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whodeeni 05-31-2010 01:22 PM

A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
We need to share this with everyone we know!

Watch this video and Pass it on to our fellow brother, sisters, and the world!

Screwbag 05-31-2010 01:53 PM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
I used to work with a company selling a similar product it was called TN-10 if i remember right, it was good stuff and it worked great! the current product is now used as a fertilizer or compost concentrate, i don't know if they changed it...

we use it at work in norway for small spills and floating oil and fuel spills

G G 05-31-2010 02:22 PM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
What in the crap are they waiting for?

The Poet 05-31-2010 02:37 PM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
Maybe BP figures that, if they kill off the Gulf now, they won't have to worry about any possible problems in the future.

catfish2 05-31-2010 08:52 PM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
Not using that stuff is the perfect example of why humans may be too stupid to survive.

Kreth 05-31-2010 09:27 PM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
I have a better real world solution. President of BP, 1 round to the back of the head execution-style. Next senior exec, what's your go-to plan? Repeat until the problem is fixed or we run out of execs. ;)
Posted via Mobile Device

Thrak 06-01-2010 05:12 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 874396)
I have a better real world solution. President of BP, 1 round to the back of the head execution-style. Next senior exec, what's your go-to plan? Repeat until the problem is fixed or we run out of execs. ;)
Posted via Mobile Device

With that mentality its obviously you're not fully aware of the problem.

Not to mention the fact that its Transocean that holds the majority of the blame, not BP. I know I know, the media doesnt tell you that... big surprise.

Kreth 06-01-2010 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 874543)
With that mentality its obviously you're not fully aware of the problem.

With that mentality its obviously (sic) you're not fully aware of the significance of the ;) emoticon following my post.
It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis. :rolleyes:
Posted via Mobile Device

MiamiE 06-01-2010 06:13 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 874543)
Not to mention the fact that its Transocean that holds the majority of the blame, not BP. I know I know, the media doesnt tell you that... big surprise.

Correct. BP just leases the well. BP is the bigger name though.

Thrak 06-01-2010 06:15 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 874560)
With that mentality its obviously (sic) you're not fully aware of the significance of the ;) emoticon following my post.
It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis. :rolleyes:
Posted via Mobile Device

Sorry man.. no coffee yet and I see/hear so much bad information I jumped and posted before I woke up...

Blueface 06-01-2010 07:13 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
If I am not mistaken, this microbe product was used in Alaska during the Exxon mess.
It works well but as a clean up, not to stop the oil from continuing to come out from the ground.

Kreth 06-01-2010 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 874564)
Sorry man.. no coffee yet and I see/hear so much bad information I jumped and posted before I woke up...

Fair enough. I have mornings like that. :tu

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 874593)
If I am not mistaken, this microbe product was used in Alaska during the Exxon mess.

Unfortunately, this spill is making that one look minor.
Posted via Mobile Device

kaisersozei 06-01-2010 10:46 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
I like these "bioremediation" efforts, as they're called. Sound promising. I read somewhere that bioremediation is also one of the reasons they are using dispersants--to break the oil into smaller bits, so that naturally occuring oil-eating microbes can eat the smaller bits. The application of mass concentrations of the microbe works well once the oil becomes concentrated, like it does in the pool or along the shoreline in the video. Once the microbes finish eating all the oil, they die off & become part of the ecosystem. Biology in action!

Thrak 06-01-2010 10:49 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
If someone hasnt seen this already, the live feed is extremely interesting...

Here's a link to what they're doing now...

catfish2 06-01-2010 09:16 PM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 874543)
With that mentality its obviously you're not fully aware of the problem.

Not to mention the fact that its Transocean that holds the majority of the blame, not BP. I know I know, the media doesnt tell you that... big surprise.

I don't mean to rip on you or pile on, but I think that he does get it after what I heard today. Tonight on the news I heard one of the BP big wigs wining that he just wants to get HIS life back to what it was. This is a guy that makes more per year than most people will see in several life times. And HE wants HIS life back. This guy should be kick hard in the back of his balls.

catfish2 06-01-2010 09:20 PM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
What killing me about this solution that you posted is what I'm watching on the news right now. BP is actually paying people to scrub each blade of grass. Come on give me a break.

thebayratt 06-01-2010 09:36 PM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills
Whats gonna be interesting is they are guessing it could be stopped by August......... that must be when BP will be run out of money and then the US Government will bail them out next, BP will have no responsibility for it, and wash thier hands clean of it and us on the Gulf Coast will be stuck with the devistation its starting to cause......

I tell u this much, we used to go to a BP gas station and get Diesel for our work trucks and food in the morning.......... haven't been there in a few weeks now...

Thrak 06-02-2010 03:54 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 875352)
Whats gonna be interesting is they are guessing it could be stopped by August......... that must be when BP will be run out of money and then the US Government will bail them out next, BP will have no responsibility for it, and wash thier hands clean of it and us on the Gulf Coast will be stuck with the devistation its starting to cause......

No, August is when the two relief wells will be completed.

Do you think its 100% BP's fault? Transocean was the company doing the drilling. Transocean was the one that lost people on the rig. The government was the one watching **** and going to ball games instead of "regulating". The government was the one that issued the permits. The government was the one that gave that rig safety awards.

BP is getting blamed, but I'm not so sure they're the responsibe party, they're just the biggest name.

MortonMilo 06-02-2010 07:06 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Originally Posted by thebayratt (Post 875352)
I tell u this much, we used to go to a BP gas station and get Diesel for our work trucks and food in the morning.......... haven't been there in a few weeks now...

Boycotting bp stations doesn't necessarily hurt their bottom line. Bp doesn't own many of the bp branded filling stations, as they are franchised out. Most of the major oil companies are moving this direction and selling their stations. The way oil companies trade oil and gasoline, you have as good of a chance filling up with bp made gasoline at an Exxon station as you do at a bp. Only person that gets hurt in a boycott is the franchisee.

catfish2 06-02-2010 08:53 AM

Re: A Real World Solution To the Gulf Oil Spills

Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 875433)
No, August is when the two relief wells will be completed.

Do you think its 100% BP's fault? Transocean was the company doing the drilling. Transocean was the one that lost people on the rig. The government was the one watching **** and going to ball games instead of "regulating". The government was the one that issued the permits. The government was the one that gave that rig safety awards.

BP is getting blamed, but I'm not so sure they're the responsibe party, they're just the biggest name.

Why not hold them responsible? They have the contracts for that well. Their the general on this job. Their the ones that make multi-millions if not billions in profits each year. I hear Rush Limbaugh (and others) give lip service to things like: personal responsibility and family values. This is when we can prove that those are real values and not just lies. Lets stop rewarding the criminals in society. Stop the bailout for companies that conduct their business in incompetent ways then ask for tarp funds because their "too big to fail". Stop rewarding federal law breakers with citizenship. I don't see BP saying "were sorry" by lowering the price of gas. Personal responsibility is not just for people. It's for companies also.

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