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fhrblig 08-02-2010 10:14 AM

Chain store rant
Ok, time for a cranky rant.

I've checked out a couple locations of a cigarette store chain that is trying to add cigars to their stores. I won't name which one; there are a couple of different chains here in CO that are doing this, and if I'm the only one who gets irritated about these things then I don't want to smear them specifically in the minds of others who haven't been there yet.

I've been apprehensive to go to these places, because their primary business is cigarettes. I feared that their attempt to sell cigars would lack the proper commitment to the product, and after I went to two of their shops it seems I was right.

The first one I went to had a very large humidor, good selection, and decent prices. I went into the humidor, and as always I knew what I was looking for. When I need help, I will ask for it; otherwise I prefer to be left alone. The first 20-year-old associate there came in to the humidor after I went in, asked me politely if I needed help; I told him "No thanks" and he let me know he was there if I needed anything. That's exactly right, no complaints there. However, another 20-year-old working there came in as well, made a beeline toward me, and without any context just started rambling about 'plume' to me, pretending to know what he was talking about. I really wanted to look at him and tell him what he could do with his 'plume', but as I'm trying to cut back on flare-ups of my cranky-old-man disease, I just ignored him and went on looking for what I wanted. I think he realized he did something stupid, because it seemed to dawn on him that hey, the other guy that works here is also in the humidor; maybe he already asked this guy if he wanted help. He shut up and wandered off. I grabbed a couple of sticks that I wanted, paid for them and left. I figured that since the first guy wasn't a complete douche, I could forgive them for a minor transgression.

The second one really irritated me, though. I went in, and though this store was smaller, it did have a small smoking area next to the humidor. Dude behind the counter couldn't have been more than 18. Two other 18/19-year-olds (clearly the counter dude's friends) were hanging out in the cigar area smoking cigarettes. I went into the humidor, and it had a pretty varied selection of brands for a small store; however, a lot of the boxes were empty. They were out of a LOT of the brands. They did have Flor de Oliva Maduros, and I've been wanting to try those for a while so I grabbed a couple of them. I went to the counter to pay for them, and could feel the dirty looks from the guys in the smoking area; I guess they didn't like their conversation with the counter rep interrupted. For his part, the rep's attitude was fine; it was his friends that were giving me the stink-eye. He came over, rung me up and I paid for what I had, then asked me if I wanted a piece of cedar in the ziploc bag I bought. I said sure, and then dude proceeds to put a SOAKING WET strip of cedar in the bag. WTF!? Honest, the thing was dripping wet. I'm sure glad the cigars I bought were wrapped in cellophane. I took the bag home, quickly got a paper towel and dried out the bag and the few drops on the cello of the cigars and threw the cedar away.

Even though the first one wasn't as bad as the second, I don't think I will go back to either. Neither of the places had staff I would call professional; nobody was dressed like they were at work, it was all t-shirt & jeans or tank top, etc. The second place just gave off a really trashy vibe, and that was before the cedar BS. None of the kids they have working at any of them seem to know the first thing about cigars. The prices were good, but at this point I'll pay more to an independent B&M because you get what you pay for. And before anyone thinks I'm automatically prejudiced toward the youngins, I should tell you that one of the B&Ms I like has young dudes working there also. The difference is they are knowledgeable about the product, dressed like they want to make a good impression on the customer, and even when they do have their friends hanging out (actually smoking cigars they bought there) everyone is friendly and respectful to the other people there.

Sorry if that was long, but has anyone else run into this sort of thing?

Subvet642 08-02-2010 10:34 AM

Re: Chain store rant
If these places are new, give it time for the atmosphere to come around; there are always a few bumps with a new business model. Further, as long as you're knowlegable, the staffs' lack of knowlege isn't so critical. :2

T.G 08-02-2010 10:42 AM

Re: Chain store rant
Dude, they're discount cigarette chain stores, what did you expect?

fhrblig 08-02-2010 10:45 AM

Re: Chain store rant

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 937948)
Dude, they're discount cigarette chain stores, what did you expect?

That's why I waited so long to try them, but I decided to give them a fair shot. Trouble is, the second one is in a somewhat isolated area where because they added cigars and people went there instead because prices were lower, it drove the only local B&M out of business.:td

J0eybb 08-02-2010 10:49 AM

Re: Chain store rant
Everyone has to start somewhere. 18-20. Some start their cigar knowledge at 26. At least they are trying. I'm sure the "kid" didn't know any better about the cedar, but if someone, you, would have told him he just might have learned something.

