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Blueface 05-27-2010 08:16 AM

American Idol - What a waste it has become
I can't believe my wife got me to watch this mess these past two years in a row.
Twice now the wrong person won.
What the heck is wrong with those loony voting teenyboppers?

I would be a liar if I didn't think both last year's runner and up and this year's were not the "image" most expect and hence talent meant nothing. Both were so far superior to the voted winners.

Simon is not the only one leaving this show.
Won't see me watching it. Not even if the wife promises me sex.

MiamiE 05-27-2010 08:18 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become
This show has been garbage for about 3 seasons. Carlos I'd reconsider your last statement. From one married man to another. :r

elderboy02 05-27-2010 08:18 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become
While I wanted Crystal to win, I am fine with Lee. He is a decent singer. Crystal was the better singer by far, but you gotta remember that it is 14 year old girls voting.

fissure 05-27-2010 08:49 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 870613)
While I wanted Crystal to win, I am fine with Lee. He is a decent singer. Crystal was the better singer by far, but you gotta remember that it is 14 year old girls voting.

So, then you voted for Lee??:D

JaKaacH 05-27-2010 09:00 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 870613)
While I wanted Crystal to win, I am fine with Lee. He is a decent singer. Crystal was the better singer by far, but you gotta remember that it is 14 year old girls voting.

Lee is OK, but when the "records/CDs" music by both become available who will you buy..I know I will look for and buy Crystal's work before Lee.

If you like Crystal, check out Susan Tedeschi.

I hope Casey continues with his old school guitar and blues/rock sound..

Rap is short for crap..Greg Allman

rack04 05-27-2010 09:04 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 870640)
Lee is OK, but when the "records/CDs" music by both become available who will you buy.

Neither. Which is the reason why the past 3 years has sucked. I wouldn't spend any money listening to the winners.


Originally Posted by JaKaacH (Post 870640)
Rap is short for crap..Greg Allman

100% Agree!

mosesbotbol 05-27-2010 09:07 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become
As soon as my girl from the Cape was booted, my interest faded very quickly. The talent this year is ho hum. They need more Adam Lamberts, not dirty hippie chicks.

icantbejon 05-27-2010 09:08 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by MiamiE (Post 870611)
This show has been garbage for about 3 seasons. Carlos I'd reconsider your last statement. From one married man to another. :r


I completely agree....on every point made above. The last two seasons have really sucked because Kara and the loss of Paula. That change in dynamic ruined the show for me. Additionally, the talent has seemed a bit sketchy for the past few years. Outside of Adam last year, I don't remember being blown away by any of them. This year, none of the contestants really moved me at all, including Crystal. Moving forward, without Simon, I will not watch this show at all. I only caught a handful of shows this year.

icehog3 05-27-2010 10:01 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become
Lee is from the area I live and work in. The local paper (not a small paper) has done nothing but 2-3 "Lee" articles a day the past several weeks. He is being lauded as a "hero". Are you fugging kidding me?

Guy might have a good voice, but he was a problem guy who was kicked out of high school for assaulting a teacher. Dropped out of the alternative high school they sent him to. His family was reportedly nothing but trouble for local police, but the town (Mt. Prospect, IL) spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on a "hometown celebration" for thr AI cameras and give him the key to the city. Bigger celebration than they ever gave any returning veterans. They asked his high school principal to speak at the celebration in front ot 20,000+ idiots at Arlington Park his credit, the prinicpal balked at the chance to be seen lauding Lee on AI, instead telling them "I would have nothing good to say...he was nothing but a problem for us".

Enjoy your 15 minutes, Lee....I see you headling at the Tick Tock Inn in a couple years.

/end rant

elderboy02 05-27-2010 10:11 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become
Tell us how you really feel Tom :r

I definitely see your point though. Veterans are heroes, not singers.

icehog3 05-27-2010 10:14 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 870717)
Tell us how you really feel Tom :r

I definitely see your point though. Veterans are heroes, not singers.

