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Chris. 11-05-2008 11:06 PM

Taboo Connecticut
Hey guys! this is the first review I've posted here. I pretty much just c/p'd it from the other site.

It feels like a great cigar. Nice and firm, but not too firm. I pull it out of the cello and smell it up and down. It smells GREAT! At this point I cannot wait to light it up! I proceed to inspect the wrapper and find a few flaws. about midway through there was a spot or two where the wrapper looked like it had been torn by a finger nail while being rolled or something. It didnt cause any issue when smoking it, I'm just being picky. Also near the cap were a couple imperfections. This wrapper had some medium sized veins in it.

Pre-light draw didn't reveal much of anything to me. So I proceeded to lighting her up. My first impressions were this is a very mild cigar, with a little spice.

The spice remains through about half of the cigar. It's not a strong spice, but light and nice. Also, I'm getting a good nutty flavor with this. I think on occassion I got a hint of cocoa, but it may have been my imagination.

It burned very evenly and the draw was a bit easier than I'm used to, but I got used to that pretty quickly. Near the 3/3 it started burning unevenly for some odd reason. Keep in mind that I generally take a puff every 15-25 seconds. This uneven burn corrected itself with a couple closer puffs, maybe 10 seconds apart. I did not have to touch up light this cigar at all.

At about this point, the spice fell off and I got nothing but the nutty flavors. I stuck with it for a few more minutes to see if the flavors would change any, but they didn't. not much longer after this point did I let it die with dignity and decide to come in to write this review.

Overall, this cigar was good. It was very mild with nutty flavor throughout and spice through the first 2/3. I only purged it one time because it seemed to be getting too hot for me. It burned excellently and the finish is smooth and very light. Almost no aftertaste. IMO this would be a great cigar to smoke on a road trip or some other event where sitting and concentrating on flavors would not be key to enjoyment as this did not change much.

webjunkie 11-05-2008 11:21 PM

Re: Taboo Habano Sun Grown
Great review. :tu Quite frankly these cigars rock.

Chris. 11-06-2008 04:47 AM

Re: Taboo Habano Sun Grown
yea, I actually enjoyed The HSG a lot. This was actually a Taboo Connecticut. I totally named the thread wrong. oops!

TripleF 11-06-2008 04:52 AM

Re: Taboo Habano Sun Grown
Props bro. Great review.

I'll have to get me some of those!! :ss

Chris. 11-06-2008 09:36 PM

Re: Taboo Connecticut
sorry to be so misleading by naming the thread wrong at first. I had a mod fix the mistake. Sorry guys! I'll bring my HSG review over tomorrow!

Whee 11-06-2008 09:39 PM

Re: Taboo Connecticut
Nice review and pics!

Taboo Cigars 11-06-2008 09:41 PM

Re: Taboo Connecticut
Thanks to the Mod that fixed your Title.
Anyway, Great pics with your review. I think most people appreciate pics in a review.
I appreciate your time.
Great job, Chris

paul95se 02-21-2009 05:56 PM

Re: Taboo Connecticut
Bump.....cause these are some great Connecticut wrapped cigars.

cigarlvr 02-21-2009 06:25 PM

Re: Taboo Connecticut
Great review the HSG is my got lo cigar. It is one fine smoke with lots of flavor. Taboo blends there cigars for the most flavor you can get out of the tobacco and that they do.:ss

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