T.G 08-02-2010 10:49 AM

Re: Chain store rant

Originally Posted by fhrblig (Post 937952)
That's why I waited so long to try them, but I decided to give them a fair shot. Trouble is, the second one is in a somewhat isolated area where because they added cigars and people went there instead because prices were lower, it drove the only local B&M out of business.:td

If the opening of a single discount cigarette store was able to cause a B&M to go out of business, then I suspect that the B&M probably had bigger issues than just their pricing and was already teetering on the edge.

Ogre 08-02-2010 10:58 AM

Re: Chain store rant
I have had the same teenage kids at a B&M, that will remain nameless, be the same way. They just havnt learned the product, along with the teenage attitude. That's why I go to the couple of B&Ms That I do, customer service.

pektel 08-02-2010 10:59 AM

Re: Chain store rant

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 937957)
If the opening of a single discount cigarette store was able to cause a B&M to go out of business, then I suspect that the B&M probably had bigger issues than just their pricing and was already teetering on the edge.

I agree. I am part owner of a design showroom for cabinetry/flooring/plumbing fixtures/etc. We have never had a problem when a Home Depot/Lowe's pops up in town. In fact, I'd wish they set up right across the street from me. We are experienced, and dedicated to our customers' projects. I can count on one hand the number of kitchens I have lost to Home Depot. And that's only because the customer was comparing apples to oranges.

I only say this because a discount store does have an effect on small business, but not to the point where it will exterminate a competitor all together, all on it's own.

I seriously lol'ed at the wet cedar chip. I have read that some choose to light cigars with a strip of cedar instead of matches/butane lighter. At first I thought it would be a strip of dry cedar to use to light the cigar.

sjnovakovich 08-02-2010 11:01 AM

Re: Chain store rant
Here's an issue with this whole thread. If those kind of stores are tying up territory for a good cigar brand then a good B&M that is dedicated to cigars will not be able to get that line should they want to open in the same geograpic area.

KenyanSandBoa 08-02-2010 11:07 AM

Re: Chain store rant
There's a store near me that is similar to this one. They have teenage girls that run the place, that can't offer any assistance if you need it. I'm like you where I don't like to be bothered unless I go out of my way to find an associate to hep me, but at this place I don't think there is anyone that can really do that. I think I've been asked once...litterally once, if I needed help. I'm not complaining at all...I just think that it comes with the territory when you're dealing with places like that.

If I know I'm going to need/want good advice...I go to my local B&M.

T.G 08-02-2010 11:32 AM

Re: Chain store rant

Originally Posted by sjnovakovich (Post 937986)
Here's an issue with this whole thread. If those kind of stores are tying up territory for a good cigar brand then a good B&M that is dedicated to cigars will not be able to get that line should they want to open in the same geograpic area.

Maybe things are different where you are, but I've never seen a discount cigarette store that carries anything even remotely like that. Mostly just run of the mill General and Altadis, and they'll sell to anyone. Some smaller manufacturers show up in these places, but it's such a small number and electic combination of boxes while always the more "plain" cigars I don't see anything to worry about.

I've never heard of a Cigarettes Cheaper! being an authorized Liga Privada or Opus X account... Know what I'm sayin'?

68TriShield 08-02-2010 11:32 AM

Re: Chain store rant
I see it way too often Bob.

fhrblig 08-02-2010 09:26 PM

Re: Chain store rant

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 937957)
If the opening of a single discount cigarette store was able to cause a B&M to go out of business, then I suspect that the B&M probably had bigger issues than just their pricing and was already teetering on the edge.

I thought the same thing too. After the B&M closed, I went to another one and mentioned the one that closed. The guy there knew the guy that owned the closed shop, and he said, "He'd been there for years, and as soon as that cigarette store started selling cigars cheaper, he lost all his business." I take that as meaning either the people were desperate for another choice (this town is about 10-15 miles away from the metro area), or the cigarette place undercut his prices so bad that he couldn't compete. Probably a mix of both.

Snake Hips 08-03-2010 01:01 AM

Re: Chain store rant
I'm in Denver and I don't know of any more than one cigarette chain, and they've always sold cigars (the big one up north has cigar events and an impressive walk-in). Never had issues with their cigars or employees (the employees at the one in Wheat Ridge all seem to know what they're talking about at least), but they do keep the "humid" in "humidor."

