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ucubed 04-04-2010 02:17 PM

The action movie to end all action movies
Though the cast is missing Steven Segal, Chuck Norris, and Jean Claude Van Damme...This is the most epic of all action movies...

Jbailey 04-04-2010 02:23 PM

Re: The action movie to end all action movies
All you had to say is Dolph Lundgren!

I also see that Brittany Murphy was in this as well.

longknocker 04-04-2010 02:40 PM

Re: The action movie to end all action movies
I Love Statham's Movies! :banger:tu

VirtualSmitty 04-04-2010 02:58 PM

Re: The action movie to end all action movies

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 816925)
I Love Statham's Movies! :banger:tu

Even "In the Name of the King"!?

Looks awesome. That and A-Team look like good campy fun.

jaydub13 04-04-2010 03:57 PM

Re: The action movie to end all action movies
Hell... Yes.... I am looking so forward to this one.

icehog3 04-04-2010 04:39 PM

Re: The action movie to end all action movies

Originally Posted by ucubed
The action movie to end all action movies least until "Machete" comes out. ;) :r


Sylvester Stallone
Jason Statham
Jet Li
Dolph Lundgren
Eric Roberts
Randy Couture
Steve Austin
Mickey Rourke
Bruce Willis
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Danny Trejo
Quite the cast for "The Expendables"!! :wo

T.G 04-04-2010 05:57 PM

Re: The action movie to end all action movies

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 817018)

Sylvester Stallone
Jason Statham
Jet Li
Dolph Lundgren
Eric Roberts
Randy Couture
Steve Austin
Mickey Rourke
Bruce Willis
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Danny Trejo
Quite the cast for "The Expendables"!! :wo

I guess Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel must be too busy working on the remake of "Song of the South"

OLS 04-05-2010 08:31 AM

Re: The action movie to end all action movies
Hehe, Song of the South....I saw that brand new in the theater.

The movie I want to see in the action genre, and I am imagining it is
long already out on DVD, and that's that updated blaxploitation kung
fu movie, Napoleon Dynamite or some such $hit, Black Dynamite, maybe?
It looks cool as $hit for someone who grew up in the era of the originals.

T.G 04-05-2010 09:09 AM

Re: The action movie to end all action movies

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 817777)
Hehe, Song of the South....I saw that brand new in the theater.

The movie I want to see in the action genre, and I am imagining it is
long already out on DVD, and that's that updated blaxploitation kung
fu movie, Napoleon Dynamite or some such $hit, Black Dynamite, maybe?
It looks cool as $hit for someone who grew up in the era of the originals.

Black Dynamite. It has been out on DVD for a few months now.

It's freaking hilarious, they duplicated all the cheesiness, the look of low-budget corner cutting, all the iconic props (suits, cars, Black Dynamite's bright chrome Colt Python revolver with a 7" barrel that he'll fire 14-15 rounds out of without reloading...), bad dialogue, people pretending to look off screen at cue-cards, even a mic boom in a shot or two, bad mattes, paper walls for the stuntmen to be kicked through, this movie has it all.

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