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OLS 03-23-2010 01:17 PM

Did a search and didn't find a thread for the dead. I do not have cable cause I am a cheapskate.
But I DO like to watch good TV, so I just bought the Deadwood Series boxset the other day. I would
see it cleaning up at awards shows and kept thinking ONE DAY I am going to pick up a season and
check it out. Well, it's been some time, and after watching 3 of the 18 discs, obviously I am hooked
as would anyone be who likes western fare. You can't SHOW me a old western and get a rise
out of me, but I do like a good modern western. I think Open Range is fantastic, and we all love
Unforgiven, and about as far as I will go back is Spaghetti westerns. But now after seeing some
Deadwood, I am a little confused about one thing. I know they cursed alot back then, but these
people take cursing to a professional level I thought reserved for only the most advanced societies.
I am not saying they didn't toss F-bombs out the ass back then, but MAN, this is unbelievable. I am
not a prude, in fact I am as bad as a male Calamity Jane, but it WAS a little surprising from the first
minute of the series.

NCRadioMan 03-23-2010 01:19 PM

Re: Deadwood
It was written for today's audience. As you keep watching, you will hear words and phrases nobody ever said until the last 20 years.

OLS 03-23-2010 01:20 PM

Re: Deadwood
I am also struck by the tightness of the town. EVERY other show every made of the old west
shows these super wide streets. They look totally unrealistic, but I am sure they were made that
way with film production in mind. Room to place the cameras and crew and still shoot from any angle.
But MAN this town is filthy and tight. And I love Jane and her mouth. She has some of the funniest lines
in the program to boot. I know I am late in seeing all this, but I F'ing LOVE IT.

OLS 03-23-2010 01:21 PM

Re: Deadwood

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 803629)
It was written for today's audience. As you keep watching, you will hear words and phrases nobody ever said until the last 20 years.

HAHAHAHA, I sensed that this was on the horizon. "We've GOT to get word to Cheyenne!!
Lemme have your cell, got minutes?"

SNKBYT 03-23-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Deadwood
I have all 3 seasons box sets of ain't heard nothing yet

keep your eye on Jack McCall & Mr W (not Woo)

also stopped by the real DW a few years back while crossing over from the West Coast (& no it wasn't on a wagon)

icehog3 03-23-2010 01:29 PM

Re: Deadwood
Really wish that David Milch had kept his word and produced the 2 three hour movies to wrap this up, one of my favorite series of all time.

"Two San Francisco C***s***ers." :r

SNKBYT 03-23-2010 01:33 PM

Re: Deadwood

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 803647)
Really wish that David Milch had kept his word and produced the 2 three hour movies to wrap this up, one of my favorite series of all time.

"Two San Francisco C***s***ers." :r

here ya go brother, for real Deadwood fans

icehog3 03-23-2010 02:11 PM

Re: Deadwood

Originally Posted by snkbyt (Post 803652)
here ya go brother, for real Deadwood fans

Looks more like for goofy tourists, Alex! ;) :r

SNKBYT 03-23-2010 02:17 PM

Re: Deadwood

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 803697)
Looks more like for goofy tourists, Alex! ;) :r

it has a few goofy stops, but still holds alot of history if you know where to look

OLS 03-23-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Deadwood
"Millinery salesman, huh. Have a nice day selling hats, co**sucker!"

Don Fernando 03-23-2010 02:47 PM

Re: Deadwood
I watched part of season one, it's hard to watch even though I am a sucker for Wild West stories.

CasaDooley 03-23-2010 03:03 PM

Re: Deadwood

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 803697)
Looks more like for goofy tourists, Alex! ;) :r

Who you callin goofy!:r These pics were taken last April in Deadwood on the way back from seeing my daughter and meeting up with the MoB. The streets are narrow, lots of gambling, free drinks and cigar smoking is allowed all over! One of our favorite places to visit.
Terrie and I with Wild Bill
Deadwood Tobacoo Co is a must see if your visiting

Neuromancer 03-23-2010 03:04 PM

Re: Deadwood
I thought it was a great show....too bad they cancelled it...

Whee 03-23-2010 03:07 PM

Re: Deadwood

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 803647)
Really wish that David Milch had kept his word and produced the 2 three hour movies to wrap this up, one of my favorite series of all time.

"Two San Francisco C***s***ers." :r

"Swea'gin. Wu."

Love this show. If you have DirecTV, The 101 is playing this series on Sunday nights. It just restarted a couple of weeks ago.

Darrell 03-23-2010 03:33 PM

Re: Deadwood
I have the series on DVD, it's a great show. I might start re-watching it tonight after Justified.

SNKBYT 03-23-2010 03:45 PM

Re: Deadwood
"Separate rooms, I'll arrange that by tomorrow, but today I can't fix it, unless you kill a guest"

"Sometimes I wish we could just hit 'em over the head, rob 'em, and throw their bodies in the creek"

icehog3 03-23-2010 04:51 PM

Re: Deadwood
"Bring on the peaches".

Great pics, Kevin! :D

OLS 03-26-2010 07:30 PM

Re: Deadwood
I am not surprised the guy that plays Al Swearengen won so many awards. When you see him for the first time, he is such a scumbag,
but his ability to turn a phrase to mock and emphasize is just spectacular, and grows on you so fast. And it is hilarious that he has
one suit. I also love the gimp. She comes in the other day and tells Al she was at the doctor's seeing about her condition, to which
he sarcastically asks "what condition?" and she says.."I'm knocked up." priceless.

Like i said, keep in mind I have never seen these before.

NCRadioMan 03-27-2010 04:09 PM

Re: Deadwood

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 807330)
I am not surprised the guy that plays Al Swearengen won so many awards. When you see him for the first time, he is such a scumbag,
but his ability to turn a phrase to mock and emphasize is just spectacular, and grows on you so fast. And it is hilarious that he has
one suit. I also love the gimp. She comes in the other day and tells Al she was at the doctor's seeing about her condition, to which
he sarcastically asks "what condition?" and she says.."I'm knocked up." priceless.

Like i said, keep in mind I have never seen these before.

You may remember the "gimp" as Geri from Facts of Life. She was one the first actors with Cerebral Palsy to be featured on tv.

Geri Jewell

OLS 03-27-2010 09:39 PM

Re: Deadwood
Haha, the county commissioner just laid in the line of the season..."You cannot F#$% the future sir, the future F$cks You."

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