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JE3146 04-14-2010 02:51 PM

Any fans of 24 here?
I've been a 24 addict for a few years now. Me and the wife watch it religiously every week.

Up to season 8 now and honestly even a couple days later after watching this week's episode I'm still pissed off about it. I haven't been this pissed at the writers of 24 in a very long time. I understand the why and what it's gonna bring in the final episodes, but UGHH.

Anyone else share my sentiments? :td

SouthernSmoke 04-14-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I haven't missed an episode since the start of the 2nd season. The first season didn't entirely hook me, but now I'm a fanatic. I get that it's the last season and all, but that was depressing to watch. I am right there with ya brother.

THIS SEASON IS KILLING ME. Nothing is going right.

cle_smoker 04-14-2010 02:58 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I'm with you Jordan. I just kept saying, "They can't do that." This is only the second season for me, but I am completely hooked.

Scottw 04-14-2010 03:00 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I hate it but I cannot turn that darn show off once it starts.

PeteSB75 04-14-2010 03:23 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I stopped watching about halfway through last season. Started this season again, only to do the same thing. Just not holding my interest. First 5 seasons were spectacular, though.

SouthernSmoke 04-14-2010 03:24 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?

Originally Posted by PeteSB75 (Post 828199)
I stopped watching about halfway through last season. Started this season again, only to do the same thing. Just not holding my interest. First 5 seasons were spectacular, though.

I kinda get the same feeling. The last few seasons have not been as epic as say, the seasons with President David Palmer. Those were awesome. And then they killed him off, too.


JE3146 04-14-2010 03:38 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?

Originally Posted by cle_smoker (Post 828174)
I'm with you Jordan. I just kept saying, "They can't do that." This is only the second season for me, but I am completely hooked.

It reminded me of Austin Powers...

You could see it coming a mile away.... and just as ridiculous.

captain53 04-14-2010 05:19 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I have watched every show since season 3 and actually bought the dvd sets for 1 & 2 to watch. But it is so common for shows to peak before coming to an end and so it went with 24, while I think the current series is better than most other shows it is certainly not up to the standard set by the last 3 seasons. As much as I have enjoyed it I guess it is time for it to end.:td:mad:

Now my plan for the ending is down the tube as I thought Jack and Rene would run off together to live happily ever after but that obviously want happen. So what happens? Is Jack going to die or just move to CA with his daughter or What???:banger

MedicCook 04-14-2010 05:45 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I have not watched it in a few years. They are talking about transitioning into a series of '24' movies since the tv portion of the show will be over at the end of this season.

Savvy 04-14-2010 05:49 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I think my family started watching in the 4th season, and while we waited every week, we watched the first three seasons to catch up. The show is still decent, better than most of the crap on tv, but it has definitely fallen a little bit in the past couple seasons. Hopefully this one ends good, and the series ends memorably (unlike something like say The Soprano's)...

jdakine 04-14-2010 05:50 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
We are die hard fans of 24 ever sense the beginning. On that note, I don't watch 24 on Monday's. Since one episode is not enough, we DVR a minimum of 2 episodes and then watch 2 or maybe three at a time and fast forward though the commercials.

elderboy02 04-14-2010 07:32 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I love 24 :tu

MedicCook 04-14-2010 07:42 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
This is the best part of 24.

boom 04-14-2010 07:43 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
Great show although I have missed most of this season....

JE3146 04-20-2010 01:00 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
Slightly redeeming last night, but I wasn't satisfied.

Jack needs to kill at least 3 people an hour with his bare hands to make me smile this season...

elderboy02 04-20-2010 01:13 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
Last night was pretty good, but come on, Jack doesn't know how to fly a helicopter :r

Xoner8 04-20-2010 01:35 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 828160)
I've been a 24 addict for a few years now. Me and the wife watch it religiously every week.

Up to season 8 now and honestly even a couple days later after watching this week's episode I'm still pissed off about it. I haven't been this pissed at the writers of 24 in a very long time. I understand the why and what it's gonna bring in the final episodes, but UGHH.

Anyone else share my sentiments? :td


JE3146 04-20-2010 01:40 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 833574)
Last night was pretty good, but come on, Jack doesn't know how to fly a helicopter :r

Jack could fly a volkswagon to the moon if he had to. He's JACK BAUER!


JE3146 05-16-2010 09:23 PM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?
I'm getting excited just thinking about this week's episode. :D

Jack Bauer alone with you know who... ohhhh yeaaa.

elderboy02 05-17-2010 04:48 AM

Re: Any fans of 24 here?

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 860813)
I'm getting excited just thinking about this week's episode. :D

Jack Bauer alone with you know who... ohhhh yeaaa.


I loved it a couple weeks ago when he finally killed the enemy (Dana Walsh)

Dana: "Jack, what do you need me to do?"
Jack: "Nothing" BANG! :gn and another BANG! for good measure


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