I don't know what cigar shop you mean, but I've also only been to Aurora once. The shop I go to had some kids open a cigarette/cigar/tobacco shop two blocks down the same main road. They just laughed.

duckmanco 08-03-2010 10:34 AM

Re: Chain store rant
man, I'm gonna catch hell for this, but the low down evil truth, for me anyway

I hate 99% of B&M's.... there I said it. I hate being bothered, and for some reason most of the time I still get bothered after the initial "No thanks". The hovering over me in the humidor really turns me off too. The posturing I've seen and general know-it-all ness from from "cigar shop" guys is always good for a laugh, but I much prefer online shopping, and its not because of pricing either, its because I can browse in peace and try things most shops don't and won't ever have.

I'm not stating its a fact for everybody, but for me, by and large, I can't stand B&M's.

That said, Winston's Humidor in Richmond VA is the exception.

T.G 08-03-2010 10:41 AM

Re: Chain store rant

Originally Posted by duckmanco (Post 939426)
man, I'm gonna catch hell for this, but the low down evil truth, for me anyway

I hate 99% of B&M's.... there I said it. I hate being bothered, and for some reason most of the time I still get bothered after the initial "No thanks". The hovering over me in the humidor really turns me off too. The posturing I've seen and general know-it-all ness from from "cigar shop" guys is always good for a laugh, but I much prefer online shopping, and its not because of pricing either, its because I can browse in peace and try things most shops don't and won't ever have.

I'm not stating its a fact for everybody, but for me, by and large, I can't stand B&M's.

That said, Winston's Humidor in Richmond VA is the exception.

I have similiar gripes about most B&M's too. There are only a few that I actually will go to willingly when not soley for the purpose of meeting up with a few friends for a cigar.

There are a few though that I won't even go into anymore because the staff or selection is so pathetic.

Ogre 08-03-2010 10:46 AM

Re: Chain store rant

Originally Posted by duckmanco (Post 939426)
man, I'm gonna catch hell for this, but the low down evil truth, for me anyway

I hate 99% of B&M's.... there I said it. I hate being bothered, and for some reason most of the time I still get bothered after the initial "No thanks". The hovering over me in the humidor really turns me off too. The posturing I've seen and general know-it-all ness from from "cigar shop" guys is always good for a laugh, but I much prefer online shopping, and its not because of pricing either, its because I can browse in peace and try things most shops don't and won't ever have.

I'm not stating its a fact for everybody, but for me, by and large, I can't stand B&M's.

That said, Winston's Humidor in Richmond VA is the exception.

I like the b&Ms for the atmosphere and the fact that if I know of a cigar I want to try I can do that without buying a 5er or ship a single. I will agree some B&Ms will hover over you and make you feel cramped. I have 2 that I go to on a regular basses and feel vary comfortable with the staff.

KenyanSandBoa 08-03-2010 10:51 AM

Re: Chain store rant

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 939440)
I have similiar gripes about most B&M's too. There are only a few that I actually will go to willingly when not soley for the purpose of meeting up with a few friends for a cigar.

There are a few though that I won't even go into anymore because the staff or selection is so pathetic.

:tpd:...there are a couple on my list of "places to avoid". One of them is out of the way for me anyway, but there is a very young guy that runs the place and is a bit "thugish" for me. It's a fairly new place that my parents told me about when I was visiting them a while ago. I went there with my father to check it out and this guy would NOT get the hint that we wanted to be left alone.

It seemed that no matter what cigar I was contemplating about he had some sort of story about how he's so awesome that he's the only one in the area who can get them. I was debating on telling him that I could get them online for about half the price, but I held my tongue. :D

Anyway...that's a place that I would go to to meet up and smoke outside on their patio, but I wouldn't be able to hang inside with the manager because my patience would wear thin pretty quickly. :2

bsmokin 08-03-2010 11:11 AM

Re: Chain store rant
The only B&M I ever go to is Holt's in Philly.... they are phenomenal in there for the most part. Very knowledgeable, professional, and generally will respect a 'no-thanks' in response to the question of needing help. This is a _great_ shop, but I'm guessing there are only a handful of places in the entire country that can be compared.

jbo57 08-03-2010 01:44 PM

Re: Chain store rant
I have always been reluctant to try new places. However, because of some circumstances I decided to give it a try and was pleasantly surprised by the store. They are a liquor store and they make no bones about knowing nothing about cigars. They have one guy who comes in, orders the stock, and makes sure the humidor is right, but I've never met him. I can handle it when guys say, "I can't help you, dude, because I don't know anything about them. I'm sorry." I can't handle folks who think they know a lot and don't.

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