Sorry, Dan....I am just a little sick of having this guy jammed down our throats the last couple months, when most people have no idea (nor even care) of his background. ;s

mithrilG60 05-27-2010 10:18 AM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by MiamiE (Post 870611)
This show has been garbage for about 9 seasons. Carlos I'd reconsider your last statement. From one married man to another. :r

Fixed it for you ;) And no sex in the world comes even close to being worth the pain of having to watch such drivel.

The only part of this show that has ever been even remotely interesting is the auditions.... and only then because of the nut jobs and sideshow freaks that come out for their 15min of fame. To be fair though it's not just American Idol, my statement applies equally to all the "talent" search reality variety shows including American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, whatever that thing with David Hasslehoff is, etc.

Hopefully with Simon Cowel leaving the "Idol Phenomenon" will die the quick death it should have about 8 years ago.

Blueface 05-27-2010 02:16 PM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by MiamiE (Post 870611)
This show has been garbage for about 3 seasons. Carlos I'd reconsider your last statement. From one married man to another. :r

Yeah, but this married man has been at it for 28 years.
I'm tired.:r

Aside from that, trust me, this show is not worth watching for sex.
I'd abstain first.:r

neoflex 05-27-2010 02:20 PM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become
I'm just amazed that you guys can even stomach that show. I would rather poke my eyeballs out with a dull and rusty knife. :D

The Poet 05-27-2010 02:41 PM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 870890)
I'm just amazed that you guys can even stomach that show. I would rather poke my eyeballs out with a dull and rusty knife. :D

There it is, and so it goes for all this "reality" garbage. But to my mind the mentality of those who watch is not the worst of the problem; rather, it is the participants who are hoping to get something for nothing, without working for it. In the case of Idol specifically, these kids (and not always kids either) want to go from unknown to famous in 6 weeks. Time was that an artist, in music or whatever, had to toil for years to hone the craft and establish a reputation and a following. Now they expect to "win" a contract based as much on a personality contest as for any ability they may have.

This whole "reality" fad is nought but a scam run upon a guileless populace for the sole purpose of saving the networks money. The studios do not need to pay actors or writers, and production costs are much less than that of a scripted show.

It has been nearly 50 years since Newton Minow declared TV was a "vast wasteland", and even longer since Frank Lloyd Wright called it "chewing gum for the eyes". I wonder what they'd say today.

Eleven 05-27-2010 02:46 PM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become
I hope I don't piss off too many people, but Reality TV is one of the biggest things wrong with America today.

Kreth 05-27-2010 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 870922)
I hope I don't piss off too many people, but Reality TV is one of the biggest things wrong with America today.

:tpd: Except for Gordon Ramsay... :r
Posted via Mobile Device

mithrilG60 05-27-2010 03:11 PM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 870916)
There it is, and so it goes for all this "reality" garbage. But to my mind the mentality of those who watch is not the worst of the problem; rather, it is the participants who are hoping to get something for nothing, without working for it. In the case of Idol specifically, these kids (and not always kids either) want to go from unknown to famous in 6 weeks. Time was that an artist, in music or whatever, had to toil for years to hone the craft and establish a reputation and a following. Now they expect to "win" a contract based as much on a personality contest as for any ability they may have.

Thing is, in almost every case they get what they paid for. Most of the Idol winners and about 99% of the other contestants are effectively career dead by the time the closing credits on rolling over the winner's celebration. What is it, 2 or 3 people that have actually fashioned successful careers out of their time on the show? For those people Idol was a great boost, but they had the talent and work ethic to make it on their own anyways.

I'd agree that reality TV is one of the worst things to have happened, and not just to the US, in a very long time. It takes a lot of work to completely dumb down something called an idiot box, but reality tv's managed to do it. But hey, if keeping the drooling masses on their sofa's and glued to the screen is what makes the studio's money you can bet they'll do it!

Blindjimme 05-27-2010 03:17 PM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become
I won't dignify that show by posting in this thread.

The Poet 05-27-2010 03:36 PM

Re: American Idol - What a waste it has become

Originally Posted by Blindjimme (Post 870958)
I won't dignify that show by posting in this thread.

That's what I said, save with more verbosity. :r

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