the guy in front of us short stopped in a Nissan Xtara. Our car almost stopped, but just that little tap. It cracked the plastic grill and put a dent in the hood. The hood latches fine, but is now a little wobbly and is raised in an inch or so at one corner because of the way the metal was bent. No other damage. The Nissan got a small dent in the rear bumper which you had to feel for to see, yet the guy was a jerk. The cop showed up and just let us both go, no tickets or report. The guy would not give us any insurance info, only a name and we got his plate number. Our 16 year old car only has liability on it. It is safe to drive but I just do not like it looking that way. I can put a grill in it from a junk yark, it is only held in with clips. To fix the hood will require body work or just replace it. It is a small dent, but it is still there. Sorry to vent like this, I am just upset and I hope the guy just lets it go and does not become a total jerk. We let out insurance company knbow what happened and gave them what info we had on him. I hope this all turns out ok and that it just ends up being forgotten and life goes on. I think I am going to light me up a stogie and let my mind wonder and not swell on this. This was not my wife's fault, the guy short stopped and our car did not stop, she was not following too close.

688sonarmen 08-24-2010 06:14 PM

Re: I need to vent
Sorry to hear that man, Im pretty sure by law that Asshat must give you insurance info. But on the bright side you know know you need new brakes, could have been a LOT worse and found out the hard way. Smoke an extra good one tonight you deserve it brother!

Chingas 08-24-2010 07:10 PM

Re: I need to vent
Sorry about the bad news Brother. I wouldn't sweat much. The guy needs a police report to file a claim, well at least in Jersey, so without a report...well you know the rest.

Like Jake said, could have been a lot worse.

lovenhim 08-24-2010 07:15 PM

Re: I need to vent
Thank you all for the support. I went out side and listened to my audio book, had a cup of hot tea and a stogie. I am better now. The car has new front brakes and rotors on it. The car is without ABS, it just would not did not slide at all, it was just a tap, but still. :) Thanks again for the support, all is ok now. I am doing better.

ridenlive 08-24-2010 07:24 PM

Re: I need to vent
Man that sucks i'm so sorry to hear that. I know in arizona if you hit someone from behind its your fault regardless of anything. I would be extremely happy in your position not being ticketed or the other guy coming after you like they would here. Altho the damage that was done to your vehicle thats sad to hear but then again you both are okay and things are things right ;), if you were closer by i could help you repair some body work. Good luck and good to see an event turn out so fortunate for you.

icehog3 08-24-2010 08:17 PM

Re: I need to vent

Originally Posted by lovenhim (Post 964441)
This was not my wife's fault, the guy short stopped and our car did not stop, she was not following too close.

Not sure how the laws work where you Illinois, it is the driver to the rear that has the responsibility to be able to stop when the vehicle in front stops. You must adjust speed and distance so that if they stop, you can stop. No such animal as "stopping short" in any of the states I have lived in.

HK3- 08-24-2010 08:19 PM

Re: I need to vent

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 964666)
Not sure how the laws work where you Illinois, it is the driver to the rear that has the responsibility to be able to stop when the vehicle in front stops. You must adjust speed and distance so that if they stop, you can stop. No such animal as "stopping short" in any of the states I have lived in.

Agree with Tom. Everywhere I've lived they call it following to close and the one in the back gets the ticket.

Bill86 08-24-2010 08:22 PM

Re: I need to vent

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 964667)
Agree with Tom. Everywhere I've lived they call it following to close and the one in the back gets the ticket.

Yeah unfortunately this is the case with me as well. Though I've never been in one of those accidents.

icehog3 08-24-2010 08:28 PM

Re: I need to vent

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 964667)
Agree with Tom. Everywhere I've lived they call it following to close and the one in the back gets the ticket.

Illinois it is either a ticket for that, or a ticket for "failure to reduce speed to avoid a collision".

lovenhim 08-24-2010 08:39 PM

Re: I need to vent
I can put a grill in it myself, it is held in with 5 plastic clips. The hood can be beaten back out with the proper tools or just replace it from a junk yard from a car with the same color on it. The entire car has stock/faded paint, so painting the hood only would be a waste. :) To paint the entire car correctly and do it right would cost many thousands to have it done. I have family that could do it but it takes time and knowing my uncle he would take the car down to bare metal and work from a clean slate. LOL :) I have seen too many peeling paint jobs from prep work not being done right. Thank you all for the support, all is ok now. We are safe and the car is ok, I just do not like the dents being there, but the body work and paint would cost more than the car is worth.

Trouble 08-24-2010 08:46 PM

Re: I need to vent
I am glad you are both OK but it was your fault. Calling the guy a jerk after you hit his car and then let you go? I think you need to revaluate the circumstances.-(P

bobarian 08-24-2010 08:51 PM

Re: I need to vent
Glad you are both ok, but in California it is the same as most other states. There is no such violation as "Stopping Short", Following too Closely or leave a safe distance is the moving violation here.

lovenhim 08-24-2010 09:40 PM

Re: I need to vent
I am sorry, did not mean to come off wrong. We did not call him a jerk or argue or anything. The guy would not share any insurance details or a phone number, etc. That makes me think he is hiding something or trying to be sneaky. That is what I meant. :) The car is not mechanically damaged so all will be ok. :) I have a feeling the guy did not have insurance and thus just let it go. It could have been worse, the cop just over looked the entire thing and we all left. Thank you for letting me vent, I am doing ok now.

Negncic 08-24-2010 10:22 PM

Re: I need to vent
Even if he gave his insurance company they would find your wife at fault and your company would be responsible. Unless someone goes through a traffic control device usually the person doing the hitting is at fault.

Nice avatar by the way. :D

neoflex 08-24-2010 10:38 PM

Re: I need to vent

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 964666)
Not sure how the laws work where you Illinois, it is the driver to the rear that has the responsibility to be able to stop when the vehicle in front stops. You must adjust speed and distance so that if they stop, you can stop. No such animal as "stopping short" in any of the states I have lived in.

Not sure about NC as I haven't had any experience here yet but in NY it's the same as what you stated Icehog. If you rear end someone it's the driver in the backs fault even if the driver up front brake checked them.

4WheelVFR 08-24-2010 11:06 PM

Re: I need to vent
Sorry to hear about the trouble Paul. Just be glad it wasn't worse. Kinda off topic, but what kind of audio books do you listen to? Cd or tape? Just asking 'cuz I read a lot.

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