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Superbad 07-31-2010 07:52 PM

Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
I went to CU Boulder 20 years ago. I will be in downtown Denver in August and wondered if there are places I should hit while there? I am half expecting it to be illegal to smoke cigars in CO.

leafandale 08-01-2010 09:27 PM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
Looks like there are a few...

This is a great site. My advice is to bookmark it. Cigar Friendly places are being added every day.

markem 08-01-2010 09:29 PM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
post something in the herf thread. The local groups (Front Range Herfers) are friendly and know all the places.

Ahbroody 08-01-2010 09:52 PM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Originally Posted by markem (Post 937384)
post something in the herf thread. The local groups (Front Range Herfers) are friendly and know all the places.

Those FRH are a bunch of sissys -(P.

Well some of them are alright I suppose.

fhrblig 08-01-2010 11:17 PM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
Cigars on 6th is good. I like Stanley Pappas Cigars in Centennial too, they have a really nice lounge but their sticks can be a bit on the pricey side.

chriscbs 08-02-2010 09:19 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
There are quite a few on the map at -

If you know of any more, be sure to add them!

colimo 08-05-2010 09:24 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
let us know when you are in town and we (the noble FRHers) can put something together for you....

also...downtown is a great place, the celtic tavern, cigar bar and restaurant with good food and drink....also churchills at the brown palace hotel, pricier but nice....out south is the robusto room a good bar...also, devons pub on hampden....

as far as cigar shops, cigars on 6th is good, i personally do not like pappas...the prices are the highest and they will not let you bring or smoke your own...

a great shop is Sean's place, smoking cave on south broadway....a great BOTL who supports all of us, as well as the troops through the FRH....and good prices too...

PM me if you need anything else.

Superbad 08-24-2010 07:10 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
I stopped by Jerri's last night and picked up a Davidoff Sublime. Shop seemed kinda pricey, but I guess that is what you get on the 16th st. Mall.

Superbad 08-25-2010 09:54 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
I hit the Churchill Cigar Bar at the Brown Palace last night. What a great spot. I loved it, but I did bring my own stick. It was pricey but worth it. I will be going back again tonight. Places like this are becoming so hard to find, enjoy em while you can.

JohnRogers 07-04-2015 08:21 PM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Originally Posted by colimo (Post 942170)
also...downtown is a great place, the celtic tavern, cigar bar and restaurant with good food and drink....also churchills at the brown palace hotel, pricier but nice....out south is the robusto room a good bar...

I'm heading to Denver next weekend. These places I've heard of. Is this still the list? Anybody close their doors? Any new cigar lounge worth checking out open recently?

mosesbotbol 07-05-2015 07:02 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
Have all the cigar lounges turned into Coffeeshop / Hash Den's Colorado?

drjammer 07-05-2015 07:41 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Originally Posted by JohnRogers (Post 2043273)
I'm heading to Denver next weekend. These places I've heard of. Is this still the list? Anybody close their doors? Any new cigar lounge worth checking out open recently?

Cigars on 6th is a very nice shop.

drjammer 07-05-2015 07:43 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 2043290)
Have all the cigar lounges turned into Coffeeshop / Hash Den's Colorado?

Not that I am aware of(still illegal to smoke pot in public).

MarkinAZ 07-05-2015 10:06 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Originally Posted by JohnRogers (Post 2043273)
I'm heading to Denver next weekend. These places I've heard of. Is this still the list? Anybody close their doors? Any new cigar lounge worth checking out open recently?

The following is an active shop in Denver:

Tewksbury & Company (cigars & pipe tobacco)
Writer Square, 1512 Larimer St R-14
Denver, CO 80202

I understand from a good BOTL who lives in the area that you can smoke at the shop (unless that has recently changed in the last 6 months).

I would give the shop a call for more information...

JohnRogers 07-05-2015 10:26 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
I'm definitely more interested in a cigar lounge opposed to a B&M shop with some seating. Some place to pair the cigar with an adult beverage.

MarkinAZ 07-05-2015 10:37 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Originally Posted by JohnRogers (Post 2043316)
I'm definitely more interested in a cigar lounge opposed to a B&M shop with some seating. Some place to pair the cigar with an adult beverage.

Like I said, give them a call and you will be able to ascertain more information in the way of adult beverages. I do believe they carry wine. They open at 1200 noon/Mountain Time today...

mhailey 07-05-2015 02:29 PM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Tewksburys is nice, they sell wine and have a nice selection is cigars and pipes/pipe tobacco. They have wine tastings every now and then, but I'm not too sure they have a bar license such that you can purchase and consume on the property.

As stated Delany's and Churchills are about the only place you can have a cigar and order an adult beverage in the downtown area. Delany's would be my prefered venue of those two, given the prices at Churchills. If you are in the metro denver area there is Devon's pub which is a relaxed place (but I have not been in a few years). Colorado outlawed smoking in almost all public businesses save for a few cigar bars that need to make x% of their money from tobacco sales to qualify. PM me and I can get you some more information.


JohnRogers 07-05-2015 06:15 PM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver
Thanks Mark and Matt. I'll post here when I make my visit.

mosesbotbol 07-06-2015 04:56 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Originally Posted by drjammer (Post 2043293)
Not that I am aware of(still illegal to smoke pot in public).

Was asked more in jest...

drjammer 07-06-2015 07:51 AM

Re: Any B&M's and good spots to smoke in Denver

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 2043420)
Was asked more in jest...

No problem :)

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