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RGD. 05-30-2010 10:51 PM

How Much Ammo??
So I was sitting here watching the NASCAR race, having a rum and a smoke - when the question crossed my mind: How much ammo do I have?

So I dragged it all out and listed it (see below). So again, I'm thinking: Is this like a normal amount? To much - not enough - I dunno. It's not like I'm expecting a Taliban or Commie attack to happen on my street in the next week. Now Zombies on the other hand - you just never know.

So how much do you guys keep around? Don't have to list it out like I did - round numbers is fine.


Current List - Not Including Clips:

500rds - 9mm Winchester Ranger NATO 124gr. FMJ
300rds - 9mm Winchester Ranger Talon 147gr. HP
200rds - 9mm Winchester Ranger +P+ 115gr JHP
60rds - 9mm Federal Hydra-Shok 147gr. JHP
150rds - 9mm Hansen Combat 147gr. FMJ
50rds - 9mm PMC 115gr. FMJ

200rds - 357 Sig Corbon Performance Match 125gr. HP
40rds - 357 Sig Gold Dot 125gr. GDHP

50rds - 40 S&W Federal LE Hi-Shok 155gr. HP
250rds - 40 S&W Winchester Ranger 165gr. FMJ
20rds - 40 S&W Gold Dot 155gr. GDHP

150rds - 38 Special Winchester 130gr FMJ

100rds - 45 Remington Golden Saber 230gr. JHP
150rds - 45 PMC 230gr. FMJ

100rds - 30-06 Springfield Sellier & Bellot 150grs SPCE
40rds - 30-06 Winchester 150gr. Supreme Elite XP3

20rds - 12 Ga. Winchester Super X 2 3/4 9 Shot
75rds - 12 Ga. Winchester Supreme Turkey 3 1/2 6 Shot
50rds - 12 Ga. Winchester AA 2 3/4 8 Shot
50rds - 12 Ga. Federal LE Tactical Full Power 9 Shot

100rds - 22L CCI HP
200rds - 22L American Eagle Solid
100rds - 22L Federal 31gr Hyper Velocity HP

bobarian 05-30-2010 10:56 PM

Re: How Much Ammo??
Following the book of Ratters, if you can count your ammo you dont have enough! :r

1000 rounds for each weapon is the minimum needed to last a night of zombie killing!:2

Pistol 05-30-2010 11:06 PM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I probably have 800 or so .40 cal rounds (jacketed hollow points and target rounds), 500 or so 30-30 rounds, and a lot of various types of 12 gauge shells (mostly birdshot though)

elderboy02 05-30-2010 11:13 PM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I have a few rounds ;)

Ashcan Bill 05-30-2010 11:46 PM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I'm not really sure how much I have.

Probably 1000 to 1200 rounds of .45 acp.

At least 3000 rounds of 8mm. Got a good deal years back. :D

Maybe 1000 rounds of .38.

Another 500 or so of .357?

Who knows how much .22.

Around 200-300 rounds of 7.62x39? Not sure.

And some 12 gauge. Can't recall exactly how much.

And I guess a handful of boxes of .380 and 9mm.

Oh, and maybe a couple hundred rounds of .30 carbine.

And whatever else I'm forgetting. This is off the top of my head, and my memory has been known to be suspect. :r

Darn, I guess maybe I should do an inventory too.

Barcode 05-31-2010 02:53 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I got over 3000 rounds of .22
over 1000 rounds of .45
a case of 00 buckshot
a couple spam cans of 7.62
about 1000 rounds of .223

I'm ready for the Zombies:tu

MiamiE 05-31-2010 04:33 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
Around 2000 rounds of 7.62x39 and 1000 of .40

My .223/5.56 days are long gone. To expensive.

Bax 05-31-2010 05:08 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I've got about 200 rounds of 357 mag, about 100 rounds of crap cheap 9mm and a couple hundred rounds of .22.

I really need to find a source for good cheap 9mm.

sjuhockey10 05-31-2010 05:12 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
Not enough... need to start reloading.

Off the top of my head, I know I've got around 3k .22 LR, and probably around 1k of .225/5.56.

AvoFiend 05-31-2010 05:14 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I'm comin to ur guys place when the zombies come. I can never seem to keep ammo too long. I always end up shooting it as fast as I get it. I actually have bout 100rds of 12ga 00 buck right now.

68TriShield 05-31-2010 05:31 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
Neither of us have enough Ron.

captain53 05-31-2010 05:42 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 873787)
Neither of us have enough Ron.


SSDVC 05-31-2010 05:49 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
Now Elderboy02 has got the right idea! Need to get those loose boxes sealed up though. Ammo ain't any good if the powder is gooey.

You can keep as much as you want and properly stored is will be good for 20 years or more. If you shoot, rotate through your stock.

Anything you can't carry (try humpin that full 50 cal ammo can a few miles !) is useless. Pack for portability, in case the zombies overrun your castle. -(P

TripleF 05-31-2010 06:51 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I think it's a great thread bro!! :tu

I have a dozen boxes of 20 guage shells for my 20 guage shotgun that was given to me.

lightning9191 05-31-2010 07:51 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
Looking at your stash Ron, I would say you need more high power stuff. If the zombies attack and you are high up on a roof, then the pistol rounds are going to start losing their effectiveness. Or if the zombies are running after you, you'll have to wait until they get into pistol range. I'd rather take them out at rifle range. More 30-06! :D

looking for know 05-31-2010 08:34 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
Number of rounds, including rounds in magazines. Rounded up/down to full box number quantities.

.50 BMG: 50
7mm Rem Mag: 60
9mm: 400
45 LC: 150
45ACP: 450
5.56 mm: 600
6.8 SPC: 300
7.62 x 39: 800
7.62 x 51: 400
12ga: 250 (mostly bird shot)
.22 lr: 1000+

G G 05-31-2010 09:07 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I dont know how much i have but it's not enough.

icehog3 05-31-2010 09:08 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
Too many .223 and 45 rounds to count.

E-Tx Surveyor 05-31-2010 09:11 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
I have about 200 rounds of 9 mm on hand. I would like to keep upwards of 1000 but its just not in the cards right now. I try and buy a box every payday but it doesn't always work.

lostark374 05-31-2010 09:19 AM

Re: How Much Ammo??
more than i would openly admit on a public forum!

i did buy it cheap and stack it deep!

really i would have to break it down by Country instead of caliber.

i know im down to about 5000 rounds of paki 7.62 x 51 (wish i bought more at $79 a thou) got plenty of port and lake city to hold it down for a long time. only a few thou of 7.62 x 39 but only own a few guns that use that round. 0 223 (dont own a gun for that round anymore) got enough 12ga and 9mm to last. 22-250 is very low less than 1k. just a couple boxes of 338lm but dont break it out often. everything else i dont shoot enough of to care.

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